Recreational marijuana now legal in Illinois; Chicagoans line up to purchase pot
Some Chicagoans lined up bright and early on New Year`s Day to be the firsts to legally purchase recreational marijuana.
Some Chicagoans lined up bright and early on New Year`s Day to be the firsts to legally purchase recreational marijuana.
KKind owner, John Taylor, talks about precautions they are taking as they open the first recreational marijuana shop in Kalamazoo County on Friday, March 13, …
The federal government considers it illegal but that’s not stopping states from legalizing recreational marijuana.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo called for the legalization and regulation of marijuana for recreational use by adults Wednesday, his third attempt in as many years to get …
During a speech to outline his 2019 agenda, New York Gov. Cuomo says he’ll push to legalize recreational marijuana early next year.
Should Tennessee legalize recreational marijuana? In years past, legislators have attempted to legalize the use of medical marijuana, in hopes that it could help …
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