When & What CBD Helps With the Most. Pain, Insomnia, Anxiety, Mood, Expectations? Doctor Jack Ep 19

Thank you for checking out this video! You are awesome! I am Doctor Jack, a board-certified anesthesiologist and pain management physician in practice since …


  1. I am a 41 year old male who suffers from Ankylosing Spondylitis and anxiety which I think often affects my mood in a negative way. I also take Enbrel for my AS. I recently talked to my Rheumatologist about medical marijuana and he is all for it and told me to fill out an application. I definitely don't want to smoke bud because I get a very paranoid feeling for a good 30 minutes after smoking it. Do you think CBD would be strong enough to ween me off of the dangerous biologic drugs?

  2. Most ppl dont take Enough cbd long enough regularly enough to be effective. YOU REALLY NEED A MINUMUM of 25 to 50 mg per ml at least 2 times a day for a minimum of 3 to 5 days to see any real pain relief or help with insomnia and anxiety which I use CBD for all 3 . I have horrible debilitating pain from Fibro myalgia chronic insomnia and anxiety with hypertension and I've been taking 50 mg of high potency CzbD from Lazarus Naturals in oregon who makes a high quality 3rd party tested AFFORDABLE product that is life saving for me on SSI ( if permanently disabled a veteran or low income they offer a deep 60% discount with approved application ( just submit I'd with proof of eligibility and they will approve or deny your application in a few days. . You cannot find a better effective brand at this price ( $120 for 4 oz ( 120 ml ) of 6000mg FULL OR BROAD spectrum cbd tincture .
    You get free priority shipping and excellent support and a 90 day money back guarantee NO OTHER BRAND IVE FOUND IS AS HIGH QUALITY HIGH POTEMCY EXTREMLY EFFRCTIVE AND AS ADFIRDABLE and no I am not paid to promote THEY ARE JUST THAT GOOD AND I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU TRY THEIR PRODUCT offered at their website wwww.lazarusnaturals.com

  3. Thank you Dr. Jack! I really appreciate your videos! Iā€™m a physical therapist and really like the experience and scientific background that you bring to understanding CBD oil.

  4. Great info!! Will share with my people that have started with oil just recently!! I have some on full spectrum and the broad spectrum! The broad effects are definitely slower and different compared to the full!
    So thanks again!
    Hope your thanksgiving was wonderful!
    Have a great week!!
    Look forward to your next video!!

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