'It's pot luck': Rise in people taking risk using cannabis to treat health conditions

The number of people using illegal cannabis to self-medicate has increased by almost 30% since 2019, according to new …


  1. It should be legalised, i suffer from a horrible auto immune disease. I used to have to put myself in bad situations in order to secure the bud, from sketchy bullies. I was then a medical cannabis user, but its too expensive to buy. I then took a year off cannabis but now my situation is getting worse with my illness, ill need moderate use again when i can be bothered going to buy some again. But my point is, i shouldnt need to spend x amount of medical, and i shouldn't need to go meet billy big bawz the cardboard gangster to get some either. I should be able to choose when and where i want to buy thc, if i choose in a months time, a years time it should be readily available for people like me, to go buy a gram when some days are horrendous. Now youve got the government threatening conscription, to go fight in a war thats not ours to fight, whilst in the UK we are treated like idiots. Need reform in this country, badly

  2. Helps me with my issues best thing going I feel they keep it banned cause of how many illnesses it can cure/ treat and would take away from big pharma who lobby the government relentlessly for their own profits and agenda

  3. It’s cheaper to go to my dealer than it is to go private. Not too mention the excessive forms and red tape surrounding it. I’ve tried several times to go down this route and it’s just not worth all the hassle. I’ll stick to my dealer who’s cheaper and hassle free.

  4. We have cannabinoid receptors in our brain, we don't have alcohol receptors or paracetamol receptors. So ask yourself what is more natural for your bodies? Truer than truth itself.

  5. Liz truss gave her husband the licence to grow and produce cannabis oil, we, the UK, supply most of the world with it yet….
    Tate & Lyle, sugar and cannabis producers…but not for us…

  6. There is no risk with cannabis it’s been scientifically proven time and time again that it’s helps treat numerous illnesses including cancer so the uk media narrative on cannabis is utter bs

  7. Been dealing with severe gut issues and pain for 16 years, can frequently cause me to be sofa bound squirming in pain for sometimes months at a time. No medication ever helped in the slightest. today I received my first cannabis prescription. I had been bound to the sofa a couple days already and wasn't expecting to get up at least for a few more days. I took 0.1 grams in a vape.. 15 mins later I suddenly felt a wash come over my pain. The pain completely disappeared and on top of that the sickly mindset I was stuck in lifted in to feeling completely balanced like I was spruced up ready for a job interview. 30 mins later I was up giving the home a good sortout! This stuff really works!

  8. UK biggest exporter of medical cannabis yet it's still illegal and GP's in the UK still believe the old nonsense telling patients that want to get access to it that it is dangerous. GP's in UK need to be re-educated on the amazing medical benefits of this plant.

  9. I smoke recreationally and I dont see the problem with it I understand how it can be abused and can get lazy, but it varys on person, like does alcohol and other drugs everyone is different, but the public has a firm understanding of what cannabis does, and we still haven't legalised it yet. Literally just reading the comments I can't see anyone against it. Why is it illegal ?

  10. I think all drugs should be legalized, and it's not that I'm pro-drug. It's simply that it would kill massive swathes of organised crime, allow addicts access to cheap, clean drugs, and free up resources for education and rehabilitation programs.

  11. "Now being proposed" shows just how ignorant GPs are of cannabis and its history of medical use. It's been used medically in the West since at least the times of the Ancient Greeks, and was the biggest selling over-the-counter painkiller in the 19th century. How utterly clueless medics are, and how easily cowed by propaganda.

  12. The government must legalize it for all just like allcahol which does 10 time More harmful than hurble cannabis ,, especially for people with health issues like me,for pain releaf,,🇵🇰🇬🇧

  13. It's great being legal with medical cannabis. But there's a long way to go with the standards of the quality we receive. It's pot luck! . Sometimes it's dead or lost its terps and cannabanoids. Full legalisation now . Right to grow own for medical or recreational now.🌱💚

  14. Cannabis should be grown organically then pressed take the oil called rosin and vape it through a dab rigg that is the healthiest way to consume this beautiful god given gift.. some People are uneducated. The only reason cannabis is illegal in the UK is because the government are the biggest suppliers of medical marijuana in the world.. They don't want to give up any pie..

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