Florida medical marijuana amendment debate

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd debates attorney John Morgan regarding Amendment 2, which would legalize some medical marijuana in Florida. Hosted by …


  1. We won the argument at the ballot box in 2016. In your face Shady-GradyWait until what the voters do in 2020. The constitution is on the side of the people's rights and the judiciary of Florida is bound by it. The people will speak and be heard!

  2. so this sheriff thinks he is an expert on cannabis and medicine and wants to decide who can use it and who can't.Meanwhile there is no shortage of illegal cannabis in florida or any other state for that matter.there are two groups who want cannabis to remain illegal the black market and law enforcement make it completely legal and get both groups out of the cannabis business

  3. I tried to hire Morgan and Morgan when I shattered my calcaneus in an accident. They refused to help me unless I would take Oxycodone, which I am allergic to. His crusade against big pharma is bullshit and grandstanding.

  4. u kno you create the problem then complain. Reality is that edibles,oils, are the goverments new propaganda. All Floridians need is the herb in smokable form like your so called God intendid. And edibles and oils should b to your discretion. Ive been criminalized so segregation with the real criminals"so now im a criminal. Self-medicating and not having any spare grams to make some oil and ngaf. And thank you for giving some hope to ppl that understand the points of the smoke therapy/Truth is nuthing is better than the blunt application ✊

  5. I am a young guy who believes in freedom for others. I support gay marriage and am not gay. I support decriminalizing prostitution and am not involved in it, as long as it is not on the street it is not my business what reasons someone agrees to sex. But  I firmly believe taking drugs hurts other people and druggies belong in prison. Stoners. grow up and face the reality that you have messed up your own lives and have no one to blame but yourself. Maybe if you faced your problems like a man you might straighten them out. Pot won't help

  6. Both DUI drunk Morgan and Judd are scumbags and hicks. Pot should never be under the control of the police or the doctors billing Medicaid. I don't use it but it is a freedom issue. Just make it legal

  7. What a crock of shit. Beer is more lethal than cannabis. Morgan is coping out, he is settling for medical purpose. Plain and simple beer kills more than cannabis .Hell to someone who has an addictive personality, beer is a gateway drug. An addict is an addict. the reason the Sheriff wants Cannabis to stay illegal is so he can justify that multi million dollar helicopter with a FLIR system. its fear and ignorance and both of these bozo's are showing both.

  8. it is bullshit medical marijuana is just a gateway for doctors to sign off on bogus medical claims so that patients can score some pot. see this all the time in California. make it legalized without going to the doctor to get it and that problem will be solved.

  9. Outlawing marijuana was a dumb ass law that was made back in the 1930's, for racist reasons too.  The govt. did a good job of selling this evil image to the public for decades.  We're now in the year 2015 and a lot of people are seeing how the govt has pretty much lied about how bad marijuana is.  And are realizing who the hell is the govt to tell them what they can or can't ingest into their body.

  10. Freedom will never remain silenced. Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall; the times they are a' changin'. Medical use is just a foot in the door; weed WILL be legal nationwide — accept it.

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