Cannabis and the Heart- April 18 2019

Cannabis and the Heart- Getting into and out of the Weeds. Dr. Oh discusses the different components of cannabis, and what the …


  1. If you give yourself a panick attack becaue you are using it while repressing emotions ofcourse it will effect your heart. But it is your own mind effecting your heart not the weed. For fuck sake.

  2. I would like to know why juicing or consuming the raw plant was not covered ? Also how cannabis interacts with herbal medicines as they behave differently in the body to pharmaceuticals.

  3. I had a severe back pain issue and I was 100% dead against cannabis…, until 1 weekend when my disc went out again…, I was in agony…, couldn't stand, couldn't sit…, couldn't go to the toilet without being in agony pain. I had prescribed pain killers that were doing nothing. My flat mate finally convinced me to at least try it…, I had a joint and within 30 minutes the pain stopped, then after about 1 hr of being zombied out on the couch, I got up and my pain was GONE. The disc had gone back into place, I have no doubt the mull was the catalist that made the muscles relax to allow the disk to go back into place. I was converted and although for a long time I did smoke it for recreational purposes, it was the first thing I reached for when the pain got too bad. I smoked it for about 10 years before my back eventually settled down. I no longer smoke it as my back no longer gives me trouble…, do I miss it…, yep, you bet.

  4. Very informative, I did learn a lot of THC & CBD. I do have a heart condition, spinal condition, knee condition etc, was thinking of CBD, now I am not too keen. Wait for more research material.

  5. Trichomes not trichromes…
    Males are every bit as useful as a female….
    Its not only about thc and cbd…. Terpenes and plenty of other cannabinoids.
    Im only a few minutes in and this seems like a poor presentation slapped together really fast.

  6. HellO everyone,, everyone is Unique, mentally and physically. As for me and my family, I experienced that going through moms cancer, Holistic. But I recently went through smoking SPICE , without knowing and I’m a fan Sativa. PLEASE BE SAFE to the ones getting without a medical card. SPICE , is synthetic marijuana I hear , but this video was recommended for a reason and I just wanted to warn whoever I can. Please stay healthy and spread good however we can. Thank you for taking time to read. We all blessed.🇬🇺 HAPPY L. New Year

  7. I'll stick with oxy 10s after spine surgery as a cardholder It helps with everyday pain but it will not stop major pain like surgery and broken bones it has its uses like everyday nerve pain and could replace low dose pain meds easily but I can't see it for major pain but everyone reacts different

  8. Ive suffered from seizures since the 90s from major head trama. I've had dozens of serious full blown seizures. I was prescribed cannabis in 2014 and the only time I have had a seizure since I was prescribed cannabis is when the police took all my medicine. I went 4 yrs seizure free. Had the police confiscate my medicine and couldn't get any more for several months. boooom had a serious seizure. It's criminal to keep a life saving medicine illegal for the sake of big pharma profits!!!

  9. Advice to the good doctor: Do NOT marry a woman or have a daughter named Beatrice. You'll end up with Bea Oh.
    See? There's an example of the damage I did to my still-developing brain at 14 years old as a side effect of using psychoactive substances like THC.

  10. I recently moved and didn't know that my new state legalized medical cannabis. When I was out and smelled those distinctive terpenes, I was like, "Oh, I hope the police don't smell that!" Then I checked and found out that not only is it legal, but I live less than 5 miles from the local dispensary! It's wild, how things worked out.

  11. Illegal my ass, they the pharmaceutical industrial complex knows this is super beneficial for human use under the right guidance and change humanity for the better, thus why they have it as an Illegal substance, it grows naturally from Mother Earth. Big Pharma just wants you to spend your money on their band-aids with side effects 🙄 HUMANITY NEEDS TO WAKE UP NOW! You are being lied to again. Listen to your intuition.

  12. I don't understand the people in this comment section, smoking anything is bad for the body. You are literally putting tar into your lungs. I can understand eating it at a low THC% and reasonable CBD% might help certain things, but blood pressure and lung function? No. You're going to hurt people by telling them smoking something is good for you.

    I don't want to hear what you think your personal experience was, give me some facts to back it up, facts that can be researched. There aren't any. Smoking pot all my life GAVE me high blood pressure at a young age and its only now lowering after quitting.

  13. It always depends on how much of this stuff you use, every friend I have that has been a heavy smoker has turned into a lunatic or borderline schizo but if you ask them they think they are the healthiest people in the universe plus when you cross a certain line as a growing up teenager going on to other more destructive illegal drugs comes naturally and I don't need experts to tell me that I learned that on my own skin or my own experience

  14. Now I know I don't want to be your test subject 🤣🤦‍♀️🤣

    But yes. Everyone reacts differently.

    But like life. Sometimes the people you experience it with is better. Maybe you should try it by yourself. Because some medications say not to drive or operate heavy machinery. 🤔

    Hospitals don't let you leave by yourself unless you're physically capable. (Most)

    So do experimental drugs with people you are comfortable with. People you truly trust.

    Yes I've experienced acid. Had a friend with us that never had. It wasn't good. No way he's the only one that got anything. Because he had his stories in his head. He was tripping before it hit his tongue. I was able to talk him down by the grace of God. He was out there 😪 Scared me 😪

    So always be with someone who will do what you need medically.

    I would have called police if I had to too help my friend. I'm thankful it turned out well 🙏😇🙏

    Because for some people they experiment to become spiritual.

    In some cases it's a form of cleansing.

    Finding your 3rd eye can be dangerous as anything can be.

    Stay safe Everyone and respect and research everything 🙏😇🙏

  15. I love that for some sick reasons 😭 when he says granny "it's not the same pot"🤣🤣🤣 it's true

    Because people keep taking what God created and splicing it like it was theirs 🤦‍♀️😭🤷‍♀️

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