How Cannabis Could Extend Your Pet's Life By YEARS

When properly administered, marijuana can extend the lives of animals by years. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The …


  1. Ive been giving my different cats cbd for years when they've had pain issues towards end of life bc of pain tumor and it helped. As well as other times and cats for kidney issues and hip pain and it helped them. And ive given it to all my cats when moving across country and road trips to help anxiety. Ive been a cat lady my whole life and so is my grandmother and its really helped our cats. Don't get me wrong we converse with our vet everytime and still treat our pets with other medications when needed. And I recommend anyone else wanting to do so, do the same…but it can definetly help in some cases. I figured it helped me and my family members for yeara now, and ive learned alot over a couple years legally working in the industry and many more of interest before I felt perfectly safe giving it to my pets and having confidence in dosing between me and my vet or buying cbd products meant for pets that have been out for years.

  2. Our pup chomped up a nug before we could stop her. An already anxious pup, I (wino not weedo) was the one that stayed up with her and snug on the couch hoping she finally got the pees out. Arsehole cat will eat it, no effect. We have given the pup CBD after asking the vet. Totally different.

  3. Animals are beautiful people from (1974) the original film of the animals drunk on fermented fruit myth! Still an enjoyable view, so long as you see it with the perspective that it was a film from it's time when very few people had any perspective of subsaharan africa and that it is a pure comedy taking some liberties!

  4. I'm Canadian w/MS and my cat jumps up to sit on my lap whenever I smoke my pipe…. she loves to rub her face on my hands while purring like crazy! I'm pretty sure she likes it! lol

  5. Like cigarette companies in the past they put alot of money for ads eh? We know some recipe that make smoker become hallucinations that they be hunting and some other interesting affects that can make them chose to end themself.

  6. Bc sometimes you can't do shit while you're high… ??? Lol but seriously some states it's (CBD) all we got.. Like my slow state. But it definitely helps me w arthritis and nerve pain as well my appetite and nausea.. In my opinion one of the most beneficial parts of cannabis isnt the THC or CBD, it's the CBG. So it's serving it's purpose… The getting high part is like a bonus lol. Also, I know of several local vets that have recommended CBD edibles for dogs for quite a while now.

  7. I could share a joint with my dog/cat. I'm sure they'd cuddle and fall asleep like I would lol 😛
    I have had a script for weed for years now and it has been amazing for me. I went from a homeless drug addict dealing with pharmaceuticals that did not help at all, but when I got on weed I was able to deal better. I mean, I have a business degree and am going to become an electrician where as before, I was unable to function almost at all.
    America needs to wake up, it's not 1895 anymore, can you stop demonizing everything and actually follow the experts? Oh wait, experts in America are pundants and idiots telling us about medical treatments…..

  8. Vets have been prescribing cannabis for dogs for over a decade now in Canada. And for much longer in Europe. Do you guys not research your stories? This is not new. This is not news, other than to expose how uninformed we are in this country.

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