🌿 CBD Oil For ADHD? Let's try it | Unboxing

4:35 Product details, 7:10 Unboxing, 8:41 Tasting. Can CBD oil improve cognition in ADHD sufferers? Many people claim it helps with anxiety, concentration and …


  1. After many failed attempts with other brands, I finally found this brand. Weedborn products are the best and I don't think I will ever need to look for another CBD supplier. I would recommend for practically any health problem.

  2. Kratom is natural and it’s the ONLY natural that helps my ADHD. It’s a godsend actually. I prefer it to my ADHD meds or when I’m taking breaks off my meds (or my tolerance is too high, everything in moderation) It lifts my mood and helps me focus, gives me energy, and I can always sleep. Doesn’t give me anxiety or insomnia (Maeng Da can be too strong before bed) I stick to Green Borneo & Hello Vietnam, train wreck strains.

  3. Thank you for your videos they really do speak to me lol, have you tried red cayenne sauce it helps with anxiety, pain, headache, blood pressure , cholesterol levels, and weight lost and tone muscles, strengthens heart and brain cleans out arteries and brain too , it has a warning affect circulating the blood in your body, just buy a bottle of red cayenne sauce and just take a few swigs

  4. ive used cbd oil derived from the hemp plan. the amount of thc in it was tiny. it didnt do shit for me. then i tried cbd drops that had a lot of thc in it. it had a mixture of sativa and indica. i only used a few drops and i felt relaxed, like i had gotten a really good massage. oh, i would get bad dreams when using the hemp derived drops. not so with the cannibas drops.

  5. I ordered from this company after listing to him and quickly found out that this company is a thief. My order came to a certain amount and they took more then the order came to. I emailed them to complain and NOTHING…. I sent another……NOTHING. no returned emails. No call number. I ordered a month ago. Still no CBD product. Never ordering from this scam of a company again.

  6. I am a licensed Therapist in 8 States and have PTSD, OCD, ADHD and Depression. Squishglobal.com I had rage everyday my adulthood until 2 years ago when started on CBD, rage was gone in 48 hours. I get every single one of my patients on it and I have not seen one, not one not have "marked improvement" which means clinically significant. Cheapest out there and most potent. You want the .03% THC which makes it more rich in Cannabinoids and your body has an endocannabinoid system. We were created to respond to the plant just not the Recreational, it does help but also hurts at same time, and hurts much more for brains that have trauma, ocd/adhd.

  7. I have friends that swear by CDB oil. I tried it and it made me extremely sleepy. It can be challenging to get the dose that's right for you figured out. It DID show up on my blood test at the Dr that I had marijuana in my system so be careful if you are job hunting etc. I can't remember which brand it was.

  8. According to Dr. Rachna Patel whose specialty is in CBD oils and cannibus / marijuana usage, as an expert on the topic, she not only believes in their power but that she prescribed such treatments as medications. So yes, you are correct to presume the CBD OIL took effect .

  9. CBD is awesome, but have you tried some good kratom ever? For me even way better for anxiety, lack of energy and focus. But, the quality makes a difference, farmed one is just not anything like the original wildly grown one. And here in Indonesia we got only one project that sources and supplies real wild grown kratom, name is Borneo Energy, some kind of charity program. More than recommendable! Can find it from borneo.energy

  10. Natures Nutrients CBD Folks!!! Completely UNF KED with!!!! Completely unadulterated!!! You can find CBD oils this good but they are double in cost!! Ive done the homework because i have two handicap children and I didnt want them having less than the best !!!!!!! Natures Nutrients Number 410-820-7700 PEACE!!

  11. I love cbd. I used to vape it. It helped my anxiety x1000. Idk if i have adhd, i would like to go see someone because i think i may have it but im not gonna self diagnoses. Im 20 atm so not 21 yet but when i turn 21 i plan to go get a vape pen for cbd.

  12. So have you tried it more than once over the last year? What is your opinion on CBD for ADHD today? Especially for staying focused/on task, as that is what I'm mainly up against. Much Love, Alex

  13. Cbd definitely benifits my adhd and simply “smooths it out”. I usually constantly overthink and have a lot of anxiety. Defo helps ! But I smoke cbd cigarettes. Each cigarette contains 50mg of cbd and .3% thc. (Legal). You need the thc because it’s an anti-carcinogenic and helps keep the cancer out of the smoke you inhale

    (EDIT: forgot to mention I am 21)

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