The Effects of Weed on Teenage Brains

When a person is smoking cannabis, one of the plant’s chemicals known as THC, passes from the lungs into the bloodstream and …


  1. I’m 15 now, I started smoking daily since I was 12. It’s affected my academic ability but I never really liked school anyway and fursure some short term memory loss. Other than that I still am very money motivated I touch bands now all by myself so as long as you have your path set and doing good I don’t think weed should affect you unless you overly use it, 2-3 times a week is reasonable.

  2. To be high is different for everyone. Some like me is extremely low tolerance, and some is pretty high tolerance. But the thing im going to pull up is different of people reacts in different way depends how they are normally towards people, their mental state, positivity, negativity, humor, laziness and etc. For example, if you have a solid and positive mental health with humor, you’re good to go, weed wont change your mentality that much. But if opposite, paranoia can turn on first.

  3. I used to smoke from 8th grade into age 21. I fear the regular usage has caused me to have more difficulty when it comes to self control behaviors such as no fap secondary to having needed a high for so long. It also caused much social embarrassment in my high school years. I am actually against doing the stuff now.

  4. I took it on ocassion made me laugh, crave food mostly sweet
    One day overdose, made my blood run faster, panic attack, I still remember I could feel it in my heart my ear, drinking water all night, checking pulse, blood pressure next day, all were normal. But still felt the effect didn't wear off, took me 2 weeks to overcome

  5. if you want a reason to quit boys, just think about your bodies full potential, and then the possibility of weed hindering your development causing you to physically and mentally fall behind. shit haunted me into quitting, i hope it can for you to. 🖤 stay healthy.

  6. I have tried weed and i think it has been a very positive thing or whetever its called. it hadnt had any bad affects on my intelagince whutsoevar. 420 for life man

  7. Dont do it daily till 25 trust me. All you youngsters dont understand, it will change when u get 24, 25 or 26years. I got good grades in highschool, went to universities, but havent finished one education, because of emotions & paranoia in the wintertime. Today i get anxious sometimes suddenly and some days i got a memory like a goldfish. Still learning and trying though. But its way harder, when im behind and im lacking the confidience and energy i had, when i was younger.

    If ur 18-23 years old and smoked almost everyday since 15-16years of age, please stop it and make a change or u gonna regret it.
    Please, as pleasent and easy as it is now, as unpleasent and hard it will be later in life, if u wanna settle higher. Its not worth it.

  8. i wish i never smoked, i started at 15 and it wasnt bad at first, just every couple weeks but then over the summer I had nothing to but get high. Im going on 16 now and i want my old self back. It does make you stupid, im bad at talking to people I cant think of anything to say in response, and Im irratable, lazy and depressed I wish I waited until i was older atleast.

    also i feel very guilty because i got my friends into smoking aswell ive quit for a month now but they are struggling, im literally watching weed change their brain chemistry and they talk about all of the symptoms i mentioned fuck with them all the time.

  9. i’m 17 and after using cannabis for the past 3 years i can say that i’ve noticed multiple times that daily consumption makes me lazy and too high to do anything however use 3-4 times a week has helped me become a better son for my dad and in school especially. Also after a few weeks or months of smoking daily i would notice that in a few days(after the cravings and gloomy mood was gone) i would have some positive withdrawals if you would call it that i certainly would. it’s like you feel yourself become a better person and it sticks it hadn’t gone away for 4 months which was when my consumption started again at a lower amount of usage. idk anything about the human brain or long term effects but cannabis has helped me with depression, social anxiety,and school work(i mention school work a lot because i was a failing student and i am now passing with As and Bs with almost no stress) and i will always thank God for blessing me with such an amazing plant 😎

  10. I literally thoughed I will die when the visuals and I was seeing myself as a 3rd person and my friends besides me felt like they're gonna kill me, Like they were giving me THE LOOK..And the horrifying thing I felt was I was actually on a road looking for a ride and THEN It kicks in my head, I remember I was asking my friends, Begging to them to take me to my room, but they are not listening, instead they were giving me THAT LOOK…..
    Then I Decided to screw them, I am going to my room all by myself,
    I then started walking off HIGH…. Then my friends grabs me and pulled me aside from the road, offered me to sit on the ground but I refused, Because my mind was gone and my survival instinct kicked in, I was seeing flashbacks, A split second of my future, Visuals off me walking drunk in the road and getting hit by a truck.
    Then I took my sunglasses and immediately the effects started to take off, then I looked and saw I was actually standing aside from the road and my friends were telling me that am I was acting or something….
    I said noooo…
    Then I got up in a ride, Then Suddenly The effects started kicking in……
    it wore off after 1 hour…

  11. I am 16 and i am able to quit for like 1-3 months…after that something inside me tells me to get high and i dont feel happy till i smoke it for 2-5 continuos days then again go cold turkey for 3 months… i am living in this cycle .

    But i am finally thinking of quitting forever or atleast till i turn 23/24 years old because it has definitely fked with my short term memory 💔💔💔 even when i rarely smoke like this..

  12. I smoked weed since I was 16 and I took maybe 2 years of breaks in between. I’m now 24. Still smoking but only a little and only when I feel like. Which isn’t often because I have mild gastroparesis and smoking often makes the nausea worse, my family has a history of gastrointestinal issues. I smoke maybe 1 bowl a day or 3 if it’s a particularly bad day with my depression and anxiety. So am neurodiveregent so weed has really improved my ability to relax from my depression..I would cry all the time but the weed always makes me cry less and feel less pain inside. I am very sensitive because of my neruodivergency. I have ADHD and other mental health conditions. I hope that whoever reads this can feel acceptance for smoking and not shame or disgust. It’s okay to use weed. It’s not bad. People just convinced themselves it’s for lazy people when in reality, it’s holistic healthcare. Good luck lads. And use it responsibly! I personally think dabs and the extra stuff is going overboard! Don’t be a stoner but use modestly!

  13. I’m 19, and I started smoking weed at 15. Up until I was 18 and went off to university, I only ever did it about once a month on average, then in summer breaks maybe 2-3 times a week. The first few times I definitely noticed a drop in my memory, which scared me. After a while it all went away though, I think what really determines what weed does to you is your relationship with it. This year, since turning 19, I’ve been through a period of doing it every day for a month and it got to a point where I started being miserable when I wasn’t high, and I got wayyy lazier. I really struggled to get to sleep if I didn’t smoke and just had no motivation for anything. Again, I didn’t do it for a month and it all went away.

    Maybe I just haven’t done it for long enough, but it never seems like bad side effects to do with my brain ever last, and bad side effects only come when I start relying on it to get to sleep or have fun. When it’s just something to do with your mates every now and then, just like going out and drinking, I don’t think there’s any harm at all to your brain. In fact, I might just be imagining it but when I do tonnes of work in a day and really fry my brain, (I do a masters in physics so every day that some new topic comes up it absolutely sends my head west after a few hours 😂) it feels like when I smoke that night I wake up the next day really refreshed, and smarter than the previous day.

    Ah, I almost forgot to add, a big positive I have with weed is how much it calms me down. As a kid I always has really bad anger issues and would lash out at anyone picking on me immediately. When I got a bit older it calmed naturally, but at 17 something bad happened to me that changed my life forever, and made my anger issues so bad I would find myself scared that I might hurt someone. So I started boxing and carried on smoking after a tolerance break and my anger got completely under control within a few months. That’s the reason I think the relationship with weed and HOW you use it matters so much.

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