1. I just heard about using hemp to cure this mans cancer. i googled the use for ms and now I just ordered it for my boyfriend. this video made me cry because of the hope for him to feel better. I would like to know how he would use the oil though? does he just put drops in his mouth, does he mix it with food?

  2. I'm in florida and have MS..along with a laundry list of other horrible shit that causes a constant extremely high degree of chronic pain. My mom is sick too. As the days go one we are only getting worse. There has been no sign of improvement for years. Marijuana is still ILLEGAL here, even for medical purposes. Because of our declined health we have been reduced to living off ssd and don't have a ton of cash and I am raising 2 kids. What can we do? I imagine this oil would be far out of our reach, financially. Anyone with any serious suggestions? We would be eternally grateful. Our main goal is to get well enough to return to our careers the sooner the better!!!

  3. Thank you very much for this inspiring video.
    My question would be, what has, so far, shown the best results with ms between cbd and hemp oil?
    Thanking you kindly, Dan

  4. I am very much wanting to buy this, in the UK it is very expensive (but it is legal), test and perhaps produce it for my Mother. My question is, with the Oil, does the patient have to continuously take this once they have improved? Or can they reduce and stop the medication? Thanks

  5. I have ms and i notice just when smoking marijuana itself out of a pipe or bubbler i dont feel much releif. It gives me anxiety. I was wondering if the cbd oil works well and what it works on?

  6. Where can I get hemp oil because my dr here in chicago apparently doesn't believe in medical marijuana, and I'm tired of getting it off the streets I've looked around and everywhere charges

  7. Hello I am a 23 year old Multiple Sclerosis patient living in california diagnosed in 2012 and I found out about the benefits of hemp oil on diseases and I have been wanting to get my hands on it since I have a medical card and the only way that I currently use marijuana is by smoking it and I experience a significant amount of benefit while on it. If anyone can help me figure out where I can get my hands on the oil I would be eternally grateful.

  8. Hello, I've had M.S. for 21 years. I am wondering if this oil helps spasticity? Also, is this hemp oil or cannabis oil if ya know what I mean? I live in a state north of you where our governor lets the cops make his decisions for him because he is a fucking coward. Sorry, been a very painful year and I am pissed!

  9. hi and thanks for sharing. I'm an MS sufferer and I barely can walk. I need a cane. Plz tell me what brand of cannabis oil shoild I order and how much to take? I can order from the UK.
    I live in Greece and cannot get medical marijuana here. They give it mostly for cancer patients. Oh and tell me how long did your friend take marijuana before she noticed a difference. Gosh I really need something. I'm at witts end.

  10. Cannabis and hemp are in the same family, but are absolutely not the same plant. Therefore, they do not produce the same oil with the same CBD properties. I will look into Rick Simpson's videos, but there is a communication breakdown going on here.

  11. Hi Aamann, this is great news. I also wanted to share with you my research on this Black Seed formula called Soul. I am using it and has helped me with my chronic left shoulder pain and also having to get up to pee all night long. This formula since it is a  food seed extract can work very well with the CBD oil. google ( natural organic intelligent food ) after you look through the page click on (about). Help get the word out.

  12. This is CANNABIS oil. NOT hemp oil. Hemp oil comes from hemp seeds and doe not have the same properties. Please stop perpetuating Rick Simpson's wrong term for this oil. It is dangerous and bad information. There's now graphics floating around the net stating that "hemp oil cures cancer" with an image of hemp seed oil. Rick also tells people to use paint thinner and talks against those who use food grade ingredients. His information is dangerous and wrong.  .

  13. Do you know the CBD content of the oil you used? I hear that CBD is also very beneficial, maybe more than THC. Plus the CBD blocks the high of the THC, so that it could allow you to ingest more of the oil per day. In addition you should get your friend to investigate Robert Morse ND's detoxification protocol.

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