1. Why they come up with Mrna vaccins?
    What if it is all prepared just to vaccinate people to immunize them against a future 100 percent deadly virus( created long ago but not spreaded).?When released, to kill everybody except special vaccine immunized people? Perfect depopulation down to exact numbers of specially vaccinated people! Number of survivers would be equal to numbers immunised only by the Special vaccine!
    Biggest challenge would be to produse a vaccine without using any components of the deadly virus to be untrakable. With the clasic way of making the vaccine they had to use the weakened deadly virus or components of it. Which would have been visible by the scientist when they check it! So the solution came with the new syntetic Mrna vaccine which does not contain any virus or components of the virus. Instead immunisation is done by injecting a code, a program! So Without virus particals there are no proof (against which more versions of the same Virus that people are being immunised)! Only against simple covid 19 or also against a deadly original version of covid?
    So if they first immunise target numbers of people to survive against a 100% deadly virus (against a virus which is created in the past but not released, not circulating yet, waiting to be released) and After they release and spread the virus the Result would be: everybody ( vaccinated with other brands or unvaccinated) dies, except their special vaccine immunised people!
    WHAT IF ;
    1- They genetically modified and created a few versions of a Sars virus,  a killer version( not covid19) and a few other weaker, less contagios, less dangerous versions( covid 19 and up to now circulating other mutations)?
    2- What if, then they released the Covid 19 version to start a pandemic to have a reason to vaccinate worldwide people?
    3- What if, after they created a vaccination program with risk groups to separate people into age, health conditions and very detailed job CATEGORIES and give priorities to each Category to set their group vaccination time? To deliver the special vaccine in the right time to reach to their desired, mostly young essential workers without any chronic disease or handicaps? Maybe One vaccine company delivered its special vaccines only when that country is about the vaccinate their essential workers risk group? And waited Pfizer or Astra zeneca to vaccinate almost all of the old, sick, handicap people to eliminate them (when the deadly virus will be released all except special vaccine immunised people would die)?
    4- what if they placed all the political, juridical, defence Authorities in priority groups and vaccinated them before the special vaccine arrived ? To eliminate all in power and to erase all goverments to set One world goverment?
    So is that why Moderna vaccine Mrna is kept secret? If Pfizer and Moderna they were both made against the same covid 19 virus they should have the same resulting spike protein? Or the extra effect necesarry to imunise people against not only covid 19 but also a killer original ,unreleased version comes from Moderna's 200 micrograme of Mrna vaccine( while Pfizer Mrna vaccine uses only 60mcrgr)? Like a higher dose of antibiotics used for worse infections? Maybe using only 30mcrgr of Moderna vaccine would create enough immunity for simple covid 19? Can any patalog, genetic  scientist test this? If it still creates immunity with total 60mcrgr then what is the extra 140mcrgrm for? To get immunity for the future upcoming deadly mutation?
    What might be the real reason of this unending pandemic? Will it all end with a genocide, saying to survivers" it was a deadly covid 19 mutation but Moderna was still efficient and save you" ? Will they continue vaccinating mostly workers survivers with new ingredients to digitalize and use the them for their 4th industrial revolution?
    Are these just coincidences? What if Not? Are we gonna wait to see soon after they immunise their target number of workers (only from the countries they sold Moderna  Israel. America, Eu countries) if they release and wipe us all( vaccinated with other brands or unvaccinated)? Nobody to survive from African, Asian,South American countries no Moderna was sold to them?
    What if all the dreams of them (Reducing the population down to exact numbers, resetting all political juridical financial,educational and medical systems, eliminating all world's authorities , erasing all goverments to set One world goverment)Just by vaccinating target people against a deadly, future to be released covid version ( while immunising against covid 19) and releasing it after to kill everybody except immunised necesarry not old, clinically healthy, no handicap mostly workers from the exact jobs desired?
    Please check delivery dates of Moderna vaccines: to each country at different dates but always around beginning of that country is about to begin vaccinating their essential workers. Perfect delivery times assures that Most of Moderna vaccines are given to younger,healthier essential workers from desired jobs! Did Pfizer and Astra zeneca's sudden production problems and delivery delays help Moderna to reach at right times to vaccinate the right people?
    Why suddenly all the rich started to talk about taking care of the climate and enviroment? (Now that they are about the own the World completly?)
    Let's ask authorities to publish age,health conditions and job details of already Moderna vaccinated millions of people. Similarities would be another proof!
    Check what jobs are placed at priority groups and you will see exactly who they need? It is like a job application just this time if you are qualified with your age, health and job details and if you are from a country where Moderna is delivered, you might get Moderna and survive!
    Check World economic forum official site to see that they talked about what to do in case of a world wide contagious virus and took decisions as : all the giverments to listen recomandations and restrictions guidelines and closing businesses, schools, borders. But this meeting was a few months before covid 19 ever appeared!
    Check their official site videos where rich people talks about resetting all systems, digitalizing human body and 4th industrial revolution to see what kind of a slavery life is waiting the survivers!
    Authorities did not get Moderna! They were given priorities and vaccinated with Pfizer or Astra zeneca before Moderna was delivered! This is our chance to unite! If we can just inform them we might change the present and future of humanity! It is in your hand! Just share this message with everybody, everyway possible especially internationally!  The internet will be cut to stop this message from going viral.
    Let's share this message to end this and all future pandemics!
    Let's RESTART THE WORLD and not become a victim of their Reset!

  2. Still think you're "free?" Can't have an herb that God made for the service of man. "Legalizing" is not the solution. Delegislating the possession and our use of am herb is the best thing, but there's money to be made and rights to be taken away.

  3. Red Lake Nation approves medical cannabis in flower form the end of May 2020, after being voted down continuously in the MN state Medical Marijuana Program which openly discriminates against poor patients that cannot afford the manufactured pills, or vape that the state demands patients consume. Flower is used for all other medical cannabis programs in the Nation. MN is the only state that insists on manufacturing their medical cannabis thus shutting down 75% of their poor and middle class patients in need.

  4. I'm from MN. I moved to the west coast so I wouldn't get in trouble for pot. My life has improved in that way. I even got a special marijuana worker's permit, last year. But I've had two jobs, and there were some problems with both. I think those kinds problems would not be happening if the liquor licensing dept., which handles the issuing of the cards and the regulating, did a better job. It's a long story, but when you do legalize it, try to make it fair for everyone who wants to grow or work in the industry. These gov. employees are letting rich growers take advantage of people who just want a normal job. Because it is exciting to get to work with pot, people are more likely to put up with unscrupulous bosses. There's a moratorium on growers' licenses. So only these select few people are allowed to grow, and they know it, and the inspectors must be bought off or something, because it's totally messed up. I'm talking about working with plants, at the grow facilities, not at a dispensary.
    I ask for answers but the olcc people have only asked me questions. Being that it's still federally illegal, I don't know what kind of tax form it requires. And I'm not saying it will happen but I have to wonder what will happen if the country changes to cashless society… there will be no way to pay for anything at a dispensary. Cash only.

  5. psychosis

    POSTED MARCH 07, 2011, 11:03 AM , UPDATED NOVEMBER 30, 2011, 2:28 PM


    Ann MacDonald
    Contributor, Harvard Health

    Teenagers and young adults who use marijuana may be messing with their heads in ways they don’t intend.
    Evidence is mounting that regular marijuana use increases the chance that a teenager will develop psychosis, a pattern of unusual thoughts or perceptions, such as believing the television is transmitting secret messages. It also increases the risk of developing schizophrenia, a disabling brain disorder that not only causes psychosis, but also problems concentrating and loss of emotional expression.
    In one recent study that followed nearly 2,000 teenagers as they became young adults, young people who smoked marijuana at least five times were twice as likely to have developed psychosis over the next 10 years as those who didn’t smoke pot.
    Another new paper concluded that early marijuana use could actually hasten the onset of psychosis by three years. Those most at risk are youths who already have a mother, father, or sibling with schizophrenia or some other psychotic disorder.
    Young people with a parent or sibling affected by psychosis have a roughly one in 10 chance of developing the condition themselves—even if they never smoke pot. Regular marijuana use, however, doubles their risk—to a one in five chance of becoming psychotic.
    In comparison, youths in families unaffected by psychosis have a 7 in 1,000 chance of developing it. If they smoke pot regularly, the risk doubles, to 14 in 1,000.
    For years, now, experts have been sounding the alarm about a possible link between marijuana use and psychosis. One of the best-known studies followed nearly 50,000 young Swedish soldiers for 15 years. Those who had smoked marijuana at least once were more than twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as those who had never smoked pot. The heaviest users (who said they used marijuana more than 50 times) were six times as likely to develop schizophrenia as the nonsmokers.
    So far, this research shows only an association between smoking pot and developing psychosis or schizophrenia later on. That’s not the same thing as saying that marijuana causes psychosis.
    This is how research works. Years ago, scientists first noted an association between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. Only later were they able to figure out exactly how cigarette smoke damaged the lungs and other parts of the body, causing cancer and other diseases.
    The research on marijuana and the brain is at a much earlier stage. We do know that THC, one of the active compounds in marijuana, stimulates the brain and triggers other chemical reactions that contribute to the drug’s psychological and physical effects.
    But it’s not clear how marijuana use might lead to psychosis. One theory is that marijuana may interfere with normal brain development during the teenage years and young adulthood.
    The teenage brain is still a work in progress. Between the teen years and the mid-20s, areas of the brain responsible for judgment and problem solving are still making connections with the emotional centers of the brain. Smoking marijuana may derail this process and so increase a young person’s vulnerability to psychotic thinking. (You can read more about how the adolescent brain develops in this article from the Harvard Mental Health Letter.)
    While the research on marijuana and the mind has not yet connected all the dots, these new studies provide one more reason to caution young people against using marijuana—especially if they have a family member affected by schizophrenia or some other psychotic disorder. Although it may be a tough concept to explain to a teenager, the reward of a short-time high isn’t worth the long-term risk of psychosis or a disabling disorder like schizophrenia.

  6. But it's still illegal on a FEDERAL level – so how can the state legalize it?? PLUS legalizing it will NOT prevent street sales – people are still going to try to avoid paying taxes on it

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