1. We need bees so really there should be an international effort to keep them buzzing, but I'm not actually sure we need their honey. It's literally so simple to make honey so why are we using insects to make honey and then we make substitute honey to give to them so they don't starve. It just seems like the operation would be leaner if we just let them have their own honey and then made our own vegan honey that we could eat.

  2. My man in the dm really comes in with "almost all white people order chips with their (chinese) meal" – My brother in Christ, I've lived in the UK all my life, and that "almost" is doing so much work its back is going to break – I've never seen anyone order chips with their chinese

  3. HEY HEY iv recycled since i was like 10 iv been doing this shit for 22 years, dont give me grief about recycling. Now I may not do it 100% and I may have fucked up and put none recyclable items in once and a while. But overall I am at a better average than CA and the US. Now that being said I do also have an aunt who hasn't recycled her entire life and shes like 65 so… yeah I bet US is fucked.

  4. 1:11:30 this is v similar to how +2 actually became a thing in jermas chat (he did a stream where he had to do a challenge within a time limit but every time he or his friend made a good joke they could add 2 minutes to the timer and every time they made a bad one theyd take away two)

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