TeamAng I had 2 really bad seizures on October 23rd. One in the day time and one later at night. I have been eating super healthy so I don’t think it’s my diet that …


  1. Jesus please heal this family from the disaster. This mother has been through so much and all she can do is hold her and watch. In the name of the lord, amen.

  2. My wife has just started to have seizure 3 now in space of 3 weeks. There awful how do you know she's about to have 1 every little info helps please

  3. You should not try to restrain a person who is having a seizure. You should just be there to comb them and keep an ion them. If you tried to restrain them you could hurt them and yourself.

  4. Can't remember anything from when it happened with me, but what my mother told me… I saw it on her face when I regained my concusnes that she thought I am going to die, because im not breathing… I got scared only by her reaction..

  5. What a beautiful girl inside and out. Her mom is so comforting. I wish people understood that that’s exactly what I need during my episodes. My love language is touch, I just need to be held and comforted and they stop a lot quicker. People yelling at me to stop and slapping me in the face and throwing water on me and panicking only makes me panic more.

  6. I have been looking at videos of people having seizures.. mostly because I want to see if the things I have are seizure like.. for years I have been in denial that I could have seizures coz they were never that bad.. even when I was younger before I was a teenager I didn’t think much of them.. they weren’t really noticeable until I got my endometriosis I believe they got worse when I started to have periods.. and my endometriosis was realised back when I was 13 years old.. but for years I never knew what was wrong with me I thought that I had Tourette’s back in 2018 and early 2019.. then I stopped believing that.. but back in 2019 December.. I had a seizure.. a bad one.. while playing on my VR I just suddenly had flickering eyes and my arm flailed.. lasted about 20 seconds.. but felt longer coz I was scared.. and since I haven’t had that many but then just recently I have been having more seizures and they are definitely more scary.. now my eyes roll back into my skull and I can’t move them back to normal until the seizure is over which is scary..

  7. Since I am studying all about seizures and all types, can I ask if what type of seizure do you have? because I might guessing a type that I am not sure of it. Hope you feel better soon and may God heal you. You have a great and loving mom there, I salute her.

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