How long does marijuana (THC) stay in your system

Master Class” video series to optimize the chance of passing a pre-employment test (money back guarantee if you don’t pass) …


  1. Who ever over here heard about Green Gone Detox for marijuana, dont buy it, its a waste of money, i stop smoking 40 days before i buy that product, after finish taking that pills, im still test positive in urine, there is no solution to clean your system with any Detox, i recommend to ever want to test negative, stay for 3 months without smoking, only then you will test negative,

  2. i’ve got a job interview that might want to test, i workout regularly and sweat heavily, am going to try to drink at least 4 quarts of water a day, hopefully i pass

  3. I haven’t smoked weed or concentrates sense 12/09/2023 and I’m still failing at home urine tests. Now I smoked that good good so could be the issue. I’m active, sweat daily and work. Crazy we even have to worry about this garbage

    I’m 5’9 smoke everyday, not a whole lot! But a bowl or two a day maybe 3 max. I’m 124lbs soaking wet so pretty skinny, if I dedicated myself to drinking a half gallon of water or more and maybe a shot or two of apple cider vinegar a day , I could almost guarantee I’ll pass a urine test in 14 days

  5. So, i went from completely saturated to clean in 2 weeks.
    I had a physical job that had me pouring sweat. Id unload semi trailers for an hour, go an hour without any activity, then unload another for about an hour. A 16-oz bottle of water after each trailer. Im 6'0 and at the time weighed 180lbs. Ive also found that sweating in a sauna helps in this way but not as well.
    Potency is a factor also. That dispo weed hangs around forever! Reggies, not so much. This is my personal experience, take it or leave it.

  6. ***UPDATE**
    I finally passed 3 different at home drug test. It took 116 days!! I was a heavy smoker for the last 5-6 years and I didn’t change my diet or work out or anything out the ordinary and it took 116 days for me.

    I was a heavy smoker for about 5 years and I’m 5’5 Around 240-250lbs and still pissing dirty after 98 days .. I got 3 different type of urine test from Amazon and they are all still positive. Unfortunately I have court in a month and I half and I have to be clean. Any tips??

  7. What if I haven’t smoked for two months, then I smoke like 5 days in a row, then stop again? How long will it stay in my urine? I’m 5’10” and 135 pounds, and I’m pretty active.

  8. IF you want to detox faster and naturally do this, if you are fat boy drink a lot of water and fast for 5 days that will make your body burn fat while flushing thc in fat cell and DRINK a lot of water!! you will be clean in 1 months doesn't matter what you smoke vape pen or flowers.

  9. 3 years non stop. Flower only no other BS. Stay away from bud no matter what. Workout every day meaning STRENGTH TRAINING and drink ONLY WATER EVERY EFFING DAY. Pee an effing amount on a daily and nightly basis. Change up your diet and stop eating fast food. Greens and MEAT to build muscle. If you’re training for a job especially government job, make sure you train 3-5 times a week with 2 rest days a week to recover. 3 months 90 days plus i tested negative.

  10. I’m about 6’1 145-150 and I hit my pen throughout the day everyday for maybe 2 years now and I’ve only been 2 days off but how long do you think it would take for it to be out my system? I don’t smoke or do edibles much mainly just the pen.

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