The Highs And Lows Of Thailand's Cannabis Rush | Undercover Asia

On 9 June 2022, the Thai government took off cannabis in its banned narcotics list. As it is no longer prohibited, the sale of this …


  1. It would be interesting to see how disease rates change in countries where it is legal. I wonder how many people are preventing or curing autoimmune diseases by recreationally smoking and not realizing it.
    Considering I did it on purpose after being given 5 years to live 9 years ago…and now all my disease is gone.

  2. if its legal they will go to hospital, if its illegal less likely too. it hasnt raised the issue, its just not reported. also take into account stupid as well. 99.9% of weed smokers (home grown no pesticides or concentrated) = no issues at all. BUt its better to have licenced seeds for specific CBD and THC combination = vastly safer even though only 3 people have died directly from cannabis as they were alergic to it … yeah out of billions of smokers over 70 years. its pretty good record! meanwhile back on planet earth the rest of the powders, pills tobacco and hard drugs killed over 4.5 million people…. hemp = 50000 + uses as well for all sorts of applications funny kind of a drug that one. you cant do that with any of the pills or other crap.

  3. We're in wholesale and research in Thailand. I don't know of anyone that sells to kids. Why would they? They lose their license. "Overdoses" happen when inexperienced or drunk people ingest massive doses but it won't kill you only make you disoriented or scare you.

    This whole video looks like old times propaganda bs.

  4. There is not one single official death-record on marijuana by overdose for the body.
    Scientist know there is no harm for the body but multiple positive non- pharma controlled.
    It is much less harmful to the body or addict related than alcohol or cigarettes.
    Teach the people, as here in school, to know, – not to fall after any addiction in life -, like betting, instead to forbid,
    Don't criminalize , be aware of those consequences for the people and their lives in society. Be honest, not Lobby to anyone.
    To be free, you have to take self responsibility!
    Stop to ask for something to give you allowance , so you are free on responsibility, but a number to the system

  5. This documentary leaves out so much crucial information about cannabis. Eating cannabis leaves in somtam will never get you high! It's like eating grass clippings. Alcohol and tobacco are far more dangerous than cannabis but that's not mentioned of course.

  6. I love how they try to spin it like "cannabis intoxication" is even a real thing. Anyone who heard the lady say they "fell ill after consuming things like drinks, brownies and cookies," knows exactly what happened. These people made edibles and ate waaaaaaaaay too many, ignorant of the fact that its 7-10x more pyschoactive when it gets processed by your liver. This is not a weed problem, its a dosage problem

  7. ธรรมชาติไม่เคยทำร้ายคนมีแต่คนที่ทำร้ายกันเองลองคิดให้ดีผู้คนมากมายผลิตแอลกอฮอล์แต่ธรรมชาติสร้างกัญชา

  8. When l visited Thailand for the first time, l have seen man, woman in around their houses drinking alcohol like a water. Even teenagers were drinking on the streets. If l have to choose between cannabis and alcohol, l would choose cannabis. Here you are talking about it like, Thailand is the only country in the world which you can consume cannabis. Almost everywhere in usa you can buy it, in canada you can buy it, in holland there are coffee shops that you can buy it. All around the world you can buy this legally or illegally. So what is wrong with it? I think government of Thailand made a good choice to sell it and control it legally. This will bring more income to Thai people and it’s also good for the tourism. Well done to the Thailand.

  9. These USA dicks won't gimme the name,,, Stuffin Thronfun,,, blah,,,, Where's Lord Krishna Rama? America (Ahh Mare reeks{Pisses on u} yah) and California({Muslim}caliph forms yah) See? The Deep States army is bigger than all the drudgey regular armed forces,,, See? terminal and endlessly lying bastards (owned by Lucifer{Enki the Ever Glorious' Little Minions, aka Draco lizard creeps}) 🤣

  10. Look at all these beautiful Thailand ladies, Who were birthed via The Lotus Birth Technique, and had Ormus Gold and marijuana molecules, IV dripped into their mommy's detached placenta.. Weeks longer was the umbilical cord attached to their tiny ass bodies. Thus, they evaded Late Bloomer body issues,,,, and don't have to do Anti-Dragon Treatments,daily, to ease the pains of their split open,,, Manubrium of Sternum. See? Hello!!! from the Drudge Farms,,, of the USA So ladies, I like the name Lord Sunwood Hart as the new name for Yahshua Yo-Yo,,, aka Jesus Christ,,,, When He gets enough done,,, His last and final name is,,, Goddess GolleeGee Sunwood. 😏😁😆🙃

  11. Nepalese who come to Japan to work seem to be having a very hard time.
    When I was in Nepal, I smoked marijuana every day, but the Japanese state lies that marijuana is a drug when they know it is not, and they put me in jail if I use it.

  12. Unbelieveble hillarious content from CNA. Probably content maker intended to make a dark propaganda with scary movie voices and vibes but it's actually looks like a dark comedy. I hope these contents will stay here for decades and next generations have opportunity to use those crap dark propoganda videos as dark comedy. A piece of advice to CNA : focus on your own problems such as High stress culture, anxiety, paranoid generations, Casino and alcohol usage..

  13. Its nonsense 3:25 to state that the rate of cannabis addiction has quadrupled since legalisation. Who measured that, and how? In Canada, that has not happened in the 5 years since legalization. Also, we've put organized crime out of the home-grow business.

  14. ไทย วินัยอย่างควาย ขายยันเด็ก ทุเรศแผ่นดิน บรรพบุรุษอุสส่าสร้างมาสุดกำลัง ให้เราได้อยู่กันสบาย

  15. I have always had a fascination with documentaries,
    And living in the USA for my whole life,
    I've witnessed the conversion from cannabis being a felony to becoming recreational around the world.
    I am a medical patient now,
    Like most of us, I started for fun,
    But this is beyond "fun" now,
    This allows jobs, investments, profits.
    An economical, inspirational and motivational boost.

  16. If you are interested in drug policy, the researcher Dr. Carl Hart has very interesting evidence on heroin/meth. There are a number of reasons why people use substances, whether it is recreational or medical. The issue is that using substances like alcohol or like cigarettes can be harmful even if the people are not hurting others. Loss of time is a huge factor and people can get very lazy or very psychotic. Having educational and a culture that tries to help each other understand can make policy decisions easier. Other countries like Mexico or in Africa or in EU where their culture allows for minors to experiment with substances shows how people to people determine right and wrong. So in summary mental health regarding substances and with recreational activities, there needs to be leadership and a culture to help each other.

  17. The guy who thinks the IQ of the younger Generation will go down 😂 more down than him isnt possible he should try some maybe his mind will open 🤣

  18. you dumb asses, Im from B.C where its legal, why? because everyone had been puffing grass since like, the 60s no worries,,all good, thats a good sociatal shift to a happy chill world where people love each other a little more, arnt so materialistic, go with yr passion friend, freedome…

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