THIS MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE WITH MY SLEEP Welcome back to JimTanna! In today’s video, Tim shares his personal …


  1. I'm glad the CBD is helping you Tim. I think it helps so many, me included. I have really bad arthritis. I've had both shoulders and L knee replaced. My hips are really bad as well as my fingers. CBD helps me with the pain, I wish I could also take THC, but job….Full Spectrum is best for sure! Much love from Kans….wait no I'm in Germany visiting my daughters and granddaughters. I lived here 13 years. My ex wife is German. Met while I was stationed here in AF. Stay safe

  2. Bro, you should break those down through out the day. Taking everything at once, your body can not process all that and will end up pissing out most of it in your first piss. Look at what you are taking and research when the best time to take. Give your liver and kidneys a few hours between each supplement.

  3. CBD? Never really tried it but been more and more interested forsure.

    Also Tim my wife had an edible like 3 years ago now and had a horrible experience. She’s been scared of trying CBD but wants to be able to pick some on her own. Does it give you any high feeling? She does not want that

  4. Thanks for video can u please tell us more health routine videos πŸ™ I’ve been on that Za for a while now πŸ˜‚ mix the dispo stuff with the za

  5. People really don't give CBD enough credit, but it really is an important part of the plant especially if you use it for medicine and also it helps make your high better! I always take edibles that are high in CBD and CBN every day so I can sleep at night without taking pharmaceuticals.. love the video

  6. I've only been watching for a few months so this question might be dumb, but do you have a bbq grill outside?? I'm surprised you're not using one year round! Cast irons are a great way to cook, but nothing beats grilled food imo.

  7. As someone who cant swallow pills that shit gave me huge anxiety at 2:25 🀣 that’s a fuck load of pills my guy πŸ˜‚ if it makes you healthy though that’s all that matters right? πŸ’œ

  8. the brotha back with another fire vlog!!! Appreciate the educational portion with CBD, CBG, and CBN!!! The food looked fire as always!! been applying some of your cooking tecniques to my own kitchen ventures!!! Big Cheeeers Brotha, Much Love as always <3

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