Intermediate CBD Oil and Lung Cancer | Hope With Answers℠

Learn more detailed information about CBD and lung cancer in this intermediate video from Hope with Answers. Our intermediate …


  1. The doctor smoked it once, it had no effect! Come on!
    All doctors: "We don't know….There's no studies…..I wouldn't recommend it…..Ask your doctor…."
    Don't even bother letting your doctors know you are trying it. They're injecting you with toxic poisons and frying your tissues with radiation and they are "concerned" with the effects on your treatment?

  2. Here is one that might work here :

    My Guess is it helps purge Oxidative Lymphocytes. I found an Oxidation medicine on Youku Pharmaceuticals section of the videos where they found a drug and the area of oxidation in the cell that split causing acid or yellowing and went back to get t he name of it and couldnt find it. But thought CBC might be of similar un-oxidation quality.

  3. It is amazing using Herbalist Dr sakura natural remedy, he cured my sister's breast cancer stage 4 completely without any side effects or harm. you can search for herbalist dr sakura on YouTube to get your ailment cure as well. his a great healer…..

  4. My dad is about to start treatment for lung cancer and I told him I want him to take CBD oil as well. How do I introduce it to him? How does he start taking it or consuming it?

  5. I am 54 years old.i had arthritis from age 13 the doctor said it was brought on by a bout of flu and my immune system started attacking my hip joint. I had pain and aches on and off 40 years ago I stopped eating meat and dairy products and all my pain went away. Now no drugs just started a CBD trial to see if I can regain flexibility and my greatest surprise it work 💯 for me you can still order your own via

  6. So for an untreatable stage 4 breast cancer in a 40 year old woman (mother of 5 year old), because of plerual effusion weakening her body too much, what would be the best way to take CBD oil? How much per day? Start with newbie info please.

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