1. we the people of florida should just legalize marijuana and don’t worry about the government or political agendas because that’s what they got if it doesn’t make them money they won’t touch it while the people of this state is suffering in pain And money this thing is big more people be working and let not forget no more marijuana crimes who doesn’t like that is a win win for everybody just treat it like alcohol and learn to respect it but nah just like everything else in fla we might need a recount to legalize it too

  2. Sitting here in Oregon, just purchased an ounce of Pineapple Kush for $120.00 and a gram of Gorilla Kush Dab for $12.00 ( recreational) I guess your State if filled with frightened , and obstinate, octogenarians,
    I'll spark up a sympathy bowl for you Floridians, I find it hilarious to think that any Homer can own any assault rifle with as many high cap. magazines he/she wants but if your caught buying and smoking weed, your 2nd Amendment can be taken away from you.
    So in Florida,
    Assault rifles< smoking weed, but what do you expect from a State that Voted for tRump and DeSantis.

  3. My dad was dying of cancer and was starving because he was so sick he couldn't eat and Moffitt Cancer center gave him a marijuana pill called marinol and it helped him not to suffer so this idea that you have to smoke dope is a bunch of crap they already have marijuana for medical purposes and it's insulting to people like my father who was a good man to compare him to someone who wants to smoke skunk weed and sit around being high.

  4. Redner is the name affiliated with debauchery in Tampa strip clubs! We don't need any more evil! California probably has plenty of room and I'm sure there are many people who would be more than happy to buy you a one-way ticket

  5. Medical marijuana was never the goal. It’s being used by marijuana supporters as a stepping stone to recreational marijuana. Advocating for medical marijuana is about as honest as the left saying they just want common sense gun laws when every gun law us a stepping stone to full disarmament.

  6. Why is marijuana illegal in the first place? What is the evidentary basis for regulation? Until data can be produced to legitimate and reasonably underwrite the spirit of the legislation, they are illegitimate and demonstrably so, thus putting on notification judges and municipalities that knowingly servicing legally unsubstantiated regulations or code and its enforcement is unlawful and subject to loss of licensure and even penalties.
    God, Isn't it obvious yet that lawmakers are serving private interest groups, sad thing this statement isn't even controversial anymore, it's not even a conspiracy, the slimebuckets don't even have the need for secrecy, they rely now more on complacency. They're right, We suck… meteor!! Where r yuuuuuu???

  7. It's way past time weed was 100% legal,,, AGAIN. No license/card required! just 21+ years of age. Should really be 18. I mean if 18 is old enough to go to war,,, well you get the idea.
    I was a FL resident in 2016 and I did vote for medical marijuana. I did not get a 'license' to use it though.

  8. Government officials won’t make any money in their pockets from big pharma if it’s legalized.
    Funny how the government makes millions in taxes, if not more off legal distributors across the nation.

  9. State Supreme court needs to go. Not too mention the majority of the Retrumplican party, they are making laws for themselves not the majority. Restrict, restrict, restrict.

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