1. Literally many people in the world believe that their state leaders are really stupid and that if they had the power they would fix the country. they really need to see this video

  2. The king of my country ones said that as a king he does not make false promises or false hope to people. He said, unlike in a democracy where leader promise everything to the people and don't follow through, I promise exactly what I can deliver and so far my work is my proof.

  3. this may be why ai will be a huge proble. AI will be like oil in advanced economies and will let the few have all the power. If this is the case we are in he way of the biggest technological dictatorships we have ever seen.

  4. I sometimes think about how now there is a not insignificant number of young (early-to-mid 20s) local/state level elected politicians in minor positions of power, hoping to become presidents and prime ministers one day, that were directly inspired to enter politics in their teenage years by this video. With 19 million views, there must be quite a few of them, particularly young Americans.

  5. The entire proposition is based on the notion that ordinary people have no power over the ruler and keys. But many governments have been toppled by ordinary citizens.

  6. Money rules all,who controls money controls the system….in a 'democracy' (dictatorship of capitalist class)this is as true as other types of dictatorships.But it's very much sophisticated and complex in a democracy so it is very difficult for the masses to understand.

  7. there are other means to power than money capitalist man. There seems to be an unnecessary focus on treasures. Democracy and Dictatorship are not well explained and intermediate grounds are not explored of course since what he does is putting into boxes everything since it's easier.. Also saying that turning into a democracy hint at a non-violent change and dictatorship the contrary.

  8. I think you're wrong. A ruler does not simply have to "pay his keys" to stay in power. In my opinion, the whole video relies on the implicit assumption that all people are just egoistic. This may well explain a part of reality. But I don't think it's an absolute law or truth which we cannot escape. The same way that an economic actor is not just a selfish homo oeconomicus, rulers do have some freedom of making decisions that may truly favor their citizens.

    There are and have been altruistic and just politicians, and even enlightened absolute monarchs. The dynamics of power are explained by so much more than just self-interest. Human beings are capable of being fair.

    If you agree please give this comment a like or share your thoughts. I would love to see a disagreeing opinion like this one in the top comments.

  9. currently watching this in Iran, in the midst of a possible revolution. this video saddens me because i'm finding myself in a very similar situation to that of the dictator part of the video. I'm sad. i am so very sad.

  10. Changing lives, making dictators. I like your moxy Grey, how about yous join my uhhhā€¦ INVESTMENTā€¦ and uhhhhhā€¦ RECRUITMENT GROUP! Yeah, thatā€™ll get ā€˜em. Definitely NOT a pyramid scheme, though the higher in the ranks you are the more money you make though it is very small amount and it will be nearly impossible to rise the ranks it is NOT a pyramid scheme. šŸ¤«

  11. I watched the Cortex podcast video about this and I have to say I'm really glad you made this despite it being a harder one for you to make. It's one of my favorite videos of yours. This kind of structure to power is one of those things that's there and maybe apparent to a lot of people but seems like no one discusses directly but is important to

  12. The worlds best (worst) dictators say fear is a powerful weapon. And now because of this video, I finally understand what anarchists are talking about.
    Nobody can ever truly be free in an organized government.

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