Castor Oil Miracle Or Fad?

Proof of God? That’s how some people describe castor oil and it is all the rage! Chalene Johnson takes a deep dive into the …


  1. I started using it instead of deodorant. About a teaspoon of castor oil and a few drops of tea tree oil. It works great and my hot water heater broke so I didn’t shower for 2 days and I didn’t have to reapply and I didn’t smell.

  2. Could you ladies be working for Queen of the Thrones by any chance? This is the Third female that's done a video on Caster Oil with almost the same script. The other video is by Rundown with Rachael and the video is called The Miracles of Caster Oil. And I think Caster Oil works but there's no need to hide your motives, 9 times out of 10 if your honest with people they will except what your say and even buy from you.

  3. Considering how many people have died at the hands of the pharmaceutical industry I don't really trust the FDA evaluations. They don't have American's best interests at heart!

  4. Chalene, if you use essential oils -please use something %100 Pure- just like your Castor Oil. A brand that has been created with integrity and goodness on both sides of the bottle like doTERRA Essential Oils. They take care of their farmers, families, and communities around the globe-they're an amazing company- Essential oils and more! The FDA does not regulate essential oils so if your oils state they are verified– FDA Organic–It's not the truth. There is only one college in the U.S. that has the contract with the FDA to test essential oils and facial products and guess what–they use doTERRA's testing specifications. My favorite essential oils to use with castor oil–Madagascar vanilla, and wild orange–SOOO Yummy! Also Helichrysum and Frankincense–so good!

  5. Thank you Chalene for all the insightful information you share, I love listening and watching your YouTube channel. Do you mix the essential oils and castor oil directly on your skin or other method of mixing? Happiest birthday to you 🙌🏻💫⭐️

  6. Hi, I’ve been using castor oil packs from The Queen of Thrones for awhile now. She has made it easy to use the wraps she has invented. I was using them regularly for regular bowel movements, helps me to sleep better and yes, I thought it was my imagination but bloating and a decrease in body fat in that area of my abdomen. Research costs money and there is no money, as in the drug companies who will not make any money for doing such a study. She has videos on her web site to explain its uses.

  7. For three years I had a horrific corn/callus on the bottom of my foot. I soaked my foot in castor oil every night for a few months and it is 100% healed now. The doctor told me it would always come back and that I needed to buy 500$ customized soles for my shoe. I used a soaked cotton ball, put it over the corn with a band aid, put a latex glove over my foot and put a sock on. It was a long and weird experience and things came out of my foot and I had to help it a bit by cutting off the dead tissue and the callus…..but it worked. I am healed.

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