1. I’m TOTALLY FREAKIN OUT because I’m flying tomorrow. So, I googled after purchasing Sunsoil 1,200 mg. I’m completely clueless when it comes to the benefits of CBD. So… just wanted to say, thank you for your review. It was perfect for a beginner like myself… JOB WELL DONE!! 👍🏼

  2. I, too, have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. If this helps you to fall asleep, but you wake up during the night, can you just take another drop to fall back asleep, or is that not a good idea? (I'm not familiar with how CBD works, but I need something to help me sleep!)

  3. There's a lot of companies out there, so it's always cool to hear about new brands. Sadly this doesn't sound strong enough for me- I need to stay asleep through the night.

  4. My problem is staying asleep through the night so it does not sound like this would be much help in that regard. I suppose I could take some every time I woke up but not sure if that is the best idea LOL!

  5. I've not truly read any of the info of CBD oils before. I have trouble getting to sleep and have tried pills and they have always left me feeling bad the next day. It was promising to hear him say that's not the case with these oils. By what he said the oils even wore off by the middle of the night. This would be perfect for me though because I have trouble going to sleep, but once I'm asleep I stay asleep so these products might fit me just right. I would choose the oil rather than the capsules, pill or coconut cream because he said it works faster.

  6. I appreciate your informative review of CBD products. I currently use Chad oil for pulled arm muscle. It doesn't taste the best, but it does help along with warmth and gentle massage.

  7. I use this brand and it works really well with relaxation and helps quite my mind. I have not felt groggy in the morning, all in all I feel pretty good. I would recommend this product.

  8. I'm excited! This is a CBD I can actually bring with me to Japan. CBD is totally legal in Japan, but it has to have as little THC in it as possible. As someone who suffers from regular insomnia and anxiety, this is a godsend.

  9. This is a great video and lots of useful info for anyone looking for a natural way to ease into sleep but it doesnt last long enough for me and isnt worth the cost. I am hoping that these products can help someone out there get a restful sleep

  10. This may be one of CBD oil products with the good price. Choco mint flavor sounds yummy. I have no issues with falling asleep but I just cannot stay sleep until morning. So I would like to try something that keeps me sleep all night long. Interesting. Thanks for the honest review!

  11. I recently started using CBD oil and its been helping me sleep better but sometimes it makes me all foggy so i don’t take it every night. I rather have it in pill form too because i don’t like the taste of the oil. Great review and informative.👍

  12. Oh wow the prices for the cbd is really amazing! There are some places charge an arm and a leg for it so seeing a more affordable option is amazing, I also have issues falling and staying asleep due to my brain going a mile a minute or body aches and pains keep waking me up so will definitely look into getting sunsoil cbd, might try the dropper liquid 😀

  13. Love that this product comes from Vermont because that's where I live. I would try this based on how you felt after you took it, even though it didn't make you sleep through the night maybe I'll have better luck.

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