1. ive been a server for 12 years, if someone did the water and leave prank we'd most ilkely assumed you looked over the menu and decided either there was nothing you liked or an emergency popped up, would not have felt gotten. I did have a lady sit down, tell me her husband was stuck in traffic, proceeded to order 200 bucks worth of food, tell me she was going for a smoke break, then bagged up the shit and ghosted. I felt got then. Only had one arm on her glasses hanging on for life so maybe she needed it, crab dip was overpriced anyways.

  2. the hospital rant was on point. just got an x-ray because my back and left shoulder hurts as hell and they be telling me that nothing is wrong and sent me home. like ok. I will be back for the same problem in a few months.

  3. i've never heard a vegan actually justify (in a way that is logical) why they can't eat things like honey or eat eggs from like their backyard chicken…. they do that "labour" regardless of human intervention lmfao.

  4. I'm 6'11", and I wish I was like 2' shorter, so I didn't have to worry about having birds fly into my dick.

    If you want to be successful on YouTube, have a discussion about height. Your analytics will be boosted by everyone (allegedly) over 6' commenting their height and what a struggle it is.

  5. the Bee discussion was 100% something i would expect from Dan.
    he swears he isn't asking to be funny, then at the end admits he was only asking cause he thought it would be funny funny.

  6. There's a gene that makes you highly resistant to the effect of caffeine, to the point of almost being immune. It has nothing to do with ADHD, as far as I know. If anyone knows different, I'm interested in hearing it though.

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