I don't think smoking cannabis offers medical benefits, taking it in an edible form that gets processed by the liver does offer medical benefits. The Rick Simpson documentary "run from the cure" shows that. Im not opposed to people smoking cannabis but its recreational. Personally I like a beer or 2 with dinner, and a glass or 2 of bourbon before I go to bed, which helps with sleep. I do see a big difference between real hand rolled cigars compared to cigarettes, obviously someone who smokes a big cigar isn't the person going outside on break to puff on one. Its the cigarette smokers who do that.
There is ZERO benefit to tobacco use. Marijuana has many medical benefits, mainly with CBD. THC has some medical use. I use neither as i dont want to be ruled by the demon that is nicotine addiction, Yes its a demon.
It can also aid the symptoms of some mental health disorders like panic disorders and major depression, I have had this discussion with my psychiatrist if appropriately dosed it can be beneficial. Which I use cannabis/marijuana for. You know I don’t do stupid things while I use this medication either- I treat it responsibly like any other psychoactive substance. I can already buy soda that has 100+mg in it- but only with my medical card. Without a medical card you are restricted to 100mg (10mg bits) or low concentration products.
Imagine being such a shill you try to argue tobacco, one of the leading causes of cancer in usamerica, is better than pot the leading cause of hot cheetos and indegestion.
People talk about how weed is "healthier" than alcohol, but dont want to talk about the amounts of people that smoke it that only do it because its legal and very easy to get a hold of. And the amount of people that go from weed to shrooms and acid
Raw, 100% tobacco and marijuana are fine in moderation imo. You can overdose on bananas, so if you tell me that cigars are toxic, then you are also saying bananas are toxic.
I'm all for people putting whatever they choose to in their bodies. Not my pig, not my farm.
Only recently am i getting into cigars and whiskey at 32 years old and abstaining from drugs other than caffeine. Went through a couple really big hard events and am trying to figure out who I am now.
I don't give 2 shits if marijuana is legal but I think from the Libertarian perspective it's irresponsible to brush off all known negative side effects as pharmaceuticals wanting that dollar and to lie about it curing cancer (not help ease in terminal cancer patients which it may do but outright cure it)
I enjoy both cannabis and cigars immensely. I usually have a cigar after dinner with a good drink, and on weekends (or long workdays) i'll smoke a bowl.
Do you smoke cigars at all? And how many partake of marijuana? What are your opinions on each?
My fav cigar: CAO MX2 Boxpress
I don't think smoking cannabis offers medical benefits, taking it in an edible form that gets processed by the liver does offer medical benefits. The Rick Simpson documentary "run from the cure" shows that. Im not opposed to people smoking cannabis but its recreational.
Personally I like a beer or 2 with dinner, and a glass or 2 of bourbon before I go to bed, which helps with sleep.
I do see a big difference between real hand rolled cigars compared to cigarettes, obviously someone who smokes a big cigar isn't the person going outside on break to puff on one. Its the cigarette smokers who do that.
There is ZERO benefit to tobacco use. Marijuana has many medical benefits, mainly with CBD. THC has some medical use. I use neither as i dont want to be ruled by the demon that is nicotine addiction, Yes its a demon.
I smoke cigars when im high
It can also aid the symptoms of some mental health disorders like panic disorders and major depression, I have had this discussion with my psychiatrist if appropriately dosed it can be beneficial. Which I use cannabis/marijuana for. You know I don’t do stupid things while I use this medication either- I treat it responsibly like any other psychoactive substance. I can already buy soda that has 100+mg in it- but only with my medical card. Without a medical card you are restricted to 100mg (10mg bits) or low concentration products.
This is the same guy who made a video 8 years ago bashing weed
Wow, he's grown up a lot.
Imagine being such a shill you try to argue tobacco, one of the leading causes of cancer in usamerica, is better than pot the leading cause of hot cheetos and indegestion.
I smoke weed everyday, it really isn't good for u. Tryna cut down
People talk about how weed is "healthier" than alcohol, but dont want to talk about the amounts of people that smoke it that only do it because its legal and very easy to get a hold of. And the amount of people that go from weed to shrooms and acid
Raw, 100% tobacco and marijuana are fine in moderation imo. You can overdose on bananas, so if you tell me that cigars are toxic, then you are also saying bananas are toxic.
Weed should be legal everywhere.
i smoke hella weed
I'm all for people putting whatever they choose to in their bodies. Not my pig, not my farm.
Only recently am i getting into cigars and whiskey at 32 years old and abstaining from drugs other than caffeine. Went through a couple really big hard events and am trying to figure out who I am now.
tl;dr smoke fat blunts
I don't give 2 shits if marijuana is legal but I think from the Libertarian perspective it's irresponsible to brush off all known negative side effects as pharmaceuticals wanting that dollar and to lie about it curing cancer (not help ease in terminal cancer patients which it may do but outright cure it)
If you're going to Crowder for facts get help!
Ofc crowder prefers cigars over weed, as anything even remotely related to black culture he's against
Blunts Bottles and Big Booty Bitches are the key to happiness
I suggest people use CBD over nicotine
dont ever talk shit on my boy fievels second movie:(
Weed: real life blue pill
Psilocybin: real life red pill
I’ll tell you weed helped me sooo much with trouble going to sleep
I enjoy both cannabis and cigars immensely. I usually have a cigar after dinner with a good drink, and on weekends (or long workdays) i'll smoke a bowl.
Yessir! Way to keep the DRUGS off the streets!!
watched this hella high
That's true why not just call em weeds
Adderall is far more harmful than marijuana.
I dont smoke weed or tobacco.
Adderall did me a great deal of harm though.
anybody else watching this high as giraffe pussy?
27 Missed Calls Joe Rogan