Emma hosts Joe Margulies, Professor of Law and Government at Cornell University, to discuss his recent book Thanks For …
Definitely one of the better long-view interviews of the year, and I'd say that's an extremely high bar. Continued to link people to it throughout watching. Thank you for all you do as usual!
You better look into your crypto patrons and what they’re making you exclude because it’s despicable behavior on your part and theirs… no, wreeeaaalllyyy— you really need to look into your crypto patrons.
You aren’t the left, you’re the the center-right at best if that “left”, you colonizer in your ridiculous colonizer habitus with your putrid colonizer doxa. This is 100% miserable centrist-right bourgeois colonialist exclusionary detailed redliner context framed and narrated virtue signaling for redliner colonialists in their redlined beneficiary bourgeois suburban homes to maintain their redliner petty bourgeoisie false consciousness – that’s the despicable reality because the dispossession has always been structural, even the PPP & the other pogroms of accumulation by dispossession granted impunity to by Obalk O’bourgeois aka baroque candelabra aka the undisputed butcher of Honduras and more. Because nothing is more axiomatic under settler colonialism, than impunity being granted to the settler criminal by the settler. If it weren’t for these so-called progressive, so-called “leftist” shows (They detail with massive exclusion under settler colonialism so they can be nothing but centrist or right ) we would be hearing about the fascist rentier US hegemony but they exclude with detail around that and why that is the source of their inter-generational wealth and everyone else’s misery. But that is not the only thing they are gross liars of ommission centrists because of. Oh no that is not the only reason they are shameful liars to call themselves “left”. It’s malpractice, deceitful and deceptive and nauseating and malfeasance for you to call yourself the “left”, because you’re not even the center, you are the right because of your exclusionary detailing and other deceit and deception and reprehensible behavior so get a clue colonizer! FYI— The corrupt entirely racist subordinated corrupted colonizer Democrats are going to scuttle anything anybody does other than their owners. You don’t get to pretend that isn’t the case. That’s part of your crimes of exclusionary detailing, just one part of your colonizer context from your colonizer habitus with your colonizer doxa instantiates the insufferable untenable colonizer nomos.
There is nothing more common under this despicable unnecessary settler colonialist Racialized hierarchy than colonizers suffering menticide Installed in them by the fascist settler colonialist haute bourgeoisie… you absolutely know this because you rub elbows with these redlining colonizers – Redliner context framed and narrated virtue signaling for redliners in their redlined beneficiary suburban homes to maintain their redliner petty bourgeoisie false consciousness – that’s the despicable reality because the dispossession has always been structural, even the PPP & the other pogroms of accumulation by dispossession granted impunity to by Obalk O’bourgeois aka baroque candelabra aka the undisputed butcher of Honduras and more. Because nothing is more axiomatic under settler colonialism, than impunity being granted to the settler criminal by the settler.
The Iroquois called George Washington “town destroyer” because of all of the pogroms of genocide he and his “white” people committed personally against the indigenous people, including women and children, to steal their land and it was commodified and privatized genocide by he, Jefferson, Hamilton (all of them) the Virginia company and more. George Washington was such a miserable horrific racist anti-indigenous genocide committing genocide leader, that he wiped out the Seneca Indians, dozens of Indian villages and most Indians will curse his name forever. No matter how much they’ve convinced you he’s a “founding father”, it doesn’t take away the fact that he was a horrible anti-indigenous genocide committer. It’s a horrible fact of this “country” and it’s because it’s a despicable genocide colony. You don’t get to front with your colonizer “context” because you know what this place is and you know why it’s acting the way it does… and you’re trying to commodify its crimes against humanity ongoing with this video.
Damn Matt. You said Case Closed was for babies but it sounded like you never read it… smh at my favorite political podcast playing to some sexy conspiracy
The Iroquois called George Washington “town destroyer” because of all of the pogroms of genocide he and his “white” people committed personally against the indigenous people, including women and children, to steal their land and it was commodified and privatized genocide by he, Jefferson, Hamilton (all of them) the Virginia company and more. George Washington was such a miserable horrific racist anti-indigenous genocide committing genocide leader, that he wiped out the Seneca Indians, dozens of Indian villages and most Indians will curse his name forever. No matter how much they’ve convinced you he’s a “founding father”, it doesn’t take away the fact that he was a horrible anti-indigenous genocide committer. It’s a horrible fact of this “country” and it’s because it’s a despicable genocide colony.
My biggest problems with detaching Race from Class is that so much of what poverty and welfare is supposed to look like in the public eye has been coded to Black people and Black struggles within America, and has been since Reconstruction. And believing that because a few White Elites will work together with the Black Elites for money somehow negates the White elites participation in and perpetuation of anti-Black sentiments and imagery which has also been coupled with the idea of Whiteness and close proximity to Whiteness being the primary marker for financial and social success and normalcy. Or that the Black Elites that work together with White Elites don't perpetuate White Supremacist rhetoric and beliefs in a sick need for White approval or just the full absorption of anti-Black sentiments. So, for me, avoiding tackling both or trying to detach Race from class or treating Race as a tool that masks class issues only allows for both to remain rooted in the infrastructure of this country and to keep both untreated. Jamaal Bowman was right to call Manchin a racist and to mix race and class in his argument against Joe Manchin working in service to the donor class. Because odds are that Manchin's donors are predominately White and even if there are Black donors paying him his dirty money, when they envision what a poor person looks like, they don't see White faces. Not only out of apathy, but because it bolsters who they are and what they do and helps them justify why they have what they have.
To put it in another way, if a rich White man had to choose between his money and calling a Black person a racial slur, he'd choose the money and call the black man the slur while walking away. Because that rich White man is not bound to playing by some arbitrary sense of material acquisition, and has grown up in an environment where its okay to enjoy the act because it proves how "smart" he is and how much they "deserve" their status.
DAILY REMINDER : GQP reich wing fascist anti-science anti-democracy anti-freedom republikkklanazi authoritarian insurrectionists suck…. Including the fascists on the fox nazi sewer
As a 40 year old, modem "conspiracy theories" have always been for wackadoodles. As I've learned about Kennedy, Gladio, etc. I've come to find that the old school conspiracies were very real, and very anti-left. I've come to understand what Sam means when he says that if Alex Jones didn't exist, the CIA would create him
Matt: it is documented that Kennedy was going to pull the CIA out of Vietnam before he was killed. Johnson reversed that policy within days after the assassination. Everybody needs to read the Devil's Chessboard book to understand not only the CIA but fascism itself.
Joe Manchin is a red state senator. The senate as an institution favours Republicans because small population states tend towards conservatism on average and small states get the same number of senators as large population states.
I'm with Matt, i think Bowman needed to say it hurts the poor white people in his state. We can't shame Manchin by saying he is racist. But we can beat him over the head that he is hurting coal miners.
This channel is CIA sponsored and is intended to manufacture consent for the elimination of the Bill of Rights and for continuing endless imperialistic wars.
You can't stop it until real estate trusts aren't a thing anymore. Good luck convincing any politician why housing should be a social good. As long as there's a market for housing, the exploitation will continue.
Republicans are polling 50/50 with Hispanics and trending heavily in their favour. Obama rainbow coalition is crumbling in real time… oh nooooooooo… God bless America
When is the Majority Report going to address the fact that Republicans lead Democrats in the generic ballot by literally the widest margin in polling history?
I've watched my neighborhood gentrify dramatically within the last 6 years. Tiny old cookie cutter boxes went from 160k to 1.2 mil overnight. The people who've lived her for 20 – 40 years have been happy to take the money and move somewhere cheap. It's terrible for renters (like me) though.
@1:07:30 Matt should be on screen WAY more…he energises Emma out of her Nervous Supply Teacher vibe for one and is carrying on the Brook's tradition as well as making his own erudite mark…
I have been in the hospital several times this year and it was so obvious these nurses were stretched so thin . It's scary! Our healthcare îs in trouble
Definitely one of the better long-view interviews of the year, and I'd say that's an extremely high bar. Continued to link people to it throughout watching. Thank you for all you do as usual!
You better look into your crypto patrons and what they’re making you exclude because it’s despicable behavior on your part and theirs… no, wreeeaaalllyyy— you really need to look into your crypto patrons.

You aren’t the left, you’re the the center-right at best if that “left”, you colonizer in your ridiculous colonizer habitus with your putrid colonizer doxa. This is 100% miserable centrist-right bourgeois colonialist exclusionary detailed redliner context framed and narrated virtue signaling for redliner colonialists in their redlined beneficiary bourgeois suburban homes to maintain their redliner petty bourgeoisie false consciousness – that’s the despicable reality because the dispossession has always been structural, even the PPP & the other pogroms of accumulation by dispossession granted impunity to by Obalk O’bourgeois aka baroque candelabra aka the undisputed butcher of Honduras and more. Because nothing is more axiomatic under settler colonialism, than impunity being granted to the settler criminal by the settler.

) we would be hearing about the fascist rentier US hegemony but they exclude with detail around that and why that is the source of their inter-generational wealth and everyone else’s misery. But that is not the only thing they are gross liars of ommission centrists because of. Oh no that is not the only reason they are shameful liars to call themselves “left”.
If it weren’t for these so-called progressive, so-called “leftist” shows (They detail with massive exclusion under settler colonialism so they can be nothing but centrist or right
It’s malpractice, deceitful and deceptive and nauseating and malfeasance for you to call yourself the “left”, because you’re not even the center, you are the right because of your exclusionary detailing and other deceit and deception and reprehensible behavior so get a clue colonizer!
FYI— The corrupt entirely racist subordinated corrupted colonizer Democrats are going to scuttle anything anybody does other than their owners. You don’t get to pretend that isn’t the case. That’s part of your crimes of exclusionary detailing, just one part of your colonizer context from your colonizer habitus with your colonizer doxa instantiates the insufferable untenable colonizer nomos.
There is nothing more common under this despicable unnecessary settler colonialist Racialized hierarchy than colonizers suffering menticide Installed in them by the fascist settler colonialist haute bourgeoisie… you absolutely know this because you rub elbows with these redlining colonizers – Redliner context framed and narrated virtue signaling for redliners in their redlined beneficiary suburban homes to maintain their redliner petty bourgeoisie false consciousness – that’s the despicable reality because the dispossession has always been structural, even the PPP & the other pogroms of accumulation by dispossession granted impunity to by Obalk O’bourgeois aka baroque candelabra aka the undisputed butcher of Honduras and more. Because nothing is more axiomatic under settler colonialism, than impunity being granted to the settler criminal by the settler.

The Iroquois called George Washington “town destroyer” because of all of the pogroms of genocide he and his “white” people committed personally against the indigenous people, including women and children, to steal their land and it was commodified and privatized genocide by he, Jefferson, Hamilton (all of them) the Virginia company and more. George Washington was such a miserable horrific racist anti-indigenous genocide committing genocide leader, that he wiped out the Seneca Indians, dozens of Indian villages and most Indians will curse his name forever. No matter how much they’ve convinced you he’s a “founding father”, it doesn’t take away the fact that he was a horrible anti-indigenous genocide committer. It’s a horrible fact of this “country” and it’s because it’s a despicable genocide colony. You don’t get to front with your colonizer “context” because you know what this place is and you know why it’s acting the way it does… and you’re trying to commodify its crimes against humanity ongoing with this video.
JFK was obviously assassinated by more than one shooter. The fact the government wants to say otherwise is very suspicious
Damn Matt. You said Case Closed was for babies but it sounded like you never read it… smh at my favorite political podcast playing to some sexy conspiracy
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, Dave
Sam Seder ain't here!!
As a pagan, I couldn't live without the turning of the seasons.
which neighbourhood is destroying gentrification?
Oh my god, yes to “The Ref”!!!! It’s an awesome movie!
Matt, loved your segment! Overall awesome show! Happy Holidays
Matt Lech kicking ass!
I work retail and we feel the same.
The Iroquois called George Washington “town destroyer” because of all of the pogroms of genocide he and his “white” people committed personally against the indigenous people, including women and children, to steal their land and it was commodified and privatized genocide by he, Jefferson, Hamilton (all of them) the Virginia company and more. George Washington was such a miserable horrific racist anti-indigenous genocide committing genocide leader, that he wiped out the Seneca Indians, dozens of Indian villages and most Indians will curse his name forever. No matter how much they’ve convinced you he’s a “founding father”, it doesn’t take away the fact that he was a horrible anti-indigenous genocide committer. It’s a horrible fact of this “country” and it’s because it’s a despicable genocide colony.

You're too late bringing up gentrification. The damage was done by 2010 in most places. There's nowhere left
Smash that like button

Left is indeed best.
My biggest problems with detaching Race from Class is that so much of what poverty and welfare is supposed to look like in the public eye has been coded to Black people and Black struggles within America, and has been since Reconstruction. And believing that because a few White Elites will work together with the Black Elites for money somehow negates the White elites participation in and perpetuation of anti-Black sentiments and imagery which has also been coupled with the idea of Whiteness and close proximity to Whiteness being the primary marker for financial and social success and normalcy. Or that the Black Elites that work together with White Elites don't perpetuate White Supremacist rhetoric and beliefs in a sick need for White approval or just the full absorption of anti-Black sentiments. So, for me, avoiding tackling both or trying to detach Race from class or treating Race as a tool that masks class issues only allows for both to remain rooted in the infrastructure of this country and to keep both untreated. Jamaal Bowman was right to call Manchin a racist and to mix race and class in his argument against Joe Manchin working in service to the donor class. Because odds are that Manchin's donors are predominately White and even if there are Black donors paying him his dirty money, when they envision what a poor person looks like, they don't see White faces. Not only out of apathy, but because it bolsters who they are and what they do and helps them justify why they have what they have.
To put it in another way, if a rich White man had to choose between his money and calling a Black person a racial slur, he'd choose the money and call the black man the slur while walking away. Because that rich White man is not bound to playing by some arbitrary sense of material acquisition, and has grown up in an environment where its okay to enjoy the act because it proves how "smart" he is and how much they "deserve" their status.
Only idiots complain about gentrification. "Oh no, don't fix anything."
LOVE that Matt has his own segment now! Long overdue! Left is best.
Dave couldn't have got a better group of absolute scumbags together if he tried, fits right in with them alright
At a bare minimum, Oliver Stone's "JFK" reveals the motive for the assassination: Hundreds of billions of dollars for the MIC in Vietnam.
If you listen to majority report the odds are overwhelming that YOU are the gentrifier
DAILY REMINDER : GQP reich wing fascist anti-science anti-democracy anti-freedom republikkklanazi authoritarian insurrectionists suck…. Including the fascists on the fox nazi sewer
As a 40 year old, modem "conspiracy theories" have always been for wackadoodles. As I've learned about Kennedy, Gladio, etc. I've come to find that the old school conspiracies were very real, and very anti-left. I've come to understand what Sam means when he says that if Alex Jones didn't exist, the CIA would create him
Matt: it is documented that Kennedy was going to pull the CIA out of Vietnam before he was killed. Johnson reversed that policy within days after the assassination. Everybody needs to read the Devil's Chessboard book to understand not only the CIA but fascism itself.
Manchin is from West Virginia. He doesn't care about the left calling him racist.
Joe Manchin is a red state senator. The senate as an institution favours Republicans because small population states tend towards conservatism on average and small states get the same number of senators as large population states.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Dave Rubin should move to the panhandle.
I'm with Matt, i think Bowman needed to say it hurts the poor white people in his state. We can't shame Manchin by saying he is racist. But we can beat him over the head that he is hurting coal miners.
This channel is CIA sponsored and is intended to manufacture consent for the elimination of the Bill of Rights and for continuing endless imperialistic wars.
Moe Janchin…
Casual Humpday — that's what we call it!
Let's goooo Brandooooooon!!!!!
"I'm the Mayor" Hmm, that sounds familiar. :O/-
You can't stop it until real estate trusts aren't a thing anymore. Good luck convincing any politician why housing should be a social good. As long as there's a market for housing, the exploitation will continue.
24:00 interview start
Republicans are polling 50/50 with Hispanics and trending heavily in their favour. Obama rainbow coalition is crumbling in real time… oh nooooooooo… God bless America
When is the Majority Report going to address the fact that Republicans lead Democrats in the generic ballot by literally the widest margin in polling history?
Yeah. It just scatters the filth.
This is a gangbusters interview. Maybe too close to the end of the year to be in the best of.
Rumor has it the Emma fruitcake has a love affair with the inwardly and outwardly equally beautiful Zucker! She's desperately after a job at CNN.
I've watched my neighborhood gentrify dramatically within the last 6 years. Tiny old cookie cutter boxes went from 160k to 1.2 mil overnight. The people who've lived her for 20 – 40 years have been happy to take the money and move somewhere cheap. It's terrible for renters (like me) though.
@1:07:30 Matt should be on screen WAY more…he energises Emma out of her Nervous Supply Teacher vibe for one and is carrying on the Brook's tradition as well as making his own erudite mark…
Jeez Emma, for such an important issue like housing could you make the interview any less boring??
Stream was way too quiet today
James jesus Angleton, of course. Lmao
I have been in the hospital several times this year and it was so obvious these nurses were stretched so thin . It's scary! Our healthcare îs in trouble
Joe Manchin sucks I wanted the bill to pass so I could watch my hard assets inflate some more Biden is making me rich!
Left is best comrades