1. I checked out the link for the full recipe, sounds really awesome and easy. I would like to know a little more of the CBD oil, I have fibromyalgia and I wanted to make me a 500mg, now if I bought the 1500mg that would give me three 2 oz jars according to the recipe you provide, is that right? Thank you for your time.

  2. I liked your processing video but think less of the container you put your end product in. Buy some inexpensive, empty, 15g, lip balm/deodorant containers from one of the Chinese suppliers on eBay and fill them with your product. These containers make the topical application of the salve much easier.

  3. I tried a recipe similar to yours. Why does the jojoba oil and the CBD oil need to be HEATED and should the essential oils be heated? Also the beeswax pellets melted at first but the end product looked as though the beeswax pellets hardened again. What could have happened ?

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