Be Careful of This COMMON Gamer Pain (PC USERS)

There seems to be a common pain that PC gamers are feeling with the arm and shoulder that controls the mouse. This is a …


  1. I play games a ton, work on computers for a living during the day and lift a lot, ended up tearing my rotator cuff and these really helped a lot with the pain. Now I do these all the time and work on posture.

  2. thing is, the secretlab chair has this fucking thing touching your elbow in the worst possible position

    this video helped me though, i was doing exactly what you said especially when i heard and saw some people "rest their whole hand on the desk instead of the arm rest, but this is just not possible without long term issues

  3. weirdly i get pain in my left upper back / neck / shoulder area even though i use mouse with right. my table is kinda high and my chair is low so ill reasses but idk why its been hurting a lot recently

  4. this is why I prefer controller in gaming because it's more comfortable because you just sit and relax with your hands down holding a controller, in mouse and keyboard you need to kinda stretch your whole arm to hold the mouse and keyboard while moving and if it takes too long like more than 15 min you can feel the pain on your shoulder, I know aiming is easier on a mouse but I still prefer controller because it's more comfortable, sometimes when I use mouse and keyboard in gaming I don't play that long because my shoulder is feeling kinda hurt already, when in controller I play longer. I don't know if it's only me feeling the same way when using both of it lol! 😀

  5. Is good the elbow over the table or not? i feel like more confortable leaning one side and the elbow just over the edge of the table resting there is this good or not? I use sleaves

  6. got shoulder pain for long time and tried several sexercises to compensate along with trying to get a better posture but everytime i'm finding myself holding the mouse far away from my torso and that's causing pain in my shoulder and then on my wrist. this and other videos are helping me going through this rough journey pain with your suggestions and i can't thank you enough for it. cheers !

  7. Omuz ağrısının sebebi masayı yüksek kullanmak ve omzun kolla birlikte hareketini önlemek için yaptığımız sağ omzu öne doğru getirip gövdeyi sola döndürme hareketiymiş. Yazı yazarken de aynısı oluyor.

    Bunu çözmek için en iyi yolsa daha alçak bir masa kullanmak,

    yüksek masada dirseğin altındaki kısımı masaya koyunca omuz yukarıya çıkmak istiyor, çünkü üst kolumuz yok mu olsun ne yapsın? Omuz serbest kalınca da alt kolun her hareketiyle beraber savrulup dikkat dağıtıyor, biz de oyuncu olarak sabitlemek için öne ve içeriye doğru çıkarıyoruz.
    Masayı alçaltmak dışında malum söylendi, dik dur omuzlar geri çene içeri ayynen. Şahsen hem çok kuvet harcamayacağım hem de bilgisayarı kullanmak için uygun bir pozisyon arıyorum ve asker duruşu hayır rahat değil. Sırt desteği olmadan bi duruş bulsak daha iyi olur.

    Egzersizler 8.08 de, işe yarıyorlar 👍

  8. I have this exactly pain, it's my new chair it is little bit to low (on the highest level) so am 18h a day compensating the 4 cm from the chair with a weird shoulder position and now it's PAINFULL and I mean it's 2 month and the pain still there, ( physio, told me to do exercise to get strengthen muscle that keeps together the joint) however try as the video says, keep a normal position with a relaxed loose natural shoulder or you gonna get this shit too. Wish best session too you' all

  9. Hello coach i have problem with my little finger since i think i hold the mouse too tight with my hand. Is that right ? Cuz i have 1 week stay out the mouse and i feel it doesnt hurt. So can u give me some adivce for balance the perform in game as health

  10. The shoulder blade has the role of making the effort more efficient when we move the arm. When you extend your arm forward, the shoulder blade comes out to raise the lever, like a crane. When you sit on the backrest, you stop the movement of the shoulder blade and the muscle tension increases unnecessarily.

  11. Guys, I believe if you sit up (towards the edge of your chair) helps because your butt is not far back, which leans your shoulders. Sit towards the edge of your chair, and be sure here is space between your butt and the chair back support – give it a try!

  12. Awsome video ! To complete the subject, maybe you can do a vid on forearm/wrist.
    I am struggling for 8+ monthes with wrist tendonitis and elbow tendonitis, with long pauses, massages from physiotherapist, stretching exercices, stanish procedure, a lot of different things but it is still there. Each time i gain a bit of mobility it get pain again and restart where i was, idk how to strenghten else than stannish.

  13. I have similar symptoms; to the point where I’m wondering if this is a disability. The kicker is that all these symptoms are much more predominant in my left (keyboard) shoulder. The mental long term symptoms are far more severe than the pain itself. It’s turning my concentration into that of a squirrel. Very mentally exhausting and degrading to be in constant pain and discomfort every waking minute, forgetting what it feels like to not be obsessively thinking about your body as if you’re trapped in a misshaped, and way to small leather jacket. Or a night of restless sleep in a cold room with a pillowcase for a blanket. Just constantly dealing with the brain signaling discomfort is ruining my life. I’m not even a heavy gamer maybe an hour a day; this has been happening for 2-3 years now and there’s been periods of up to a year that I didn’t sit in front of a computer once. Feeling doomed.

  14. Just Right Now Today I Felt Kinda Mess up On my Right Arm Because of Me Pulling it Back And Not Letting My Arm Rest on the Table by putting My Keyboard and Mouse Further Away For My Arm To Rest, Which is Working Out Perfectly!

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