Judge Simpson weighs the needs of the victim’s vs the defendent’s sentencing… Yet another example of what our courts deal with …


  1. I think what many commentators here are missing, is that they didn't "run away from the accident at a high rate of speed" in a vacuum. Rather like the death of Princess Diana, this defendant CHASED them… changed direction and followed them, at ALSO a high rate of speed. He chased/followed until he saw them wreck at the railroad tracks… at which point he turned around in a driveway, and left… as if nothing had happened. Judge Simpson has concluded (as the trier of fact), that the defendant's road rage, his unilateral decision to pursue and chase these teens, was A (not the only) proximate cause to this accident and these deaths. It's not manslaughter, but it is the decision of the court that he SHARES responsibility for the teens' accident and death, by HIS FREE decision to chase them in road rage. As we all agree… this is just a tragedy. Road rage is NEVER justified, even if a couple teens drive carelessly and hit your vehicle. Blessings to all.

  2. He is ACCOUNTABLE!! Listen to the case from the beginning. Judge Simpson is and was fair. He is honorable and the man deserves the sentence!!! Judge Simpson is a remarkable, fair, just and honorable!!!

  3. I may not be remembering everything that happened here, but once the girls fled, didn't he chase them? They did something wrong, yes, but so did he. I can only imagine it would be tough to stay there and not follow them, but that is what we have insurance for. From what I remember, they couldn't prove that he chased them, but the circumstantial evidence pointed to that, and it pointed to him lying about it. Young drivers do stupid things, and someone older should be more mature and not chase after someone. On the other hand, I can understand being so upset after someone hits you and then runs away.
    There were no winners in this case. The families of the two girls will have an open wound for the rest of their lives. He will have to look himself in the mirror for the rest of his life. Judge Simpson will have to remember that there are times like this that everyone loses.
    If I got this wrong, please let me know how and why.
    Thanks OldSquishyGardner for another great video. I just wish it wasn't so sad, but that is life.

  4. In my opinion, because lives were lost in this tragic story I believe the Judge got caught in a minute of emotion. He should not have acted on his feelings. Clearly the teens struck the defendant from behind then both drivers made a fatal choice which cost lives. If anything, the plaintive that survived and defendant will hopefully not make that mistake again. No one won here. It was a tragic outcome.

  5. this decision honestly makes me lose literally all respect for Simpson. It's better that 99 guilty people walk free than one person punished unjustly, and that's just what's happened here. Judge Simpson is way off his rocker, this man didn't make those girls rear end him, he didn't make them drink or smoke, he didn't make them evade at high speeds. They all made that decision. The mothers shouldn't have been involved in this after the main charges got dropped.

    I hope this is somehow brought up on review and gets overturned. He needs to remove himself/his emotions from the situation and do what's right.

  6. Judge Simpson is a bad judge , he was ALMOST removed in 2014 for interferring with a criminal investigation. In Michigan anyone can complain about a judge. The behavior here was outragoeous. The judge yelled at the Defense att in the prior hearing on the 4th word of the Defense attorney. The recusal request is on the record.
    The defendant should appeal and withdraw, and file a judicial complaint. This is why elected judges are a problem. He cares only about his youtube persona, he got involved in areas he had no right to without giving the defendant a hearing.

  7. Judge Simpson sending the message that the court system is for vindictive punishments based on gut feelings rather than justice. I hope the defendant appeals.

  8. I wonder what the sentence would have been if there had been young men in the other car, instead of young women. Women want equal rights, but not equal responsibility. Funny, how when women want to avoid responsibility and play the victim card, they call themselves "girls" (I am a woman, and I feel ashamed for them when they do this). I almost always agree with Judge Simpson, but I believe he seriously erred with this sentence.

  9. It was the girls who rearended the man and they BOTH left the scene of the accident. They BOTH drove at a high rate of speed. THEN the judge interfered and got the prosecutors and investigators. This is not the first time he has done this. In 2017 a case against Judge Simpson went to the Supreme Court for his interference when his clerk was arrested for DUI. He lost. He was suspended without pay for 9 months and ordered to pay $7,565.54. This man had no chance of a decent defense. I disagree with the judge on this one.

  10. I have been trying to find more info on this accident all for naught. Am I correct in saying that the girls rear-ended him. He spoke to one of the girls who then returned to her car and drove off. He followed them and then stopped, and further down the road the girls got into ANOTHER accident, resulting in their demise. So how in heck is HE responsible after their initial escape?? Terrible tragedy for sure, but come on. Were alcohol/drugs a factor for either parties?

  11. I’m sorry to say but those girls caused an accident then left the scene raced through traffic and got themselves killed Maybe the guy shouldn’t have chased them or whatever but ultimately it’s the girls fault sorry to say

  12. As a teenager my friend and i were followed by two men, grown men in a car, while i was driving. We did everything we could to lose them to no avail. Luckily i knew where my parents were at the time, my dad (a police officer) and my mom were at the weekly bingo night run by the FOP. It was a place filled with off duty police. As soon as we pulled in we told the first people we saw, who we were and what was happening. One ran inside to get my Dad, the other, an off duty officer, hoped on his bike to track the men as they fled the parking lot, yes they followed us into the lot. We were lucky, lucky my Dad, a traffic investigator taught me how to drive, and lucky i knew where to go for help. This was in 1995… no cell phones. I dont have to imagine the fear these girls experienced because I've been there. The DA dropped the ball big time. This man is partly, if not mostly, responsible for their deaths. He had their information and let his rage take control and chased down these girls. He didn't call 911 until after they crashed to report the original incident. That says so much about this mans character. The DA should have done better. She couldn't even be bothered to pay attention at the hearings previous. Judge Simpson's hands were tied by the law, you can't blame him. Its the DA who screwed this one up.

  13. Wow this is the first time i feel like we as law nerds of yt should use our voices (or hands) like a petition for an appeal…news on social media idk but if this was my father brother ok r grandfather or son…come on who knows how to set up a petition???!

  14. It seems like we need someone to blame anytime something happens. No accountability for our own actions. Cause an accident, stop, call 911, make sure everyone's okay. Had that happened they would be alive.

  15. This highlights what is wrong with our court systems. Killing people and you get a minor fine and a time out.
    However, if you do not ask permission from the state to exercise a right that cannot be restricted nor can permission be given you can get a nine months.

    Ending a person life which is not a right or a privilege and is only 100 hours community service, a couple months in jail, and a tiny fee
    Exercising your rights, not privileges, without permission is nine months and up to $10,000 fine. Even though you do not need permission to use any right, if you do not ask permission the penalty is worse.

  16. 45 days isnt bad. Hopefully fulfilling a sentence will also give him a bit of closure and a sense that he has done his part to take accountability for his small part of this tragedy.

  17. This just aint it judge. I really wish he would get some judicial misconduct for this. He is way to involved in this case. Not to mention it was ultimately the girls actions that lead to their death. This circumstance is really unfortunate! It seems the teens were allegedly under the influence as well. Then man should have never been charged. This is a tragic accident, Their deaths resulted from their negligence. It's hard to accept that as a parent!

  18. I've liked Judge Simpson up until this moment. This was so obviously biased for him from the beginning and he should have been recused. But instead he allowed his emotions to sentence a man for one crime while being on trial for something different. He should be above this, it only takes one wrong decision to ruin someone elses life.

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