Why If I AM Dying Do I Still Plan My Life?

A frustrating week starts to pick up, well sort of? Cleaning my fire mess and answering some of your questions. My New …


  1. Hi Jodi, you are too busy and enjoying life. You are not ready to go. Don't give up, love every minute. I wanted to tell you my breast implant surgery was a disaster. Done so poorly. I feel deformed. I'm depressed and very let down by my surgeons job!
    I will see my PCP tomorrow to show him, also infections. I wish that I just left the mastectomy alone. It would have looked better. Thank you for listening. I feel like just being alone but… I don't want to forget you and Carrie. You two are in my ❤ heart. Be well, busy and happy. Hugs and positive thoughts. 💞

  2. You have had this for 20 years. All of your thumbnails insinuate you’re dying tomorrow. Please clickbaiting. It’s irresponsible of you to keep doing this. You can do better I’m sure.

  3. I’m still playing catch up, but really hope you’re better by now! I pray that things level off, because you guys have been through one thing after another!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 I know your new house will be bright and beautiful in the very near future, and that will put a big smile on your face! Special “shout out” to Ray, cuz he’s such a wonderful and loving husband, much like my own. It’s a blessing for sure!❤️❤️❤️❤️

  4. You sure had bad luck in that house so far . With your mom breaking her arm the fire hydrant flushing water all over and now the smoke damage . Wow doesn't seem right

  5. Hey sweetheart , I am trying to wrap my head around the fact that we have 2" of snow and it was 70 degrees Sat./snow Sun. haha . As I said, if you don't like the weather in Alabama, just hang around and it will change ! If you should ever light another fire maybe get you fire exstingiser .. not spelled right to tired to look for dictionary haha My hubby finally took his little dementia butt to bed. He clings to me like a shadow but, I don't mind. After 51 years he is my shadow.. ! Love and I hope things work out for you and your soon settled. I don't know how you do all that you do. God bless you and your husband. It's 6: 41 am time for bed. ha

  6. Hi Jodie glad the smoke finally going and you’ll be pleased when your house painted and you’re new furniture in but don’t be in a rush to do everything you don’t want anymore setbacks .we. Call ours an airing cupboard for our bedding towels etc , hopefully you’re throat better soon try some throat sweets that might help ,I’m glad your planning things because only god knows timing for all of us ,I trust in him to give us strength every day to get through ,without my faith I’d be a mess ,so take care enjoy yourselves and let good take care of the rest , always in our prayers xx

  7. Thanks for posting this all ive been doing is avoiding planing anything even 2 months away..stage 4 pancreatic cancer is different than what you have but you sure have beat the odds and im so happy to see that ..Im gonna stop waiting to die already im going to really try im wasting precious time not wanting to purposely but im so afraid of wanting to do things and getting let down im 42 years old im not supposed to have this crap ..God bless you sweetie and thanks for the inspiration especially how the past week my whole house got Covid and i don't know if it was the infusion they gave me but i sure dodged the covid bullet with my chemo imune system..unfortunately my brother is still in pcu in the hospital but thankfully hes finally turned the corner and is getting better…GOD BLESS sorry for the long comment

  8. Hi did you know at Home Depot they sell a febreez paint freshener that goes in the paint and it gives the paint a nice clean sent that might help you can add 2

  9. Sounds like you need a professional company to deal with the smoke damage. It's not good to be living in that unhealthy environment, to be honest. Not for you, hubby or puppy.

  10. Jodi ur life has been on a roller coaster you poor thing . at Home Depot and maybe amazon sells damp rid it’s in a bucket it removes moisture in the air but it takes odor out too it’s a charcoal type thing in the bucket it’s worth a shot plus any carpet or curtains clean them also . i sure hope u get the odor out .

  11. Jodie, saying this because I care. Live your channel. I think you should be really concerned about what you are breathing in after your smoke incident. Especially with asthma. Please check with your Dr. Would your insurance not cover staying in a hotel & having professional cleaners? Please take care of your sweet self.

  12. Jodi I love your positive attitude,plus your skin is amazing,great idea opening all the doors and windows,fresh air and your fans will all help to get rid of the smell,,only thing I think maybe yourself and Bentley could benefit from staying with your kids for a night or two,Ray is right,plus I wouldn’t be a fan of the febreeze,more chemicals,don’t think I’m telling you what to do it’s just we love you,Anyway happy new year from ireland,take care Jodi xx❤️🙏❤️♥️☘️💙

  13. Try honey for your your throat. I put lemonade in the microwave so you can take the bubbles out warm a spoonful of honey and mix together. You can sips throughout the day and during the night if you're waking up. In the proper recipe it tells you to put whisky, but I don't drink alcohol so I leave it out.
    I have gone through a house fire, 🏠 one of my Foster children set his bedroom on fire and the smoke was everywhere. I had to move out that day. The fire brigade came and everything was wet then. The insurance wouldn't cover as it was someone who was legally living in the home that caused the arson. ( because I was honest and declared that I was fostering.) Insurance firms get you all ways.
    sorry for the smoke and all the extra work it has caused for you.
    Wishing you a Happy New Year love and hugs to you and your family. XxxX ❤❤❤

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