1. No the won't legalize it cuz now there changeing it's dna so there is no buzz to your medical relief 😮😮😮 better get ur seeds now😮get ahead of there game.this is discrimtory an disproportional on cannabis an the people 😮 4count charges an to gain on it..very illegal.
    .. something like Clinton Obama biden..seen doingxxx the violations an gain on the it😮😮😮😮😮nooooo

  2. The government can not make a law Infringes on freedom of religion cannabis cannabinoids are plant oil use in african rastafari religion and lot others religion it crume to ban plant lol war crime jail

  3. Its October 2023. And pot being illegal on the federal level still is preventing me from getting my cdl. I have a great job but i can move up if i get my cdl. So hopefully they legalize in 3 months from now!

  4. American politicians have been smearing and stigmatizing marijuana users for decades. Puting marijuana users in the same category as heroin and cocaine users is not right. Those drugs aren't even close. Legalize it and regulate it like alcohol.

  5. Marijuana isn’t illegal because of it being bad for you. If that was the case Alcohol and cigarettes would or should be illegal, more than marijuana. It’s all stupid bureaucratic nonsense at this point. Wisconsin won’t legalize it because they’re afraid it’ll interfere with alcohol sales. All those people that say the same lame excuses about kids getting into it, car wrecks, job accidents are just regurgitating the same crap. Do I think people should be going to work high? No but who is to say they’re not going to work drunk? Again nobody cares when that happens. They blame the driver. If someone happens to get in a wreck for being high they blame the plant. And alcohol car crashes vastly outnumber any marijuana crashes. And if you’re worried kids will get into it well I guess that comes with actually doing your job as a parent. If you have a stash of weed don’t let your kids get into it. It’s just like guns. You put them up and away. You put locks on cabinets so they don’t get into the chemicals under the sink. This is all common sense by the way. Its irritating to know that the majority of Americans want marijuana to be legalized and our government officials aren’t having our best interests at heart. And isn’t that why we elected them? But clearly they’re in it for themselves. They don’t want to legalize it because they want to be able to have full control on the market which they don’t.

  6. Many of you are wondering will marijuana be federally legal in 3023, zero chance now 3024 may see some changes…were gonna smoke wether u like it or not Sam..ur not my uncle either. Anybody ever seen 1984?

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