I just bought into the Eagle CBD scam that has Mayim Bialiks name all over it. I got half refunded, but wish I had seen a video direct from Mayim disputing the scam.
I lived so stressed and tight and full of inflammation then I got rid of my stress and started guided mediations like she is talking about that walk you through the different parts of the body and relaxing them and it has been life changing. I have MS and have not had a flare up since. It is 100% stress and how you process it
Somehow my lower back is pinching nerves in my legs.. Anyway, mainly at night once I lay down I get restless leg syndrome type symptoms. Really bad. But as soon as I heard what you were talking about I had to testify that most of the time when it’s happening I am not relaxing my muscles. Once I focus on relaxing my muscles it eases up tremendously. The mind is definitely a powerful thing.
This definitely works for people! But for me I need some help with it because what I’ve ended up doing is becoming obsessed with mind-body syndrome, analysing my thoughts constantly, analysing meditation and presence constantly… and I don’t know how to break that cycle! Any suggestions please?
Less back surgeries = less money for hospitals and staff. Doctors suggesting healthy free alternatives to surgery, is like a realtor suggesting renting an Apartment.
I wonder if there is a relationship nwirh long COVID and the mindbody conection. Many of my long COVID symptoms if not all are due to this. And I say it because i still having a fear problem. I could say that I thoug that I could get it and I got it. I will not to talk about my sensations but I've of the started as i was told that it happened to someone's and o read a meme that was related to it. have some exceptions. Like my long COVID symptoms went await when I was having a hard cold. For example. Some one needs to see the brain of people that just got COVID and try to predict Wich ones will get long COVID just as they did with cronic back pain. Sue to my epxeriece I'm sure that most of the long COVID cases are due to fear and anxiety about the pandemic and not knowing anything about how our bodies are going to react. In other words a world wide nocive effect
The most dangerous thing to pain sufferers is surgeons who see anything less than perfect on CTs and MRIs and declare “ahh I see it. There it is. Your disc is narrowed. I must drill it out and fuse your spine”
Yep. Type A here. I've done work to work through that which I've been holding. "Breathing through it" has not resonated/clicked yet, but perhaps reading this will help me work it through. I needed to hear this, and am so glad I found your channel/podcast.
Also, I can't be the only one that'd still like to be Mayim's friend after "meeting" her 30-ish years ago, LOL! Seriously, she is outstanding in every way imaginable. Again, thank you for bringing this up.
Please please please book Nicole sachs on your podcasts. I went to Dr sarno 30 years ago. Haven't had backaches since. I've had other tms symptom imperatives, finding Nicole's podcast The cure for chronic pain changed my life on another level. Also Dan Buglio. Dr Dan Ratner. You must book Nicole yesterday. Yes this is revolutionary.
I am SO glad I found this channel and want you two to have a million followers. Will share in my pain group. My life and family read exactly like Dr Gabor Mate’s “When the Body Says No”. Parents both grew up in WWII Germany and did not learn very awesome parenting skills… I am trying to stop the cycle of trauma but it’s hard. Now that my mind has woken up to it, my body is coming apart at 58. Thank u!!!
Oh. My. Goodness! I haven't even finished the episode, but you're speaking to me! I find myself clenching my jaw and holding my breath from time to time. I have a lot of back pain from this last year. I definitely need to learn more about this! Thank you Mayim!!
A few years ago I realized I was holding pain. My work stress was affecting my overall health. I quit my job. That's when I found that I never really relaxed. Not even when I went to bed. I started letting go of that tension and pain. This realization has made a big difference in my life.
Thank you for doing this. I was literally scrunching my for head when I was watching this and I literally am having the same experience as Ellisia. I’m going to look into this right away.
Not talking about muscles…i have kidney stones. A sharp pointy crystal passing through the most sensitive parts of your body is going to cause severe pain. No matter what
Firstly, love the Podcast. Secondly, rewatching Blossom and must say I still love it as I did as a kid. Love that Blossom is a "normal" teenager and not overly sexed like so many teenage girls are portrayed in shows today and even in the 90's.
I new a guy he use to go I to pubs with his friends and then he had this all over body tense and was in pain and everytime he did that he went home to have a really hot bath to relieve it, trouble is me talking to this guy made me focus on my body and bam I am suffering, he he didn't point it out I would have been great!
Ms Bialik, I have HUGE respect for you. I wanted to settle that first. But for four years, freshman to senior year of high school, my back pain was first blamed on my weight, then on the fact I was taking a high-stress academic schedule, plus working in the school’s theatre, plus having a job at my city’s zoo. Finally, a mistake was made, and after I can’t remember how many front to back X-rays, I was turned on my side, again, unintentionally. Finally, I was diagnosed with Schuermanns Kyphosis and Schuermanns Disease, and in six months I would have started to suffocate from my spine pushing my diaphragm and lungs so much I wouldn’t have been able to breathe. My doctor brought in a specialist, they trained for as short a period of time while making sure they could do the surgery safely and effectively (it is a rare disease, Richard of York supposedly had it, and only within the last 25-30 years were people surviving and walking after the surgery). I had excellent surgeons and specialists, but this is basically what happened: two stainless steel Herrington rods on either side of the spine, then shatter the spine, and rebuilding it like a Jenga tower with bits of bone, bits of steel, and 12 stainless steel nails to keep it erect. I am fused from T3 to L5. I can no longer do half or more of what filled my life because I also developed fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I do agree ones outlook effects how you feel and deal with pain. But it isn’t all in your head, and it’s not all because you clench your muscles. There are times that, even with my opiate pain meds, I don’t sleep for multiple days in a row, because the slightest pressure on any part of my body is too much and I cry all night, when I am alone and no one can see me. Those days are the hardest. What helps me is realizing pain, in various forms, is universal. But suffering from pain is a personal choice you make, and then I surrender, and I might pass out for just a few hours, but those few hours can keep me sane until the flare is gone and my normal day/ night sleeping schedule is re established. It’s not all in my head, but my choices about it are. Btw, I loved you in TBBT. You made being a nerd cool. Thank you. Also, I admire you went after both your passions, then your third; a family. Talk about balance! Big fan.
How many folks out there have had a meditation body scan? Who is your audience? I can't even take this 5 minute segment. Oh, years ago they called it bio-feedback until they realized that was nonsense too.
Thanks for reposting this clip! I forgot I downloaded that book during that episode and today I'm recovering from recurring back pain I triggered yesterday.
I aggree fully, this realisation saved me when I had my beakdown/burnout. My body went into total fail mode, I was unable to walk for days. I quickly learned body and mind are one. I do have chronic pain due to arthrosis and rheuma and even those are worse when I am stressed. In my case stress pain travells which is weird to me. The pain in itself is always the same but just in a different location, the newest one is my jaw, I do have arthrosis in that side of my jaw, had that for years now but due to recent stress (wanting to move and now the actual move) it started to hurt and that one sucks! But it does prevent stress eating so thats a plus hahaha.
I do want to give the sidenote that people do need to know their body real well and be totally honest because pain can be a sign of things real serious (like cancer) and those diagnoses can be missed when people think its all mental….I know my body too well now, to the point doctors and dentists either hate or respect me. I dont go in a dentist office with "some tooth on the right hurts" but "my 2nd to last molar on the right bottom has an infection" they dont like that (especially since I have yet to be proven wrong) and it was real scary when I knew I had an infection spreading through my jawbone and no dentist wanted to listen. I finally found one and within the hour they pulled the molar and scraped my jaw clean of infection, I had to go onto anti biotics for 2 weeks. It could have killed me….but i'm still here and learned a valuable lesson…
Interesting did not know this will have to do my own research
I just bought into the Eagle CBD scam that has Mayim Bialiks name all over it. I got half refunded, but wish I had seen a video direct from Mayim disputing the scam.
I lived so stressed and tight and full of inflammation then I got rid of my stress and started guided mediations like she is talking about that walk you through the different parts of the body and relaxing them and it has been life changing. I have MS and have not had a flare up since. It is 100% stress and how you process it
Somehow my lower back is pinching nerves in my legs.. Anyway, mainly at night once I lay down I get restless leg syndrome type symptoms. Really bad. But as soon as I heard what you were talking about I had to testify that most of the time when it’s happening I am not relaxing my muscles. Once I focus on relaxing my muscles it eases up tremendously. The mind is definitely a powerful thing.
Great information. Now we have to learn on what to do. Thanks for sharing

This definitely works for people! But for me I need some help with it because what I’ve ended up doing is becoming obsessed with mind-body syndrome, analysing my thoughts constantly, analysing meditation and presence constantly… and I don’t know how to break that cycle! Any suggestions please?
Just to add I have ADHD xxx
Less back surgeries = less money for hospitals and staff.
Doctors suggesting healthy free alternatives to surgery, is like a realtor suggesting renting an Apartment.
I wonder if there is a relationship nwirh long COVID and the mindbody conection. Many of my long COVID symptoms if not all are due to this. And I say it because i still having a fear problem. I could say that I thoug that I could get it and I got it. I will not to talk about my sensations but I've of the started as i was told that it happened to someone's and o read a meme that was related to it. have some exceptions. Like my long COVID symptoms went await when I was having a hard cold. For example. Some one needs to see the brain of people that just got COVID and try to predict Wich ones will get long COVID just as they did with cronic back pain. Sue to my epxeriece I'm sure that most of the long COVID cases are due to fear and anxiety about the pandemic and not knowing anything about how our bodies are going to react. In other words a world wide nocive effect
The most dangerous thing to pain sufferers is surgeons who see anything less than perfect on CTs and MRIs and declare “ahh I see it. There it is. Your disc is narrowed. I must drill it out and fuse your spine”
Yep. Type A here. I've done work to work through that which I've been holding. "Breathing through it" has not resonated/clicked yet, but perhaps reading this will help me work it through.
I needed to hear this, and am so glad I found your channel/podcast.
Also, I can't be the only one that'd still like to be Mayim's friend after "meeting" her 30-ish years ago, LOL! Seriously, she is outstanding in every way imaginable. Again, thank you for bringing this up.
Would you like to find out about the cure for headaches to include the migraine and the dreaded 'hang-over' headache?
Since you are a brain scientist, I think you may be amazed just how easy the cure is. Perfectly natural.
Not a con.
Please please please book Nicole sachs on your podcasts. I went to Dr sarno 30 years ago. Haven't had backaches since. I've had other tms symptom imperatives, finding Nicole's podcast The cure for chronic pain changed my life on another level. Also Dan Buglio. Dr Dan Ratner. You must book Nicole yesterday. Yes this is revolutionary.
So true Mayim when I feel stressed pain I sit without crossing my legs and breath and the pain goes away.
I am SO glad I found this channel and want you two to have a million followers. Will share in my pain group. My life and family read exactly like Dr Gabor Mate’s “When the Body Says No”. Parents both grew up in WWII Germany and did not learn very awesome parenting skills… I am trying to stop the cycle of trauma but it’s hard. Now that my mind has woken up to it, my body is coming apart at 58. Thank u!!!
pure gorgeousness ! period
It would be useful if you can list the sources you mention (in the video) in the description. Just a small suggestion
Oh. My. Goodness! I haven't even finished the episode, but you're speaking to me! I find myself clenching my jaw and holding my breath from time to time. I have a lot of back pain from this last year. I definitely need to learn more about this! Thank you Mayim!!
As a rule I'm not a celebrity person but you are Authentic… I like you!!!
In 1980 to 82 in college i took an interdynamics class instead of speach. We learned how to relax our whole body .make our body temp lower as well.
A few years ago I realized I was holding pain. My work stress was affecting my overall health. I quit my job. That's when I found that I never really relaxed. Not even when I went to bed. I started letting go of that tension and pain. This realization has made a big difference in my life.
The way she speak very smart
To that I've only read the mindbody code so far. So interesting!!!
I am getting certified in hypnosis right now and just want to submit that it has been successfully used for pain relief for many, many years.
Thank you for doing this. I was literally scrunching my for head when I was watching this and I literally am having the same experience as Ellisia. I’m going to look into this right away.
Makes so much sense! Thank you!
Not talking about muscles…i have kidney stones. A sharp pointy crystal passing through the most sensitive parts of your body is going to cause severe pain. No matter what
you were awesome on Blossom and The Big Bang theory
Firstly, love the Podcast. Secondly, rewatching Blossom and must say I still love it as I did as a kid. Love that Blossom is a "normal" teenager and not overly sexed like so many teenage girls are portrayed in shows today and even in the 90's.
I new a guy he use to go I to pubs with his friends and then he had this all over body tense and was in pain and everytime he did that he went home to have a really hot bath to relieve it, trouble is me talking to this guy made me focus on my body and bam I am suffering, he he didn't point it out I would have been great!
All over and my stupid head won't let it go. I am stuck in a pattern.
I'd love to hear her thoughts on fibromyalgia and disabling synesthesia, such as mirror-touch/audio-touch and misophonia.
Great points and tips.
Book “ When the body says no” by Gabor Mate
Ms Bialik, I have HUGE respect for you. I wanted to settle that first. But for four years, freshman to senior year of high school, my back pain was first blamed on my weight, then on the fact I was taking a high-stress academic schedule, plus working in the school’s theatre, plus having a job at my city’s zoo. Finally, a mistake was made, and after I can’t remember how many front to back X-rays, I was turned on my side, again, unintentionally. Finally, I was diagnosed with Schuermanns Kyphosis and Schuermanns Disease, and in six months I would have started to suffocate from my spine pushing my diaphragm and lungs so much I wouldn’t have been able to breathe. My doctor brought in a specialist, they trained for as short a period of time while making sure they could do the surgery safely and effectively (it is a rare disease, Richard of York supposedly had it, and only within the last 25-30 years were people surviving and walking after the surgery).
I had excellent surgeons and specialists, but this is basically what happened: two stainless steel Herrington rods on either side of the spine, then shatter the spine, and rebuilding it like a Jenga tower with bits of bone, bits of steel, and 12 stainless steel nails to keep it erect. I am fused from T3 to L5. I can no longer do half or more of what filled my life because I also developed fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
I do agree ones outlook effects how you feel and deal with pain. But it isn’t all in your head, and it’s not all because you clench your muscles. There are times that, even with my opiate pain meds, I don’t sleep for multiple days in a row, because the slightest pressure on any part of my body is too much and I cry all night, when I am alone and no one can see me. Those days are the hardest.
What helps me is realizing pain, in various forms, is universal. But suffering from pain is a personal choice you make, and then I surrender, and I might pass out for just a few hours, but those few hours can keep me sane until the flare is gone and my normal day/ night sleeping schedule is re established. It’s not all in my head, but my choices about it are.
Btw, I loved you in TBBT. You made being a nerd cool. Thank you. Also, I admire you went after both your passions, then your third; a family. Talk about balance! Big fan.
How many folks out there have had a meditation body scan? Who is your audience? I can't even take this 5 minute segment. Oh, years ago they called it bio-feedback until they realized that was nonsense too.
Thanks for reposting this clip! I forgot I downloaded that book during that episode and today I'm recovering from recurring back pain I triggered yesterday.
I aggree fully, this realisation saved me when I had my beakdown/burnout. My body went into total fail mode, I was unable to walk for days. I quickly learned body and mind are one.
I do have chronic pain due to arthrosis and rheuma and even those are worse when I am stressed.
In my case stress pain travells which is weird to me. The pain in itself is always the same but just in a different location, the newest one is my jaw, I do have arthrosis in that side of my jaw, had that for years now but due to recent stress (wanting to move and now the actual move) it started to hurt and that one sucks! But it does prevent stress eating so thats a plus hahaha.
I do want to give the sidenote that people do need to know their body real well and be totally honest because pain can be a sign of things real serious (like cancer) and those diagnoses can be missed when people think its all mental….I know my body too well now, to the point doctors and dentists either hate or respect me. I dont go in a dentist office with "some tooth on the right hurts" but "my 2nd to last molar on the right bottom has an infection" they dont like that (especially since I have yet to be proven wrong) and it was real scary when I knew I had an infection spreading through my jawbone and no dentist wanted to listen. I finally found one and within the hour they pulled the molar and scraped my jaw clean of infection, I had to go onto anti biotics for 2 weeks. It could have killed me….but i'm still here and learned a valuable lesson…