Judge Darnell Docket – But things were going so well!

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  1. I don't understand how people come to court even if it's on Zoom and walk around, drive, smoke, etc,(have some respect for the courts, and it's distracting)
    It bothers me when the judge doesn't say anything and allows those things to happen

  2. So gonna say this again, MANDATORY BIRTH CONTROL, DNA TESTING and MANDATORY PARENTING CLASSES!! If you canā€™t support yourself without federal assistance,or keep yourself stable, housing, employment, mental health, etc., you shouldnā€™t have children. STOP HAVING CHILDREN WITH IRRESPONSIBLE PEOPLE!!! If you canā€™t be responsible, keep stable housing and employment, canā€™t stay off of drugs n alcohol, then you shouldnā€™t be allowed to have children. You screw up the children when youā€™re irresponsible, and are removed or experiencing those issues. Love isnā€™t enough to take care of children.

  3. I've struggled with this CASA before. She speaks WAYYYY outside her scope. She's talking about "ADHD" meds that are absolutely not ADHD meds. Her reports should be struck. She is incredibly puffed up with her own self-importance and shows a lot of bias. I have no opinion on the case – just THIS CASA.

  4. okay, maybe i'm stupid, but what is the problem with dad changing the kids? they're his kids? it's his job. and if there are concerns of some impropriety, why is dad seeing the kids at all?

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