1. Hello it's my first time trying CBD Oil my uncle bought me some CBD Oil for my anxiety depression it's 900 mg it says (CBD Tincture 900mg) it says to take a full droper under my tongue but not Shure . I need help w this question plz I haven't tried it yet just got it yesterday.

  2. Would cdb help ppl who are finishing a methadone detox, or not with them being so used to strong sedatives, am on my last 2 ml n starting to feel withdrawals. and how many drops can a use at a time, have been doing 5 drops 2 ot 3 times aday, but it also 2% thc

  3. Hi Catherine….
    I’m currently taking Charlotte’s Web(Stanley Brothers of Colorado) Everyday Advanced CBD Hemp Oil.
    Could you tell me if this product is classed as a tincture, or as a CBD Oil Concentrate, as far as efficacy is concerned??
    Thanks in anticipation of your advice.
    Best wishes…

  4. Hi Catherine, thanks for the video, but I got a question. I got these CBD tincture drops, they work very well for me. I use them under my tongue a few minutes, and then swallow. The calming effect lasts like 4-5 hours for me, wich is good for me. But I wonder, can I make these same drops last longer, by for example mixing it in my yoghurt, or swallow it directly without absorbing it under my tongue or something? The effect doens't have to kick in immediatly for me, it's no problem if it takes longer to kick in, as long as it works a bit longer, without having to buy a diffrent product (as I have a full bottle). Thank you!

  5. Hi Catherine,,

    I recently started using CBD oil to manage generalized anxiety disorder – about 4 doses of 20mg/day, for a total of 80mg/day. I'm finding that it's likely the most effective treatment I've ever come across for mood stabilization, and I plan to continue using it. I do have a few questions:

    1. What is the most inexpensive way to consume CBD? I'm finding that 80mg/day will cost me around $160/month. Any way to consume it for cheaper?
    2. Are there any negative interactions when used with alcohol?

  6. My mom started taking the soft gel caps called Alpine Miracle and she went completely off Tylenol, which is amazing.  It took me a long time to convince her because she definitely dose not believe in or support cannabis.  The gel caps had 0% THC in them which is what convinced her.  She told that it lasts about 9 hours, but I don't know i'm vegan and can't take them.  It makes me so happy that she finally believes in CBD. l

  7. Enjoy your videos!
    I experienced very good effect on my depression and mood when i started the cbd oil, but the effect disappeared totally after two days. I tried more and less oil, but didn't feel anything for the whole bottle. What do you think of this?

  8. Hello I am thinking about taking CBD after I talk with my doctor. I have neuropathy, epilepsy, diabetics, and pseudo tumor in my Brain which causes painful migraines that last for months. Which is caused by the weather pressure.

    I am on oxygen and sleep with a CPAP machine & oxygen.

    I’m hoping that the CBD can help with my pain in my legs and feet I have to use a walker to help me Incase I fall. Also I hope it helps with my sever pain with my migraines/pseudo Tumor. I don’t know if it helps with diabetes and cholesterol if so great. I know I have a lot of illnesses but I’m hoping it can help me get off some of my medications.

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