CBD in Skincare and Beauty Products I Use | Susan Yara

I’ve been really interested in CBD skincare and beauty products recently, so I rounded up my current favorites! I’m really enjoying all of these products and want …


  1. Thank you for posting your video! Sharing your experiences with other's who may be interesting in trying CBD helps take the mystery out of the ingredient. To address a comment below about being careful in buying CBD, I agree. Not all CBD products have high-quality ingredients and are manufactured in-house.

  2. Happy day to you! I found your page when I was looking for CBD Skincare lovers. I know you love to test & try products. Might you be open to sharing others' positive contributions? Assuming it is in complete alignment with your values & spirit, of course.

  3. Arnica is amazing for muscle/tendon pain, so that may be what’s really helping your ankle! My 5 year old gets pain in his knee and we use it on him. He often gets pain in the middle of the night and it takes it away in minutes. I also used it on a sprained ankle a year ago.

  4. Wow! I didn’t realize you have scalp psoriasis. I was diagnosed 5 years ago I think. I have a special prescribed topical oil and solution but it can be tedious to treat since it’s overnight. I should try CBD

  5. Susan, can you please do a video on keratosis pilaris? 🙏🏼 The kp on my arms has gotten a lot worse now that winter is right around the corner 😳
    I think cbd in skincare products is really interesting, especially for people dealing with pain. It's not available in my country, but love to try if it will be legal in the future ✨

  6. Check out American Shaman. I use cbd for pain management and anxiety. The percentage used that has the actual THC is called ‘full spectrum’ and contains .03% of THC. There are products that are non-THC but are less potent. I use certain products of theirs (no I don’t work for them) because they are water soluble, meaning they absorb into the body much quicker. You would have to ingest the product every day for a full 6 mo – 1 year before it showed any THC in your system. That’s why it’s best to let your employer know if you need it or talk to your doctor about the alternative pain relief product.

  7. I have a lot of body pain especially in my joints and I use the Lord Jones body lotion and gummies. I feel like they both help but like you I’m just not 100% sure.

  8. I've used the Body Shop Hemp hand cream for years and years. It's super rich cream that is essential in my winter skin care. It is so so good that I will not even try other hand creams. FYI it's super rich so I would only recommend it for winter months.

  9. Thank you, I have psoriasis or eczema in my scalp 🤷🏾‍♀️ because of anemia and is flaky like crazy and I don’t know what to put. I will try them. I will put it on my hands since I get eczema during winter

  10. I kinda feel with this video there wasn't much faith in the cbd but more the other ingredients- which is what I generally feel about cbd topically. Its not all that, largely a buzz term

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