Former Chicken Farmers Switch To Growing Hemp

We decided that we would grow hemp and go from killing animals to growing something, from destroying things to creating things.


  1. I absolutely love seeing this transformation. From destroying/torturing and killing, to creating, saving animals and the planet, while living ethically, in harmony, aligned in perfect resonance with mother Earth! Feeling the gratifying rewards that no amount of money can give you. #vegans

  2. Great work! Nice to see that people are willing to change, of course it's easier if it makes sense financially. Hope this example will help others to make the same decision and make the world a little bit better.

  3. Let some over grow and turn to flower on top you will get seeds…I'm really surprised how small the plants are, I use to have 5 to 6 foot plants ๐Ÿชด
    My grandparents grew tobacco, pretty similar… Where's the fan's for air circulation ?
    Don't waste the roots they can be used also, dehydrating them in a dehydrator, test the amount of CBD to put into honey, ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ you can CO – create with a local honey company in you're area, it's a win – Win for both…๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒผ

  4. I cringe a little when I hear them repeating that they grow something and not kill something, but the only difference is that there are no sentient and suffering someones.
    Anyway, I'm proud that they did the transition.

  5. This is so beautiful, I do feel bad for the regular people in certain industries, but they need to be able to see they can be profitable in more loving ventures. ๐Ÿ’œ

  6. Great to see. What is the target market? Seed, fibre, oil?
    Also I know it was the first time but why not simply prune the plant while it is still in the ground and leave all that beautiful soil and root ball in the ground to breakdown and keep as much carbon in the soil as possible.

  7. All farmers should stop killing animals for money they are not a plate they hve feelings like us and they do want to live like us.
    Thank god for vegan itโ€™s getting stronger
    And thank god for all activist showing the truth about the cruelty of theses beautiful innocent angels.

  8. You know the original Levi Strauss blue jeans we all love were originally made of hemp but when it got banned, they switched to a less durable fabric: cotton.

    Perhaps Levis needs to revisit the original. It would be a lucrative market as so long as you stay the same size, your jeans wonโ€™t wear out.

    Their logo: โ€œCanโ€™t Bust โ€œโ€˜emโ€ with a pair of jeans being torn apart by 2 mules, well those pants were made of hemp. Would be interesting even to re-create the event with a pair of hemp fabric jeans vs. the cotton denim and see who wins.

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