Do you need a Liver Detox? | Reasons to Detox Your Liver

Have you ever wondered if you need to implement a liver detox? Does your liver need a little extra love? If you want to detox your …


  1. 2, maybe three, but one most likely attributed to hashimotos ( slight constipation). Take dandelion extract and milk thistle regularly, AST and ALT always in lower half, Vitamin D last check was 85, clean diet, no alcohol, as I am also a type 1 diabetic. With auto immune disease, perhaps I am more cognizant plus I do a lot of research and see holistic and functional doctors who run more detailed tests.

    Love your videos and have learned so much from you. Thank you for sharing.

    This video was particularly interesting to me as my niece had fatty liver a few years back and I shared what I would do, plus shared many natural doctors videos from YouTube. She sees allopathic doctors and they don’t seem to do much for her but prescribe pharmaceuticals. Today she has cirrhosis and has finally taken heed to diet as well as basic necessary vitamins and other supplements that will help her detox and support her liver. I shared with her your castor oil wrapping video and sent her home with flannel and a bottle of castor oil.

    It is my hope and prayer she can reverse damage to her liver. It has caused her to have pain, thyroid dysfunction, type 2 diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, severe fatigue along with other symptoms I can’t recall. In essence, all of her organs are being affected.

  2. I have been takeing Zoloft for 3 years. Ive lowered it from 100 to 25. Im wanting trying to slowly ween myself off of it. My cholesterol has been high . My weight is way to high. I have had problems with Edema. I feel tired alot my feeling is that these types of drugs cause these problems. I do not want to take anything into my body that is not natural anymore. What are your thoughts on this

  3. Probably 2-3 symptoms, and besides that, I like sweets, so I know I need to give my liver some tlc, just bcz of that. Lol
    I wonder if anxiety could also be a minor cause of a liver needing detox?

  4. My boyfriend drinks too much
    ..could he use milk thistle while he drinks the odd day….He's under stress at moment and he's using alcohol to dull severe lo back pain….he takes NO painkillers as his daughter had a drug problem so he refuses ALL pain pills….he has rubbed difene (diclofenac)gel on his lo back and he will use tiger balm and he's gone to chiropractor and Thai massage tonnes…He's so in pain….he'll drink alcohol but he has a thing about ANY pain pills…he won't take ANY…I know 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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