How Joe Rogan LURES You into Arguments – Psychological Analysis

HOW is Joe Rogan is able to DILIGENTLY draw his opponents into arguments without them EVEN REALIZING until it’s too late?


  1. Rogan did the same thing, albeit in a much more civil way, in his discussion about trans athletes with Adam Conover. Adam prefaced everything by stating he was not an expert on the topic, but he took a position and gave Joe a reason to push back and turn it into a debate.

  2. I tried to watch the most recent JRE with Kat Williams and made it 20 minutes. It was dumb and unwatchable. As much of a conflict this was, it was better

  3. Rogan is such a perfect foil to these ideological extremists like Crowder and Matt Walsh and Candace Owens cause he channels the energy of "average bystander with no agenda" so well when he questions their bullshit

  4. Rogan was drunk during this interview. It would be interesting to see him have Crowder on again, I think it would be a far more compelling and interesting conversation.

  5. I really disliked Joe for the way he's always treated Crowder… I was on his side until he started being a bully when Crowder was just trying establish the foundation for his perspective… How hard is it to just shut the fuck up, Joe?! Have you tried listening? Children can do it, dude… Goddamn.

    Of all the people he owes a show, given how he's had to snap out of his delusions regarding certain things, Crowder would get him record views, and, for once, he won't treat him like an enemy.

    That would be something I'd like to watch.

  6. “Stakes in the ground” we get it. He’s on a podcast the host is asking pointed questions, he can’t just say “I don’t want to talk about it.”
    Rogan won nothing here other than asshole pot head of the year award. He attacked his quest with ad hominem attacks five times. Rogan was a bitch here.

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