1. they really cant come up with much can they lol this should be easy but its like, biden is so bad they had to tell a story to extend his accomplishments XD what a dog shit president.

  2. Biden’s domestic agenda was dead in the water. He didn’t really care about it.
    He didn’t wake up until Russia invaded Ukraine.
    For whatever reason, he’s all in for Israel no matter what they do, and he hasn’t accepted that it’s killing his presidency.

  3. The current leader of the 21st Century Gang of Four, the reincarnation of Jiang Qing, Moa Zedong's last wife opened her mouth yesterday. And immediately Joe Biden hemorrhaged yet more votes as Hilary Clinton explained the Party decides, and the deplorable rabble must hush. Ah yes, the DNC Hierarchy is in reality the Chinese Communist Party's clone. If Bill, and Hillary can flush in any chance of Democratic Presidential Nominees winning in 2000, and 2016, why not 2024. Bill, Hillary, and Joe each prefer to gaze in their mirrors, while flushing Democratic chances. And no I am not joking, they are each manifestly evil. Sorry everyone, but I don't ever lie to myself, laugh at myself, oh hell ya, but lie to myself or anyone else, Hell No. We are deplorable to that crowd.

  4. 13:56 I heard recently about a bill republicans in Georgia were passing that would basically make it illegal for them to allow unions to form in their workplaces without putting up a fight, and I had no idea why they would do such a specific thing until I heard this. 😑 sabotaging federal programs, of course.

  5. Anything Biden does is not enougb to compsensate for his genocide.

    Whatever he does amounts to "he made thr trains run on time"

    There needs to be a red line

  6. Francesca, let me ask you, if someone is disingenuous, and often a flagrant liar on a number of policy areas how much should you really trust them. When people avert their gaze at the ongoing Genocide in Gaza, but finally get honest with themselves about the flagrant lies that Joe emits, can you really trust him? One of my favorite people is author Robert Greene, who lives by this quote, if someone does something evil, they will do it repeatedly. Your friends on todays panel are not looking at the right economic data. Copper is tanking, new orders are tanking, and turmoil in the banking sector caused by empty office space will be a Supernova event. Sorry but your friends are incapable of digesting anything other than Administration Talking Points. Besides when Biden goes Full Neocon Nuclear Warhawk with Iran, because "Real Men Go to Iran," how soft will the landing really be? In the end we must all ask ourselves, "How can I trust a senile, Zionist Genocidal Murderer, who blows that off as normal?" A man who is so timorous, weak kneed, and rolls on his back and urinates on himself like a little dog in front of Netanyahu, to me is craven.

  7. He's spent 4 years talking about protecting reproductive rights and I have yet to see him do anything to help women!
    He made Harris his VP to try and get the women vote and make it more realistic.
    Roe V Wade was overturned, drugs are being targeted, and women's lives are still at risk.
    And all he's done is admitted he disagrees with "abortion on demand".
    He's done f*ck all in 4 years, except stuff Israel's weapon arsenal and kill people overseas.

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