1. Holy effing assault. That’s absolutely unacceptable, and terribly irresponsible behaviour.

    Not that I’m wishing anyone have a nasty reaction from being assaulted, but that person needs the fear of a negligence leading to manslaughter charge.

  2. Deep tissue and swedish massage is beneficial. Swedish is just a generally relaxing massage while deep tissue works out muscle cramps and soreness. The rest of it like reflexology and shit is total woo woo nonsense. A former friend owns two massage spas and I told him he shouldn't offer those other services without a disclaimer they're only offered as a novelty and have no scientific evidence of showing any benefit.

  3. Pretty bummed to hear about seizures from tea tree oil. I've used it all throughout my adult life as a antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory treatment and I've never had a problem. I don't think I'll be so quick to recommend it to people who haven't tried it now. I use it every time I get out of the shower because I have really sensitive skin but that's just me!

  4. My little sister had some kind of essential oils sprayed on her and she ended up having seizures very soon after. She was super scared and my parents took her to the hospital. She was ok and all my relatives immediately got rid of any essential oils. She hasn’t have any seizures since!

  5. This is not new information. I'm glad you are bringing it up, but these warnings for certain essential oils have been around for years. Please see a professional before dabbling, or at least a few decent references!

  6. My mom used eucalyptus and balm tree oils when I was a kid. The air in her room was suffocating, and even outside of it, it felt like something heavy was crushing my chest. Balm tree oil can cause asthma attacks in children even if they don't have asthma otherwise, and since I had iron deficiency anemia, anything that made breathing harder hit me hard. I suspect she deliberately used it as a child-repellant.

  7. it to s known that linalool, citronellol can trigger allergies in sensitive people.
    so lemon, cinnamon and floral oils can trigger allergies in people with susceptibility

  8. Yeah I just want to say a few things. I am someone who has struggled with depression and anxiety and undiagnosed ADD and trauma from my child hood. I I'm now in my late 40s and have always been interested in natural and wholistic healing modalities since my early twenties. Back then I was into the vegetarian and wannabe vegan food phase of my life. But as I've grown older and wiser and the nutritional science has changed and my body has changed I now follow more of a modified paleo diet. I had chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and IBS and much more. I read the book it starts with food and did a paleo allergy elimination diet. The reason to do a paleo plan is because most people are not allergic to meat and animal fats and vegetables. But many people have sensitivities and intolerances to the phytates in grain's and legumes and to dairy and wheat. The idea is to keep a diary and slowly bring back one food at a time keeping track of how your body reacts. I have a naturopathic integrative medicine doctor and many of the other allopathic specialists I have been to such as gastroenterology and urology also recommend some sort of food elimination diet as a first way to help figure out what is causing my bladder and bowl issues. So this isn't just a diet fad. I love integrative medicine because it incorporates the science of herbal medicine with when appropriate other allopathic modalities. I also started taking ginsing for energy and magnesium for my fibromyalgia and sleep issues. I started doing yoga and meditation again and going for long walks and working out at the gym. I stopped dairy which was horrible for me and caused migraines and many other issues. I also quite coffee Which is absolutely horrible for my body. I stopped sugar unless it was on a special occasion. I am a completely different person today then the woman who could not get out of bed and was sick and tired and depressed all the time. I have lost a ton of weight and feel better then ever. So food and diet can play a huge roll in these issues. But obviously meds are very important as well. Sometimes people are in crisis mode and they need meds. Sometimes forever sometimes not. My best friend is a brilliant stem scientist with a degree in microbiology and he's going back to school to get his degree in nutritional sciences. He's very smart and helpful with these issues. So I feel pretty lucky to have him around. But as far as essential oils go. It's complicated. There's no such thing as All essential oils being the same thing. There are many different compounds depending on the specific essential oil from which specific plant compound you are using. For instance lavender oil is used in many burn centers and Honey..which is not an essential oil is often used as well. Lavender is a calmative herb and can be turned into a calmative essential oil. I have a bottle in my kitchen and it is one of the most effective things I have ever used on burns. It immediately takes the pain away and if you apply it three times a day for a couple days the scaring will be gone and the pain not noticable at all. Obviously it is only for burns and not cuts.. that would be stupid and would really hurt. If you have a third degree burn you are going to go to the hospital. Most of the essential oils I buy are from reputable companies and are in a carrier oil of some other kind like jojoba oil. I have never seen or heard and practiicioner advocate using 100% pure essential oils that are not diluted with some other oil. There's other more astringent oils like eucalyptus which can be sometimes be found in shampoo to help with dandruff and cradle cap. I guess I'm saying there is a science and a reasonable be use for these things. Where we have to be careful is in synthetic highly processed knock offs from lab made chemicals. Many other European countries have way stricter standards around the use of chemicals in makeup and hair products. Yes there is a big supplement industry complex without a lot of regulation. But smart thinking people know how to research and where there products come from. We are lucky here in Vermont to have some wonderful herbalists who source and grow and make there own products and are up to date on all of the latest science. My best friend is highly allergic to soy and unfortunately it's in everything..so for us reading labels is really important. Anybody can be allergic to anything and so we should definitely be careful and always ask and never assume something is safe for everyone. I think smells are an amazing wonderful way to bring back memories. We smell all kinds of things on a daily basis including flowers walking down the street and grandma's homemade cookies. They did a study in a nursing home with many different wholistic healing modalities including using essential oils. When they asked the residents later what there favorite and most effective modality was the overwheming answer was essential oils. I'm not sure of the details of the study if they were just using diffusers or were giving massages or what. I think it may have been just a diffuser. Just a reminder that many of our allopathic pills are made with herbal medicine. Asprin being made from the bark of a tree. My best friend I mentioned earlier has bi polar 2 and autism and takes a pill form of turmeric with black pepper that has been shown in many reputable studies to be really helpful for depression. He really swears by it. He was on done pretty harsh meds when he had a mental health break down many years ago. That med was horrible for him and as he says stole a piece of his soul he can never get back. But yes there are other things we must and can do that you mentioned for anxiety and depression that are evidence based. cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy are some things that come to mind. There is more and more evidence that trauma plays a huge role in our physical health and wellness even directly causing some autoimmune disorders. There's a great book on this called childhood interrupted how your biography affects your biology and how you can heal. Sorry this was soo long. But I think either extreme that essential oils and vitamins are ALL bad or All good is pretty short sighted and not based on science. Also yeah it is obviously not okay to rub shit into people's skin without there permission. Like I said my friend is highly allergic to soy and if he even touches it he gets a rash all over his body.

  9. I have a teeny-tiny little bottle of mint essential oil, I bought it at the local drugstore and it's real nifty for colds or headaches, but I use it sparingly and only on myself. I also don't delude myself into thinking it could cure cancer or some shit, that is effing bogus!

  10. Hi, I'm a former LMBT (licensed massage and bodywork therapist) and first, I'm so sorry to hear that you were treated like that! If that person was a licensed massage practitioner in your state (requirements vary by state or county) I'd like to recommend that you report their behavior to their state board. Applying essential oils or massage techniques without the express consent of a client is completely inappropriate and gives massage therapists a bad name. (Though to be fair, there are many reasons I let my license lapse)

  11. This is exactly what the chicken-wing was invented for! The swift open-hand to the soft-tissue of the throat is just the ticket to get someone to give you your space back! 😀 And…may I say you look very lovely today!

  12. As someone who uses essential oils to perfume my hair, and for that use ALONE, all I can say is what the actual fuck is wrong with people. I hate the fact that whenever I tell people I use perfume oil on my hair, they look at me like I'm fucking crazy because of these types of ableist weirdos that peddle pseudoscience. It's perfume. Stop eating perfume. You aren't a baby who doesn't know better than to shove everything into your mouth.

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