1. my first time eating edibles i was high for 2/3 days and i felt like i was seeing everything in lag and slow motion, my mouth was so dry that my lips were sticking to my gums and at a certain point when my friend was asking me if i was good standing behind me i thought he was jesus and good lord it was scary but great at the same time

  2. Done edibles a few times & I can say that personally they just aren't for me. I completely get what he means when he says they're a "complete different drug" to smoking weed. My single worst trip was from an edible & I honestly don't want to experience that again.

  3. Makes sense that my first experience into the drug world was with a pot brownie and I ended up blacking out or passing out lol woke up with my body all dripping with sweat and my eye sight was filled with stars was not fun. I swore that was the last time I would
    Experiment with psycho actives but I was wrong lol.

  4. I used to smoke so much weed in high school and eat so many brownies. I graduated in 2004 I’m glad I don’t smoke weed anymore because holy crap with those edible gummy’s I probably would have fell in love with those things

  5. I've had edible pot and it fucked me up to the point I couldn't even move which didn't take long after the tunnel vision hit, I felt heavy like an elephant and at the same time light as a feather, but the visuals and hearing my rapid heartbeat were by far the worst part.

  6. I made space chocolate milk with 0.5gram gorilla hasish. That was way too much. I think it must have been over 150mg of thc in there. I would not recommend it in those dosages.

  7. The fact that joe is a liberal and so open minded gives me faith in this world to be honest and recognize that pot is a drug and realize that it can hurt people is a very independent realization

  8. I ate this edible one time from a store and 3 hours later felt fine so I thought these mfs were fucking with me so I decided to eat a few of the bars I bought Chocolate hazzle nut some shit lik that you know an I’m pretty fucked up rn

  9. First time I tried edibles, I ate a full 230mg cookie. Fell asleep before it hit me and I woke up in the middle of the night GONE. I was praying in my head “God if you get me through the night, I will never touch weed again!” 🤣💀

  10. Edible pot is strong yo….. idk how to describe it but it was definitely an experience. I also did 14.5 grams of mushrooms and that trip was bad … I heard u don’t get the trip that u want u get what u need … that’s felt like hell maybe I was just in a bad state . But edibles man … yikes

  11. Ive ate ive eaten 3000mg and smoked maybe a gram last few hours is that alot..the sweets are so fking tasty man…I've 7200mg left should i eat them? I ate 2500ug lsd last week and it was fking awesome..along with some md..few few weeks ago i freaked out on only 500ug lsd..all for the bigger picture 😁

  12. I took a large edibal and then an edibal with CBD in it and I listened to the song nothing else matters buy metalica and idek how to put it into words but it was so beautiful I could hear the guitar so boldly, it really hit something deep down inside but not in a bad way and I just started to cry

  13. I went to a hospital with my parents because of edible pot had a batch for my friends but after an hour when I didn't feel anything (beofre this I only had no edible experience) and thought hunh, and had like 3 or 4 and then ended up saying someone force fed me.

  14. I take edibles quite often knowing I'm gonna be HURRRRRT 😵 it's not fun at all but when I come back and start getting the munchies but it's still intense asf i love it but I only do marijuana products tho never tried anything else kinda scared to 😬

  15. LSD is a combination of rat poison and speed and it feels like you are on a combination of rat poison and speed. Shrooms does the same thing but less intense. Ingesting cannabis edibles, RSO or tincture is a way better psychedelic experience

  16. I watched the Superbowl on lsd, nobody had a clue and I've never had a "bad" trip. On shrooms or lsd. I've had some strange ones but I never considered them bad. Also microdosed shrooms for a few months. It reminded me of limitless without the crash

  17. ive been smoking for like 12 years but in my beginning times the fist times i started smoking alone in the evening (dont do that) i got so high idk what happened but i had full on visual hallucinations like seriously my room startzed to shift into a desert like scene it was freaking crazy never had that tho after

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