Demonic Possession Or Severe Food Poisoning: The FAILED Exorcism of Kennedy Ife

What would cause a family to restrain and kill one of their own? For the Ife family: demonic possession. In August 2016, Kennedy …


  1. In the USA the family and Priest were let off after Emily rose ( I believe I’m not sure) died after her exorcism and it lasted way longer than three days it was like 70 days they literally let her stave to death

  2. Smart, intelligent, highly-trained, highly-educated, wise, perceptive, practical, logical
.these are not synonyms. Smart and stupid come in many flavors; each of us is a mix of them.

    I think what happened here is that once someone in the family decided this was a spiritual matter, the blinders went down; they were good enough at compartmentalization that any other explanation for Kennedy’s condition just never rose to the forefront of their minds. Kennedy’s delirium from his fever probably also activated their Confirmation bias. Also, believing that they were fighting a demon, they could permit themselves to be as cruel and forceful as they believed necessary to “free” their loved one.

    People that are successful and think of themselves as ‘smart’ also fall victim to the Dunning-Kruger effect: you think you’re smart or highly skilled in one area do that must transfer to other topics or areas.

    I also suspect someone was quite narcissistic and there was something akin to shared psychosis going on. A narcissist will not accept that they were wrong or that their actions caused a catastrophic outcome.

    Happens in lots of cults, religions, folklore. People have been killed in the process of rooting out witches, demons, changelings, aliens, lizard people
it’s never anything short of tragic and sickening.

  3. I have been watching lights out for a few years now. I absolutely love this crew and all the different perspectives and beliefs from each member, just like the ladies on the sesh. You guys are amazing. Josh and Kendall have built such an amazing team of people.

  4. Loved hearing from Danny more this week! LOP, you should be so proud of how far you've come. Genuinely amazing podcast. You manage to be witty, informative, scary, engaging and respectful all at once.

  5. In a 1st world country like Britain he should have gotten much better medical care for the food borne pathogens. He had a very bad 1st doctor. Pray by all means but go to hospital. Wonder if other people also got so ill

  6. You can become delirious from an infection. They should’ve taken him in by force cause that is just crazy. It’s the responsibility of his family to step up so he could get better. I’ve had septic shock and that’s probably what he had

  7. Notice how those "possessions" mostly happen in extreme religious households? If someone is having a psychosis and super religious, it is very likely that their delusions will take form of their belief.
    Very sad 🙁

  8. At the beginning of the pandemy I had food poisoning and became severely dehydrated. I live alone and work from home and I have to say, I was absolutely confused for 48 hours. My nausea was so bad I couldn’t drink, I had to wait for a telemedicine visit and knew I had ordered Powerade and some food via Instacart but couldn’t remember when it was going to be delivered or what day I ordered it. My doctor prescribed some anti nausea meds and I was so confused I got it in my head I couldn’t drive because I knew I was confused but knew I needed those meds so my best plan was to walk TWENTY MILES to the pharmacy in a town over. I did not do that lol. Eventually my family started comparing text messages and realized I didn’t make sense. My sister came and checked on me and get my meds. To clarify my parents are high risk and my sister had just had her second kiddo and her husband was ill. So they did all they could while trying to stay safe themselves. I recovered after a day of meds and drinking fluids. All lf this to say a normal human can start “talking crazy” in a couple days suffering from gastrointestinal problems and dehydration.

  9. So I was recently extremely sick with an oral infection. The infection because it wasn’t treated correctly by medical professionals turned into sepsis. I was going through a spiritual episode during my sepsis and was in a medical state of delirium. I’m sure was sick and the longer it went on went into septic shock. This is very sad.

  10. Years ago , my sister had a nervous breakdown, my mother was told by the church , that my sister had a demon inside her. But my mother didnt listen and we took my sister to the hospital , there she got treatment. Thank God
    Josh, you and Daniel are awesome, I do miss Austin, he's the best. Where are you Austin???

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