1. So if it passes it'll still be illegal for me? "Nadler’s MORE Act would deschedule marijuana by removing it from the list of federally banned drugs under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). However, it would not require states to legalize cannabis and would maintain a level of regulatory discretion up to states." And in my state alcohol is king, the senators just shut down a medical marijuana bill and said If you don't like it vote them when it's time to vote. I'm confused on what this act would mean for me in a state like this.

  2. I’m a Christian who is very pro cannabis, I’ve yet to get a good answer from anybody why its bad on a moral/philosophical basis…only ever gotten answers to why it’s good (I bring this up because it’s mostly fellow Christian’s who fight really hard against against its legalization)

  3. The stupid thing is that gas stations which sell beer and wine and tobacco near schools I used to get my smokes at one near my highschool when I was 18. How is that ok? And as a parent how dare these idiots say protect our kids when alcohol and tobacco can be sold near schools and cases of teachers having sex with students recently and they want to say protect our kids I'm sick of that cop out. As parents we need to protect our it's our job not an elected official who doesn't even care about adults either

  4. The only thing about America people loved ,Was freedom, free market even though you still couldn't make any money, by Law. Now without that ? it's hated . It'll probably will be destroyed Now. No reason to keep America around. Curse's Biden !

  5. they wanna test someone who works, pick me! I'm a forklift operator and team leader at my job. never hit anyone or anything. smoking when I go home don't effect my work performance AT ALL when i come back 12 hours later!!! #freetch

  6. Over three generations is an unacceptable ammount of time to wait. I seem to remember, "keep it simple"… maybe they drink too much and don't need steps? Passing laws on imagined potential crimes. Isn't complicating things a known control issue mentioned in drinking?
    Maybe if the senators and higher ups have to go dry… put them all on antabuse for a few months… only permit them to smoke for a month or two. Call it a final safety test. Then remove it from all oppressive laws. No federal schedules, no bs. Hey, I know… No way any of that silliness will happen. But wouldn't it be nice if we could demand emancipation from offensive laws the wealthy don't suffer?
    And in future, only permit laws that help people (over corporations) get into this obviously high potential market. Big corps don't build communities. They destroy them. People are community. If they really wanted an open, safer, legal market… it was once simple. Make it that way again.
    Get out of the way. Let it grow!

  7. It is about $5,000 for a license to open a liquor store in New York. I think that the Reefer Madness generation is almost all gone. A lot of people actually believe it. I think that's why my parents hated weed so bad that they would throw me out of the house for smoking. So how does it be fair for someone who got arrested for a weed charge if they can't afford to buy a license would cost $210,000? There's something wrong with the whole thing. My own doctor says weed is not as bad as cigarettes for you. I would like to know why they say You're supposed to wait for them to start selling it before you can grow it in New York? And what is the crime if you did? I don't see how it could even be a crime. that is blatantly obvious that they want you to buy it from them it's like the mafia you better buy from us! I don't even want to buy it for my dealer cuz he is too greedy also in the grey market. I thought it would go down in price since there is such a huge supply these days compared to back in the seventies. In the 70s when we threw out seeds and now it is $90 for five LOL. Is it legal to get seeds probably not. How are all the greedy people going to make money? They will have to sell it cheaper than the street I mean a gray market. Is it true that you cannot have a carry permit if you get a medical marijuana license? Actually I don't even want acarry permit… but why should you give up your right? It's s h u r l y seems like a violation of the Constitution.? Is that Panama red? Did you know that YouTube probably put your videos at the bottom on purpose like they doing me because I did not become a partner?

  8. I'm kinda hopeful, swear I heard TN house of reps has bill in commity to totally decriminalize : pocession of up to 60grams. Transferable between Adults, and up to 12 plants grown on your on property, I'm pretty sure just a pipe dream , ideal thing for me. Also this is the same house of reps that wanted an amendment to the state constitution, " forever baning Cannabis" about 6mos ago. Idk I'm not gonna hold my breath. Sounds good.

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