Does Marijuana Cause Schizophrenia?

As legalization spreads throughout the developed world, the true health effects of cannabis are more important to understand than …


  1. So, it's valid to assume that many people who smoke marijuana are schizophrenic or have other mental issues. Still not safe to be around. And, definitely, not safe for them to be driving like they do in great numbers in some cities e.g. Omaha, NE. And, in apartment communities neighbors of such people shouldn't be forced to endure that disgusting smell day in and day out and even have their personal belongings like their clothing saturated with that smell. All of which I have experienced. If you have experienced issues like this as a tenant then please contact your state Congress representative and Senator to push for housing legislation in which marijuana smokers have to be separated from non-smokers.

  2. It can help me a lot w my PTSD symptoms, but if I overdo it, it can definitely make my schizophrenia symptoms worse. I guess it's a moderation thing for me. Can break through a lot of the neg symptoms tho.

  3. Marijuana Does Cause Schizophrenic Illness Ever Since My Sister Started Smoking Marijuana Cause Psychosis Talking People Whos is Not Their 🇺🇸💪🏻⚓️🪖👱🏻‍♂️

  4. Marijuana really messes with your mind if you’re predisposed to mental illness

    I started smoking at 16. I already had issues at school due to not doing homework, truancy, causing chaos in general and just exacerbated it. I also have ADHD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I sometimes see things in the corner of my eyes and hear soft whispers here and there.

  5. If burned daily no matter what age in the long run can have some bad side effects like psychosis or OCD the absolute safest way besides for your fridge is eating it.

  6. I had my onset a few months after smoking. As I was 18, and also experiencing working, college, and living on my own for the first time – there's no way to know if it was a factor or the factor.

  7. Keep toking. The more you toke, the less convincing the scientific evidence will look to you. Keep toking. All your fears will go up in smoke and you can float away with Alice and Dumbo, into a green hazy Utopia.

  8. I’m not sure if this is schizophrenia but last week I could’ve sworn I brought my charger to work. I remember grabbing it, wrapping it the same way I always do and putting it in the same pocket. Before it’s time to leave I remember charging my phone it even felt like my batter went up, I swear it felt real. So when it’s time to leave I’m freaking out and my ex is like wtf is going and I’m running around tryna find my charger. I get home and it’s in my outlet.

  9. The makers of this video have a bias against cannabis. They scapegoat on cannabis saying that this particular plant could cause psychosis or schizophrenia. If only. You'd think an institution of learning would have more objectivity, especially given the information that substance abuse (not abuse of cannabis) can be a contributing factor toward psychosis.

  10. What I wanna know is the effect by in take if you smoke every day and then quit would the chances go down and also if your a weekly smoker do you have less of a chance of mental illness

  11. I am not somebody who smokes everyday or really ever. I’ve smoked marijuana off and on in life since age 17-24. I’m 24 now but off and on been literally rare for me. I barely wanna get high unless it was a social circle I’d hit a blunt how ever I barely inhale because I never liked feeling high and smoke hurts my lungs. I’ve ate edibles maybe 5 times in my life or so. The majority of times I did it with my best friend and had mild anxiety and just mainly felt “stuck” but usually slept it off. I wouldn’t take that much because I know my limits. Well it doesn’t take a lot to get me messed up. I had surgery recently and wanted to try a piece of my edible in the cabinet that I NEVER touch for back pain. Told myself I’d be fine and most likely sleep like other times. Well the gummy candy edible I had was melted from the sun this summer so I had to break a piece off and I was so tired I didn’t feel like getting up and cutting it. I took probably one of the biggest pieces of edibles I’ve had in forever and had the worst nightmare of a high ever. I was cutting up peppers and onions to meal prep while my boyfriend was in the room asleep. The edible hit me an hour later and I started tripping thinking that I was gonna kill my self. I heard voices in my head telling me to cut myself with the knife I had. Terrifying. So I dropped it immediately and put everything away. Then felt ill like sick to my belly so I laid down and got me a fruit snack to try and get my senses back plus I was hungry. As I laid and tried to watch my show to calm down the taste of the fruit in my mouth got very acidic and was fiery almost. I felt like my mouth was on fire and then my chest started to burn. Then my head started burning. I felt like I was internally on fire and I started waking up my boyfriend in a panic. I cried a bit and shook bad while my legs was moving back and forth begging him to please call the cops because I need a ambulance or I’ll die. I told him I’m gonna die I can feel that my body is burning and I might have a heart attack. I threw up a lot to try and get some stuff out of my system. I had to force puke to come out so I can feel better. Then I laid there whimpering in pain and he held me tight and helped me breathe through the panic attack. He said my heart was racing and I was looking like I lost my mind. He coached my breathing which helped but everytime I opened my eyes I’d see a figure staring at me or the lights on my door moving in weird areas of the room. I’d hear millions of conversations in my head that I couldn’t keep up with. I felt like I was dead a couple times and this was hell. I felt like life wasn’t a thing anymore and I was outside of my body. I was in so much physical pain it felt like my brain was a egg on a frying pan. I was just sizzling alive. I was freezing like shaking bad but felt so hot all in my head. My boyfriend told me I felt normal temperature actually pretty cold. He held me like a baby and literally saved me from the panic attack. I slept eventually and woke up in a daze just depressed. I’ve been feeling confused now and sad. I feel bad about taking that much by accident like stupid and just thankful the nightmare is over. I’ve had a similar attack off a candy edible years ago but I didn’t expect this to happen again. I definitely took a little bit too much for me but what I took most people would consider NOTHIN. It’s insane a small amount called such a crazy episode. I have moderate psychosis from time to time sober like if I have had no sleep like exhausted I’ll kinda question reality but then I sleep and I’m okay. Also if I’m alone too long I might hear things that aren’t there but not straight up voices. It’s more like bangs or something. Edibles take me to another level. I feel like if you are somebody with pre-existing mental health disorders then edibles and weed are not for you. Actually I think somebody like me should NEVER do any drugs ever. It’s dangerous. I felt like I wanted to stab myself with a knife last night on edibles. That’s scary! It’s like all my demons and fears come to life when I’m that high. I’m so lucky I had a loving boyfriend to love on me and get me through that trip. I have anxiety issues in general everyday so I believe edibles causes me to live in all my worst fears like makes me face them. Very terrible feeling… I threw the edibles away… I think I’ll stay away from anything that can alter my mind for a long time. I think most people can handle it especially if they know their limits. How ever, if you have issues already AVOID anything that can alter your mind. Just stay sober. Peace and love thanks for reading my story if you did.

    Forgot to add timing… By the way, I was high from 3am-5am. About 2 hours of agonizing pain. I eventually slept it off and I puked everything up before bed so when I woke up at 8am I was fine. I took that edible around 2am.

  12. When I was a teenager and was smoking a lot of weed. I was convinced 100% I was a reincarnated Jim Morrison. I had such a bad time getting high the last 2 years I smoked it felt like I was going nuts. So, there is a connection. But, I feel it's a link to another dimensional force that we are ignorant exists. Like DMT helpers and those just outside our normal frequency, I say be aware of what world you're getting into before you take up that spiritual practice. Marijuana, Acid, DMT, Mushrooms and all hallucinations aren't an effect created by you but access to a realm you should be aware of before you partake in that ritual. Think about it.

  13. its electronic harassment ,,I know people who have that v2k, its nasty shit, ,makes their lives hell with the voices, ,they went on disability because of it, and the doctor tells them they are schizophrenic ,when actually its electronic harassment, ,and the docs know this but wont tell the patient the truth

  14. The effects are varied, just like schizophrenia is different from one sufferer to the next. I know of a young man who had his first psychosis after he started using. Nobody ever made a connection, because he was hiding it from his parents, but his peers knew. And he commited suicide only two years later, while high.
    That being said, many others would probably tell you it helps alleviate the symptoms.

  15. The flower is safe. The dabs or concentrate if done daily will in due time cause you all kinds of mental problems. I'd love to tell my story to help others not take my path. I am 7 months sober and I have my most average normal life back.

  16. I feel like back in the 90s weed was safe and natural. Now in 2021 weed has become a drug. Thc is so high in the weed and there are all sorts of weird names for the different strains. I remember when police would arrest you for having 1 joint. Now the goverenment made it legal to control the market and make money off of it. In a few years when the new generation develops mental illness from this legal cannibus i wobder what the goverments excuse will be.

  17. As a schizophrenic, the signs were always there when I was growing up, not to mention my brother programed me to forget things which I feel is a major contributor. This is a list of what all it does for me: helps me function, it helps me eat, helps with the PTSD of what a man did to me, makes my days feel normal again, helps me with coming back down to reality after insane dreams, helps me get rid of the urge to cut, and lastly it helps keep me grounded. I can tell the difference through years of experimenting with smoking and not smoking with my condition and it has only helped me. It also helps block out the visions, because of the visions make my days feel like eons. It really upsets me that I can't legally get ahold of something that helps me simplify my life and allows me to get a better quality of time.

  18. You don't have to be a "heavy user" of marijuana to develop schizophrenia. I used to smoke 3 light joints made up of mostly tobacco 3 times a day for 7 days and than id have a 7 day break and I did so for years. The reason Id smoke it one week on, one week off was because I didnt want to develop a habbit. About 2 years ago I developed severe paranoid schizophrenia due to trauma, desperate to get some relief I decided to quit smoking cannibis all together for a while and my symptoms were greatly relieved and than I experimented by smoking a joint and it did exasperate my symptoms for the day. In the peak time of my schizophrenia I went a long time without using marijuana and am certain this was not the cause. Im not comfortable wuth sharing the details of the trauma I endured. I advise if you have schizophrenia or paranoia or both to steer clear of marijuana. It sucks because I believe there are health benefits from this HERB.

  19. If you are prone to mental health maybe but I don't think weed can just make someone have schizophrenia I don't think there's any proof of any drug causing schizophrenia but definitely can make symptoms worse like someone that's depressed self medicating with alcohol to try to not feel bad but only making things worse in the long run.

  20. I smoke cartridges it’s been a year, at first it was fun now I just do it to sleep, but recently every night at 3am when I lay down I feel something or someone touching my lower back and it gets hot. I tried to look for info but there’s none and I’m scared I might have schizophrenia

  21. Y'all lie it helps most y'all try anything to keep any one from using anything God gave us… Read your bible he tells us what to eat and use for meds y'all must be in with big pharma… Any thing God said is good y'all call bad.. But your hurry grow crops is killing us you water is full of killers do real research… What's in plastic bottles of water.. Hmmm Gods right all the time..

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