Yoga For Back Pain | Yoga Basics | Yoga With Adriene

YOGA FOR BACK PAIN. BACK TO BASICS and NEW YOGA ROOM! Hooray! With so many requests for back relief and an …


  1. I hurt my back yesterday and I’ve been in pain since. I tried ibuprofen, a heating pad and some bio freeze and nothing really helped. I used to practice yoga about 3 years ago but I moved somewhere that is hard to find a good class. I thought I would try to find a yoga video for back pain and try it today. I came across you and did two of your videos. The pain is almost all gone now. 🙌🏻. I’m glad I found you here. I can’t wait to do other videos of yours. 💜

  2. After a long day of work and my back was hurting I came into my gym on the Mat to do these stretches. First 5 mins in of laying on your back relaxing and breathing I had fallen asleep. 🤣

  3. I loowve that after 6 years, Adrienne kept the same room and same intro outro. I loowve that her positive attitude carried on for so long after so many years. I thank her for being human and have a range of emotions and im thankful that her videos are always a positive space for myself and many other people

  4. First time to the channel, Friday yoga before work was my favorite pass time years ago and I am certainly going to continue this FROM NOW ON !

  5. Thank you beautiful, I haven't done yoga in a while and this made me feel back to myself. I love how you let your personality peek through the practice too.

  6. Thankyou Adriene…Ive been suffering back pain for several years so im so glad to find your video. Im doing a 28 day challenge to get me into this new habit of daily yoga exercise. its so soothing how you talk us through each pose without too much pressure to perform a perfect pose! Thankyou!

  7. Due to an inexplicable onset of lower back arthritis, I tried this out. I felt INSTANTLY better after this very straight forward and easy to follow class, I am literally without pain for the first time in 8 days. Even my pricey osteopath didn’t have this much of an impact.

    I think I need more Yoga in my life.

    Thank you!

  8. I come back to this video when I know my body needs it the most!! Usually when my body is screaming for me to get on the mat. This time with you is AMAZING!!! Thank you, thank you!! 🥰🥰🥰

  9. I’m having a very hard time being able to see the poses/learn how to do them while doing them. I’m flat my back in my living room and thusly can’t see the tv screen well

  10. Such a good little Yoga session.. I injured my back 10 days ago and was bed written. I started this yoga 7 days ago, and am now back walking, and even back cycling. Amazing. It's now part of my permanent morning routine

  11. I've been doing an insane amount of at-home exercises for the past several months and my back was destroyed by that but this video absolutely cured that.

  12. Hi I have been suffering from schermanns and I’ve torn pretty much every muscle in back from playing rugby especially suffering in pain in my shoulder blade could you do a video for this please it would be great!

  13. Thank you so much for your videos on back pain , lower back love etc. they have really helped ease my discomfort and have been able to walk again with my dog 🙂

  14. I have some ongoing back pain that causes a fair bit of anxiety and stress and general misery. This video has helped me so much over the past couple weeks since I discovered it. Thank you so much!

  15. Hi Adriene! I recently found my way to your channel. I haven't done much yoga before, so this is all foreign to me. But I'm just coming out of a very chaotic environment. I just stopped teaching in a third grade classroom; the dynamics that were going on were causing me to continue to get sick. It felt like a war zone in there; the amount of behaviors that were going on in the classroom made it very difficult to teach at all. I had students coming up to me saying they didn't feel safe; but I was doing all that I could: calling parents, writing kids up, and coming out with various rewards systems for positive behavior both individually and classwide. But still the behaviors continued on without any resolve. It kept intensifying. It got to the point where every day I went in I was experiencing health effects. I made the difficult decision to step away from the classroom to focus on my health.

    All of that to say, I have been working on restoring trust with my body. I was so shut off to how stressed I was that it took my body stiff-arrming me (through nausea and intense sickness) to make me stop. I feel like I am trying to come out of an addiction to overstimulation and trauma. I am wanting to put my health first. I recently got both a fitness trainer and a nutritionist. In addition to those things, I want to get in touch with my breathing and movement exercises that help me focus on what is actually going on inside of me. "Is there pain present? Does that stretch feel good? Do I need to do the less intense version? Do I need to skip that movement altogether?" These are questions that you or anyone else can't answer for me. Only I can. I have to look inward and ask myself what is going on and then make the appropriate adjustments necessary.

    Lastly, there are a lot of different yoga coaches out there and a plethora of yoga videos and I have been looking at many of them. However, I am drawn to your videos for a few reasons: (1) the presence that you carry. There is this deep sense of peace and safety that emanates from you. From the tone of your voice to the different ways to modify the movements, I felt like I (a yoga novice) can fully trust your instruction. (2) Your explicit instruction to get in touch with what is going on inside of our bodies. To stop if it hurts, to do a more advanced move if we can't feel the stretch. I feel like the explicit instruction you give is helping me to restore the trust with my body: that I feel and "hear" what it is communicating and I will make the appropriate modifications that I need to. (3) the overall peace that I experience. Again, this may go back to the presence thing. But I've watched videos where it is all about the moves or the breathing and to me it feels forced. But when I watch your videos I feel like I can fully relax and focus on the breathing and the movements. I realize this was a long comment, but I wanted to say that I'm glad to be a part of this huge community (ALMOST 11 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS!!!) and I look forward to explore the many other videos that you have put out. Thanks for who you are and what you do, Adriene!

  16. This was really nice. The guidance into and throughout the pigeon pose helped me to remember to activate the feet for more connectivity. 🙏 reclined twist was very similar. Thanks ⭐️

  17. I have been plagued by back pain for over a decade – PT, shots, chiropractor and acupuncture. The chiropractor and acupuncture worked best – but only last about a week. Nothing worked to alleviate the chronic, daily, limiting back pain until Yoga with Adriene for back pain. I cannot be more grateful to you – I do it daily – no consistent pain at all. When I go to the chiropractor now she barely has to do anything. I have not been without constant chronic dull pain for 10 years until now – thank you! I am going to stick with this one for quite some time and then ry another.

  18. A huge thank u for this video as a 15 year old student I have been experiencing major back pains the past years when I was 12 because of lifting so much stuff in my bag on my way upstairs through the 4th floor on my class then it got worse during the pandemic always sitting during online classes and doing activities while always sitting I pray to God that my back pains and neck pains will be gone soon thank u very much maam!💓

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