Cannabis Question Extra: CBD Helps Anxiety Patients in First Clinical Trial of its Kind

Are the chemical compounds found in cannabis, including CBD, a potential treatment for reducing anxiety? Here’s what a clinical study found—and the story of …


  1. I use to get out of bed every morning very tired 🥱 and i also have compulsive negative though throughout the day ….
    I now took 20mg of full spectrum cbd oil 2 times a day ! One dose just before going to bed and one dose in the morning as soon as i get out of bed !
    The result are phenomenal…. 😇
    I woke up every morning full of energy and my compulsive thought 💭 are almost non existent 🙂
    The only drawback of taking cbd everyday is the cost 💲
    But now i can’t go back living my life without my 2 daily dose of cbd !
    Its part of me now 😇

  2. OK – I'm done here on youtube… has abeen a fun ride … these comments I/m posting are not even showing … no need to have my life censored away … if you want t real truth do not turn to this place

  3. Cannibis and CBD are medicine from mother earth for humans that have specific links to our brain receptors that will heal us without harmful side effects.

  4. Just smoke weed. It’s cheaper and more effective. CBD isolate doesn’t do much if anything. It’s the hint of THC in there that actually takes effect.

  5. Wow, great video. You're telling us what they knew 6,000+ years ago. Funny how a few criminals who made pot illegal, were able to carry their lies for nearly 90 years. Pot was made illegal in the 1930's at the prompting of the FBI and the pharma companies. Think of all the lives that could have been changed or saved.

  6. Charlotte Web great story, company and brand. I use wide variety of their products to address high blood pressure and sleep issues. Top brand in my opinion. I take the same bottle in the video.

  7. There's no actual scientific proof that CBD really helps with various issues! People that claim it's life-changing have no real proof of this so it's subjective at this point and should only be considered a placebo effect!

  8. friend said to try cbd for my anxiety. and it did not have the effect i was looking for. infact it sent my anxiety through the roof to the point i almost ended up in the ER.

  9. Tramun jaw I injured and many other injuries….. words use hear are more emotional words however injuries are real the muscle and ligament have to understandlosing there grips thus the body shake however the cbd oil slow the body down so as the tension let go. The body is in mending … it took 16 years for my chin and jaw line to heal from an 3 yes old injury

  10. I remember my first panic attack at 6 and suffered all my life, but never when a panic attack would have been the appropriate response. I bought a bottle of passionflower from Amazon $10 and it’s so much better than anything I ever got from a pharmacy!
    While it does not necessarily treat the panic attack you are currently engaged in, after a few days everything was less of a roller coaster ride! Zero side effects except the best restorative sleep I’ve ever had.
    2 an hour before bed, then 2 at lunch.

  11. My wife (55 yrs old) just started taking CBD before bed less than a week ago.
    She has had dramatic results in restful sleep for the first time in a really long time.
    I’m shocked and amazed, that’s all I can say. Finally, I can get a full night’s sleep too ☺️
    Also, please watch the full episode, very good Nova documentary about the whole Cannabis dilemma.

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