Emergency Alert: Global Banking Elites Brace for International Currency Crisis

Avicanna Inc. (TSX:AVCN | OTCQX:AVCNF) Atlas Financial …


  1. Avicanna Inc. (TSX:AVCN | OTCQX:AVCNF) https://www.avicanna.com/


    Atlas Financial Advisors, Inc. (AFA) is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Sponsorship does not influence AFA to recommend products or services issued by Avicanna Inc. (TSX:AVCN | OTCQX:AVCNF) to current or prospective clients.

    Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

    This endorsement was provided for compensation, this included a formal agreement between Steven Van Metre and Outside The Box Capital Inc. for a one-time fee of $6,500 for one placement to provide coverage on 4/9/2024 for Avicanna Inc. (TSX:AVCN | OTCQX:AVCNF). AFA is independent of, unaffiliated with, and holds no endorsements for Avicanna Inc. (TSX:AVCN | OTCQX:AVCNF).

  2. Gotta love these crisis when people can't afford to buy food, all sales are down, people can't afford to pay high bills, taxes, buy or build a home. Food price, household prices still going up so you been lied is not about offer and demand, hostile take over, abusive economic measures show that '' someone '' owns stock market, trade, world economy, dictate prices, nothing to do with free market. Buy mask or else, take '' vaccine '' medicine treatment or else, trade only Ukrainian dangerous cereals and food with no tax or benefit for your country. This flooded all markets no space for traditional healthy foods. These '' advisors '' buy auctions, silver, gold, crypto soon gonna chew bullets, rockets, tanks, weapons when food is over. Not because we are too many but because we shot down farms, food production. Not enough smart people, just empty walking bodies ready to agree with everything they hear on tik tok or TV.

  3. People said the same thing in 2020 2021 2022 2022 2023 and now 2024. Wonder what they will say in 2025๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. Do thisโ€ฆ.or else

    Iโ€™ll come up with a. New catchy tag line tomorrow.

    Love u gullible fools. I mean my my followers. โค๏ธ Stephan Urkel

  5. The intressedeing thing now is the very big problems with the lowering the high rates, where a such action could "instigate" a very problematicare instability.
    And this in an allready unstable sit.

    The way to handle this, and this maybe to save the banks, the concept of "lifting out" the loans from the banks and fin institutes in to a "common pool", for the loans on "personal" loans for own accomodies, up to a "reasonable" upper level, and this also for loans holding for "homesteaders" and smaler farmers.
    And these to a rate level, on maximum of 0.5 % under the "aimed inflation level".
    So say, if inflation goals are 2.0 %,
    then the loans rates for own houses, flats and homesteads and farms and equivalent groups,
    be 2.0 – 0.5 %= 1.5 %.
    This covering a roof/limited sum, and covering at maximum 85 % of the total price.

    By lifting these loans out, from the banks, the banks would be able to "liberate" loan space for other aims.

    This loans also with a leap time of at least 40 years, at most 60 years.

    To secure that the banks not sheat the official collective tax and citizens collective, then these loan lifting shall be connected with ordinary negothiations, so that the bank will also "pay for theire risky behavior, the evaluation of the loans value compared to nominal shall then be splitted.
    And splitted in such a way that the main part of the" diff", ie the loss, shall be put on the banks accounts.

  6. โ™ โ™ โ™ โ™ โ™ โ™ โ™ Inflation will not go down. Only up.. Second , The reason why they won't lower interest rates is because they will take us higher into war. Every time we go to war, interest rates always go up historically. The Forecaster's computer model shows war increasing till 2027

  7. Steve…, you have us in permanent play-off hockey here. Feel we have been well informed and warned. We know whatโ€™s coming…, the tirade death loop is longer effective.

  8. The total compounded inflation that's occurred since the inflationary era we're now living in began is the only inflation number that matters, and you have to factor shrinkflation into that number because A) it's reality, and B) is easily quantifiable with hard data available from multiple sources. What they tell you is that your psychology is the problem, but it's actually their state of being out-of-touch with the realities of life for the average working Joe and Jane that's the problem.

  9. for an economics guy you're behind the curve. There is all out war between the fed and the ecb and the fed is winning. Check out the move to sofr and see what that actually means. Your take io the situation has SHOCKED me. THIS is a DISASTER. You, are Steve Van Metre. And you are in CHAOS!

  10. History is the club was tossed out of Russia long time ago, thatโ€™s why thereโ€™s always destroying Russia concept has been going on for ever

  11. I speak Spanish and other languages since age 14. Over 62 years coming to Mexico, all

    50 USA states, and the world on my own dime. I am in my 82nd year.

    My rent in Queretaro includes everything a maid, security, wifi, and whatsapp.

    I stocked up on food, and I use La Comer for home delivery. My rent was 14K per month and after 14 months 15K per month and the USA cost was $672 to $910, as the dollar falls.I save and give to honest none beggars. live in Queretaro next door, since 2021. This is 70% less than the USA in 2021. I am in my 82nd year, and moved here at 79 in 2021. I have been coming to Mexico, mainly Acapulco for over 62 years, since age 20. I speak Spanish as a second language since age 14 among many other languages and visiting all over the world on my own dime.

    Great video.

    I survived the good and bad of the USA for 79 years. I am not afraid of anything, and I support myself, and help honest none beggars. Good and evil is everywhere. I moved to Queretaro in 2021 at 79, and God warns me on about evil and dishonest monsters. This is my 82nd year with GOD as my guide.

    Happy in cool Queretaro since 2021. Over 62 years traveling Mexico, mainly Acapulco, all 50 USA states and the world on my own dime from working.

    acajudi100 for my YouTube videos.

  12. I think for the long term I would be long gold and silver. And for the short term, short on stocks!!! Stocks are way overvalued by as much as 30 to 40%!!! I could make a compelling case that we have already been in a recession for over a year now!!!! This situation has been brought on by very economically damaging policies implemented by Joe Biden and the Democrats hostile policies towards oil and gas production!!! Under Trump we had an energy independent nation with low inflation and low gas prices. Now under our great leader Joe Biden and the Democrats we have record high inflation and high gas prices!!! These very detrimental policies have damaged our economy badly!!! So much so now it is driving us straight into another Great Recession 2.0!!!! It really has come down to this… If you want peace and prosperity vote Republican. If want wars, poverty, chaos, and another Great Recession 2.0 vote Democrat!!!!

  13. Can we call it a โ€œtransitional financial seasonโ€ as the US dollar dies and something else replaces it? Since 1913 weโ€™ve been under enslavement. The path to freedom is like climbing up a steep mountain with limited resources. But good things are right on the other side.

    Steve. Are you at all aware of NIZARA/ JISARA??

  14. He's been pounding this nonsense since at least 2020, right? The financial end of times is always around the corner. He's like some pathetic religious nutjob with a "The End is Near" sign around his neck.

  15. And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

    And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
    Matthew 21:12-13

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