SMOKEABLES: Wake and Bake with Pot-Infused Pancakes

weedweek ends on 4/20. Check out some of our favorite pot docs: Abdullah Saeed knows what’s up when it comes to waking and baking.


  1. 0:35 did he put the mason jar in with the lid on? Can't it explode? Also, won't the whole house stink? I think the most viable step for those who'd want to keep it low-key would be to vape it and use a sploof (DIY air filter made by using a finished toilet paper roll, dryer sheets, and elastic band), and not grill the bud with the crackers but maybe just heat up the peanut butter.

  2. I tried that cannabis butter with the 2 grams you recommended and I felt nothing from it, not a slight bit… I guess the 2 grams are not enough?

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