Rick Doblin – MDMA Psychedelic Assisted Therapy | SRS #97

Rick Doblin, Ph.D., is the Founder & President of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) and this …


  1. Strange background: studies Russian at high school, parents send him age 16 to Russia, does basic espionage handovers there, somehow ends up distributing mind-altering medication, along with "therapy", works with the Rockefellers, fixed sharklike grin.

  2. Shawn, I don't know if you'll read this, but I'm hearing you say you do read the comments sometimes.

    I want you to know that, although I am a practicing Catholic, I agree with you and your guest, Rick Doblin, that a fundamentalist perspective is what will sabotage true healing, on both an individual and collective level.

    I have seen this in the work I've done traveling and speaking to religious groups. I have seen it in one on one conversations.

    My conclusion is that people fear what they don't understand. Fundamentalism, I think, is a safety net behind which some people hide so that they don't have to confront the hard realities, the difficult conversations, and so that they don't have be open to changing their minds.

    This is the first podcast I have listened to. My husband sent this to me, because I have done a fair amount of research on trauma recovery and recently stumbled upon Dr. Gabor Mate's work. He shares you and Rick's view about the value of psychedelics for healing trauma. Reading about that opened my eyes and changed my mind, which had been – until that point – rigidly opposed to the use of drugs in any case.

    I want to thank you for this conversation, thank you for the work you are doing, and reassure you that there are people of faith who see the benefit of a balanced life that involves not just Jesus and faith, but science and therapy and even psychedelics.

  3. Two tour veteran, retired us army, more actual combat the most people I know. I was once hit by an ied every night for 30 days during the surge in mosul 2007. May 21 2007 5 of my troops and I were ambushed by a company sized element of desh on the north east side of the city. Just south of the river east of the clover leaf overpass I called in fire from air support until the Kiowas leveled every building in the area. You can Google Earth it they still haven't rebuilt anything there. All I could do to get us out of there. This broke me for the last 15 years but it was either that or watch my troops die. Outnumbered and surrounded will teach you how terrible of a human being you are. I have suffered from insomnia for over 15 years and recently started micro to help me sleep. Long story short I recently had an out of body experience while at a friend's house and believed I was dead. Well, I met God face to face he made me live through all of my shame and let go of my ties to the world and my pain. I slept walked through all of this and fell off a bridge about a mile from my buddies house. They found me walking down the street naked after Odin how I see and understand God helped me get up and made me accept I was dead then made me let go and then stand up and he brought me back to the of the living. I believe breaking me to that point hurt him badly but he had to take everything to include any hope to rewire my brain to heal some trauma and help me appreciate all I have. I'm not alone. He has always been there. I couldn't even. begin to explain all I seen and felt but I'm through this experience. But, I have a a different little perspective and appreciation of life and have been able to let go of those lost I've lost. It was so real I know it wasn't a dream. I met God with the help of what you're talking about though I may never fully recover from what and who all I lost. But I got my first good night sleep in almost 20 years last night..I don't care who thinks I'm crazy. God is real you can meet him to face with some assistants and he brought me back to the real world the rest is up to me. I'll close with this. No matter how alone you think you are his hands shape everything in our lives.

  4. Shawn when you were recounting your experience about the memories flowing past and beyond in tv screens I had a thought that it sounds like the image cycling technique, but you were in a state to be able to observe it. So cool!

  5. One day Shawn you're goin to say to your guest "these are the good kind of gummy bears"😉 I believe Rick's heart is in the right place. Most of the interview i was saying to myself i don't know about this guy, not because of psychedelics. When he spoke about fundamental religious ppl opening themselves up he won me bk. Still i question pharmaceutical companies,FDA & others. I do know in all walks of life there are good & bad ppl. So i would like to believe there are honest ppl in the FDA. I have my own experiences from the past working 22yrs at a natural food grocery cooperative as a buyer/worker. 1 example me & my mentor both frozen foods buyers,we find a frozen wheat grass 1yr at the food trade show. The frozen wheat grass was from Canada grown outside. Grown outside in the sun/snow,they said theirs was the cleanest wheat grass(most natural) that you didn't get nauseous or headaches. They claimed that ppl usually got nauseous & headaches from most wheatgrass because it was grown indoors. The indoor wheat grass roots/soil had fungus was why ppl would get nauseous or have headaches. Me i didn't do wheat grass or have the years that my mentor had & is an elder rasta. He was 1 of the founders of our successful cooperative in SF & really picky w/what product/ingredients he let in our store. So we brought the frozen wheat grass cubes into our store to be sold & ofcourse my mentor was the one to try out the product. He had it in his smoothies almost daily & was happy w/it. That product was cheap & as customers discovered it we sold alot. A few yrs later all of a sudden we couldn't get it from Canada. The FDA wouldn't allow it bk into the US until it was flash pasteurized. I don't totally understand that process but it was explained as cooked. I know my mentor was really angry at the FDA. So your cooking the nutritional value out. How does that make sense? Yourself allowing all these other products to be sold that have ingredients that make us sick. Jus their rules,pay to play you can have this organic saying on your package if you pay the fee BS. Anyways that wheatgrass company took 2yrs to come bk & by that time customers moved on. From what i could tell we weren't blowing threw it like we had been. I think flash pasteurization was a big no for the customers who liked it. Ofcourse the FDA will say itz for the publics own good,bk then they were worried about spinach & other recalls. But why not worry about all the major food brands out there that make us sick & have cancer ect. Ppl can say they are looking out for our best interest but my 22yrs & my mentors 30-40yrs didn't experience that. I do believe in the things like psychedelics to help ppl w/trauma. I know it helped a luvd one get more to the root of their trauma,their growth is impressive & makes me really proud of them. Most ppl don't recover or fall through the cracks in our society. I still have ppl i Luv dearly i think would benefit from psychedelics. I'm with you on this Shawn & think our world would be a better more peaceful place.

  6. This is all done with mushrooms? The only time I did those was a bunch of us going canoeing and we were on the bus that takes you upstream. We all ate them. I felt nothing then after a few minutes I turned around and looked at everyone and started laughing then everyone was laughing. Of course by the time we got there it must have wore off coz we quit laughing and did our business. It was fun while it lasted

  7. Thanks for the libertard. This guys world view is the problem with this country, prove me wrong. Any drug given via Dr. supervision even MDMA for treatment is beneficial. Fentanyl has positive use under a licensed practitioner yet cause the most deaths because of abuse. Sean if you are a Christian, then you are a fundamentalist according to his definition. đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™‚ïž

  8. How can I get in that seat? Seriously I want to talk to Shawn, I have a lot of real solutions for a lot of things you talk about and I think I can connect some dots and everything I have to say you’ll really appreciate. How the hell do I get in contact?

    Who I am doesn’t matter but what I have to say may.

  9. Absolutely amazing episode Shawn, you’re solid and crushing it, super thankful. Not gonna lie though sometimes the way Rick spoke, the tone and the preloaded questions, a couple times I could tell that you could tell, and you kept it solid, super impressive, it would have been easy for me to pull that’s for sure. Good for you bringing it back, because that’s the bigger picture and the bigger work. God is good man! 🙌

  10. being wrong and admitting being wrong, in front of over 2 million people are two complete different things. Huge respect for that Shawn!
    Keep on the good work!

  11. Thank you for reposting this. Thank you for the chance in you Shawn, in order to admit what you admitted and reposted. This was a powerful episode. Ive been using mushrooms for a year now and wow has it changed how i think, feel and perceive things. One thing I loved about this episode is it kinda turned in Rick interviewing Shawn. Shawn is a great man for opening up. I love it!

  12. You owed Rick, and the rest of the psychedelic therapists that have been fighting the government for over 40 years, an apology. Thank you. As a Christian, hate the sin, love the sinner, you know that.

  13. So
 mind softening chemicals that have the potential to heal will be used as a weapon against the people. Got it. The actors that are making the research possible do not seem to have the same goals as our idealistic vision for how these miracle substances could be used. Money and power will win until we demand otherwise

  14. Omg!! I lost my brother from suicide. After the Army (that he found out he was great at it) but he couldn't find peace. God Bless all of you! Thank you Sean for your show i am blown away from all the people and there truth,!! Please keep going!

  15. Psychedelic 🍄 killed my drug and alcohol dependencies – one trip two years ago to purge my depression and chronic anxiety from my system was the best decision I ever made. I've done magic Mushrooms a few times since, but after my last high dose trip I realized that the medicine has taught me enough for now. I might return to psychedelics later in my life if I ever find a source.

  16. Shawn thanks for having the stones to release this! I’m proud of you. Nothing to be ashamed of here people. Choices that are good for humanity can rise above political bs . Thanks bro. Love you.

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