25 Years Jail In Dubai, UAE For Football Coach Over CBD Vape Oil – Video 5043

NEWS LINK courtesy BBC World Football coach jailed for 25 years in Dubai over CBD vape oil A …


  1. This is the UAE version of tolerance which as we all know it is as much a lie as anything that bastard ruler cooked up
    The UAE "tolerance" is so tolerant that it is intolerant towards freedom of expression and pluralism even living a normal life

  2. Wow. You really have no idea huh? Radha’s Twitter account was taken down when many other GCC human rights organisations were also removed. Just after the Saudi Prince became the second biggest shareholder in Twitter. Stop repeating UAE government propaganda. How much are they paying you?

  3. Well said but brother to be honest I've tried cbd oil and I was smashed for 2 days it is a drug and you should respect a countries law just because we're British oh can we ask prime minister and foreign secretary to pardon my son as we British Common I feel for him as a fellow brit but they need to hold their laws simple

  4. He didn’t use the oil, his friend left it in his car (which he has openly admitted to). CBD has no psychoactive ingredients and is purely used as a therapeutic so makes no sense as a controlled substance anyway. So, according to UAE law someone wanting to frame another individual only needs to send a message to them on social media and they will get banged up for 25 years? Great detective work there! There are murderers and rapists with shorter sentences than this poor fellow. This is a political and corrupt act and I hope he is freed soon. There is no evidence that Billy Hood is a drug user or a dealer. What do you think? That he’s some kind of CBD smuggler? What’s he going to get for 3 vials of vape oil? A mighty profit and worth all the risk I don’t think. What a complete load of nonsense.

  5. Loy breaking, I know a twitch streamer who knows this guy as a friend and he was actually possessing's the stuff to tell the truth but due to the media attention he will probably be free in 2 years. nevertheless it is a very long time to be sentenced.

  6. Loy Machedo, you don't know what you're talking about. Funny that you should be working against Detained in Dubai and propagating the UAE FALSE propaganda against us without ever having spoken with us.

  7. The UAE laws are the same ones you’ll look to if you are in trouble there. The law is the law don’t break them unless you expect to go to jail

  8. The UK gov. has a booklet for UK citizens who are about to go to the ME to work – the do's & don'ts in the ME. If these Brits think, now they have a bunch of guys enjoying couple of drinks, drugs, etc. in the privacy of their home – they are wrong, as a lot of undercover cops (UAE, Oman, Qatar & Saudi ) just hang around & provide vital tips to the police, of what is going on.

  9. Unjust charges, but laws are laws.. his friend really isnt a friend. CBD is harmless also, that is the part that makes 0 sense. Everyone in this case, time is wasted including judges who do not admit it is harmless to use cbd and its actually medically legit.

  10. CBD vape oil is literally nothing that makes you crazy.. i grow huge fields of it legally here and help harvest.
    I have used CBD all day for 15 years, it aids the immune system in medical paperwork. The government of US even has a patent officially for antioxidant properties of cannabis,
    we have been lied to worldwide for 50 years about this harmless plant. My channel proves all this, and I get a 401K growing before.. so its legit.

  11. CBD isnt drugs Loy, it's an oil extract that does not contain THC and is not used to feel any form of buzz.. it is only used by people who have constant pain like in cancer or joint pain. It's used as a pain killer..

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