1. Hey Jacky, you mentioned partnerships with you where we sell a client and you fulfill the service. Can you explain how this would work? I'm decent at sales and would want to give this a try. Where can I get more info? (What's my pitch, what's the % split between us, etc).

  2. Hello, I have the following question, I created a post on Reddit 2 days ago for a low competition Keyword, I have seen that only the 1st url for which the keyword positions has bakclinks, the 2nd url is reddit with 0 backlinks, and my post is also in reddit but my question is the following:
    The 2nd position that is my opponent on reddit has about 10 comments….
    Does it influence that people comment on the post on reddit to position?
    Do you advise to make some bakclinks apart from the comments on reddit to improve the positioning?

  3. Nice sites for parasite SEO. Your world tour is democratising the publish time for these vids to give the whole world a chance to comment early. That’s gotta make the travel a tax write-off! πŸ™‚

  4. I've got a DR 39 site in the job finding space and a DR48 in the womens health and fitness space that I'm looking to sell as I've got to many sites. They both get small amounts of traffic. Would this be something you are interested in buying Jacky?

  5. Parasite SEO, Jacky, singed my first partner, a online newspaper, DR-75, 740K organic traffic, thanks for your videos bro, I will update on the process if you think it is interesting

  6. Parasite SEO. Having your experience in ECOM, can you please do a tutorial on how you would start today in 2024? Do you think this is something that should be invested in considering the destruction of niche sites?

  7. Regarding your partnership business idea with a high DR website, I have concerns about the risk of Google penalties, such as those from the helpful content update or similar future algorithm changes. Penalties for weak affiliate content could harm a business that is reliant on web traffic. What is the risk of facing a lawsuit from a (well-funded) business for causing such damages as an affiliate content creator?

  8. I'm looking to do a Parasite page for a local client but wanted to know if it can rank for multiple keywords? or Would I need to get multiple parasite pages for different keywords? Thanks!!
    Parasite SEO for the algo!

  9. When you say you are willing partner up with newspapers, do you mean they allow you to post on their site? Would you consider ones in middle east and south asian ones? I may have connections there, and link with you (if you are willing). What kind of income (roughly) would be for the newspaper, and me should that happen? Parasite seo

  10. Parasite SEO. How do you go about getting images for instructional style blog posts? I’ve pretty much used up all good stock images. Should I just heavily edit existing google images or generate some on midjourney AI. Cheers

  11. Parasite SEO. Can you share an update on the rank and rent site, also will you use the same templates to build and rank all 3 sites your making for east Vancouver physio.

  12. got a partnership with 10-year-old website (DR63) and org domain! should I make a blog reviewing products more or less relevant to the theme of the website or pretty much anything that pays? thanks, Jacky

  13. Hi Jacky, how do you make money with Onlyfans? Can you show this step by step? I need to earn good money as soon as possible. I lost my entire fortune with binance futures, over 500 thousand dollars. I hope you can explain in detail.

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