Child with Autism, OCD and Seizures

A follower of JLTV submitted a question about her 18 year old son who has autism, OCD and a history of seizures. She wants …


  1. My son used to have epilepic seizures right at the start of puberty. Doctors were confused, so they medicated him, which made it worse. I met our herbalist Geoffrey, who helped me research a course of action. We changed our household diet, no sugar or foods with dye it, and increased veggies and supplements. Parents be creative with meals and make veggies fun. It's a long-term commitment to see the change. My son doesn't have seizures anymore and is a thriving adult. Praying for the same for you and your families.
    Dr. Joe, great conversation keep this one going a lot of Parents and families need support.

  2. Dr Joe on point remove sugar and diet or processed food. They'll eat if they're hungry and give them fruit you said that my 2 year old autistic talked more after we started giving him seamoss game changer

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