Florida Supreme Court to decide if abortion rights, recreational marijuana will be on Novemeber …

The Florida Supreme Court appears poised Monday afternoon to issue rulings about whether proposed constitutional …


  1. Abortion should be legal in some cases, such as a pregnancy resulting from rape or a pregnancy with risk to both the mother and the fetus.
    El aborto deberia de ser legal en algunos casos, como un embarazo resultado de una violacion o un embarazo con riesgo tanto para la madre como para el feto.

    Recreational marijuana should be legal with some restrictions such as: No smoking in public places such as parks and near schools, as well as restricting marijuana consumption while driving.
    La marihuana recreacional debería ser legal con algunas restricciones como: No fumar en lugares públicos como parques y cerca a las escuelas, así como restringir el consumo de marihuana mientras se conduce.

  2. They better. Please contact your representatives and tell them to stop turning Florida into a Nanny state. No Book Bans. Bans Off Our Bodies.
    Signed, Florida Woman, Florida Man, Florida Trans.

  3. was Jesus fully human and fully God in His mommies belly ?
    or did He become human or God some time later ?
    did mary have an inconsequential choice to kill Him before He was borne ?
    no – because IT IS MeRDuR

  4. A baby inside of a woman's body is not "her body" it's the body of a completely 'different' human and 95% of the time the baby was 'allowed' residency in her body because she did 'nothing' to 'prevent' the baby from being conceived.

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